必修5 unit5 first aid

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《必修5 unit5 first aid》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《必修5 unit5 first aid(64页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 5 First aid,考纲知识预览,熟记单词,1. (vi.& vt.) (使)噎住,使(窒息) 2. (n.& vt.) 帮助,援助,资助 3. (n.& vt.) 毒药;毒害,使中毒 4. vi.& vt.) (使)膨胀,隆起 5. (n.& v) 损害 6. (n.& v) 礼品,礼物;提交,颁发,choke,aid,poison,swell,damage,present,考纲知识预览,7. (vi.& vt.) 流血 8. (adj.) 温和的,轻微的,温柔的 9. (n.) 感觉,理解,意义 10. (n.) (生物)组织,薄的织物,手巾纸 11. (v.) 认可,公认

2、12. (vt.& vi.) 榨,挤,压榨,bleed,mild,sense,tissue,recognize,squeeze,考纲知识预览,翻译词组,1榨出,挤出 2急救 3生病 4一再地,反复 5在适当的位置,适当 6.许多,若干 7有影响,起(重要)作用,squeeze out,first aid,fall ill,over and over again,in place,a number of,make a difference,考纲知识预览,8坚持 9因给人以荣誉 10找到 11包扎伤口 12把运用于 13阻止某人做某事14保护不受伤害,stick to,honor sb.for.,

3、put ones hands on,dress an injury,apply.to.,prevent sb.from doing sth.,protect.from,考纲知识预览,背诵句型,If possible,discuss what kind of first aid you should give in these situations. 如果可能的话,讨论一下在这些情况下你应该选择什么样的急救。 例句仿写 (1)I want to be a pilot if possible. 如果可能的话,我想做一个飞行员。 (2)If necessary,please contact us.

4、如有需要,请与我们联系。,巧学活用,名师一线讲坛,1. aid n& vt. 帮助;援助;资助 (1)by/with the aid of sb.with sb.s aid在某人的帮助下 in aid of用以援助 go/come to sb.s aid去/来援助某人 do/give/offer/perform/carry out first aid进行急救 call in ones aid请某人帮忙,名师一线讲坛,(2)aid sb.in sth./doing sth.在某方面帮助某人 aid sb.with sth.以某事物帮助某人 aid sb.to do sth.帮助某人做某事,名师一

5、线讲坛,即境活用,1完成句子 (1)We are collecting money _(资助那些失去家园的人) in the earthquake in Sichuan Province. (2)They encouraged and _(帮助他搞科研),名师一线讲坛,(3)They _(用钱帮助这个贫穷的乡村) 答案:(1)in aid of the people who have lost their homes (2)aided him in his scientific studies (3)aided the poor country with money,名师一线讲坛,2. pre

6、sent v 赠送,颁发 n 礼物,礼品 present sb.with sth.present sth.to sb.颁发给某人某物,把某物交给某人 present sb.(to sb.)introduce sb.to sb.把介绍给 at present现在 for the present 暂且 give sb.a present给某人一个礼物,名师一线讲坛,即境活用,2完成句子 (1)They _(献花给老师) (2)The mayor _(把银杯授予了获胜者),名师一线讲坛,(3)_(目前),many parents find it hard to communicate with th

7、eir children. 答案:(1)presented flowers to their teacher (2)presented a silver cup to the winner (3)At present,名师一线讲坛,3. squeeze vt.& vi. 榨;挤;压榨 squeeze out榨出;挤出 squeeze.out of/from.把从中榨出来 squeeze into/through.挤进,名师一线讲坛,即境活用,3完成句子 (1)Must you _ (挤牙膏)in the middle? (2)Try to _(再挤出一点儿) out of the tube.,

8、名师一线讲坛,(3)Five of us _(挤进了汽车的后座) 答案:(1)squeeze the toothpaste tube (2)squeeze a bit more (3)squeezed into the back seat of the car,名师一线讲坛,4. apply vt. 涂;敷;搽;应用;运用vi. 申请;请求;使用;有效 apply (to.)for(向)申请 apply to适用于 apply.to.把运用于 apply oneself to.专心于,名师一线讲坛,即境活用,4完成句子 (1)I _ (申请了4所大学)and was accepted by a

9、ll of them. (2)The questions on this part of the form _(只适用于已婚男士) (3)He would do very well _(只要专心致志),名师一线讲坛,(4)This new technology _(已运用于农业) 答案:(1)applied to four universities (2)only apply to married men (3)only if he applied himself to it (4)has been applied to agriculture,名师一线讲坛,5 . damage n& v 损

10、害 damages n赔偿金 cause/do damage造成破坏 irreparable damage无法修复的损害 damage to (property etc.)对(财产等)造成的破坏,名师一线讲坛,damage,destroy,ruin (1)damage常指人的威信,名声或物品的外观、价值、用途等受到损坏,失去或降低其使用价值。 (2)destroy常指彻底破坏,无法修复。 (3)ruin 主要强调毁灭的彻底性,是一次性的行为,即人、物毁坏到不能复存或面目全非的地步。,比较网站,名师一线讲坛,有时ruin还可用于毁坏某种好的或者有用的东西,事后此物虽然存在,却已失去了其优良的特征

11、或特性。,名师一线讲坛,即境活用,5完成句子 (1)The storm _(使庄稼遭受了很大损失) (2)The earthquake _(毁坏了一些建筑物) (3)Many houses _ (被毁)during the typhoon.,名师一线讲坛,(4)My new white dress _(完全被毁了)! (5)The lady required _(总共一万美元赔偿金) 答案:(1)did a lot of damage to the crops (2)damaged several buildings (3)were destroyed (4)was totally ruine

12、d (5)damages to talling $10,000,名师一线讲坛,6. sense n 感觉,理解,意义 bring sb.to his senses使某人恢复理性 come to senses苏醒过来 make sense 讲得通,有意义 make sense of弄懂意思 out of ones senses失去理性,名师一线讲坛,feeling,emotion,sense (1)feeling是普通用语,泛指生理上愉快的或痛苦的感情、情绪,也可指一种观念。 (2)emotion多指精神上的反应,指较强烈的爱与憎,而又能感动人的情感、情绪,即可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词。,比

13、较网站,名师一线讲坛,(3)sense指五种感觉器官中任何的器官及感觉,引申为“理智、理性(复数);意识、含义”等。sense还可作动词讲,指“意识到,领悟”。,名师一线讲坛,即境活用,6完成句子 (1)_ (我不曾想到)my mother would come to see me. (2)She has _(强烈的责任感) (3)Can you _(弄懂这篇文章的意思)?,名师一线讲坛,(4)Tom recite the poem _(充满感情) 答案:(1)I didnt sense (2)a strong sense of duty(3)make sense of this articl

14、e (4)full of emotions,名师一线讲坛,7. in place 适当;在适当的位置 keep/hold.in place保持在适当的位置 out of place在错误的位置,在不当的位置,名师一线讲坛,即境活用,7完成句子 (1)_ (把绷带固定在合适的地方)with tape. (2)_(一切准备就绪),she started the slide show.,名师一线讲坛,(3)I like everything _(都放在原来的地方) 答案:(1)Hold the bandage in place (2)With everything in place (3)to be in place,



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