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1、1,国际商务谈判 (2) 对立型谈判,Distributive bargaining对立型谈判的起始点、目标点和拒绝点拒绝点之间的距离 = 谈判的范围显著特点:自身利益最大化,2,Learning Goals,1、The Basic Elements of a Distributive Bargaining (competitive, win-lose) 2、The Natures of a Distribtutive Negotiation:win-lose 3、Timing of Using a Distributive Negotiation 4、The Distributive Bar

2、gaining Situation 5、Results of Distributive Negotiation 6、Strategies for buyers 7、Information Control 8、Dealing with Typical Hardball Tactics,3,Why should be familiar with distributive bargaining?,Negotiators face some interdependent situations that are distributive,and to do well in them they need

3、to understand how they work. Negotiators need to understand how to counter their effects. Distributive bargaining skills when at the claiming value are required.,4,1、The Basic Elements of a Distributive Bargaining (competitive, win-lose) P32,In a distributive bargaining situation, the goals of one p

4、arty are usually in fundamental and direct conflict with goals of the other party. 在对立型谈判情况下,一方的目标通常和另一方的目标存在根本的和直接的冲突。,5,The Basic Elements of a Distributive Bargaining (competitive, win-lose),Resources (money) are fixed and limited, and both parties want to maximize their share. As a result, each

5、party will use a set of strategies to maximize his or her share of the outcomes to be obtained. One important strategy is to guard information carefully -one party tries to give information to the other oarty only when it provides a strategic advantage.,6,2、The Natures of a Distribtutive Negotiation

6、:win-lose,谈判双方的注意力都集中在如何维护自己的立场,否定对方的立场上。 谈判者只关心自己的需要,以及从谈判中能够得到的利益,而无视对方的需要以及对利益的追求。 他们只看到谈判内在的冲突的一面,总是利用一切机会向对方施加压力,忽视去寻找能兼顾双方需要的合作途径。 谈判各方之间互不信任,可能隐藏、编造信息或千方百计地打探对方信息以增强自身谈判优势。,7,3、Timing of Using a Distributive Negotiation,在 事关自身的根本利益而无退让的余地、 竞争性商务关系(双方目标和利益存在根本冲突,双方追求利益最大化,资源有限)、 一次性交往而不考虑今后合作、

7、 对方思维天真并缺乏洞察利弊得失之能力等场合,运用硬式谈判是有必要的。,8,4、The Distributive Bargaining Situation P33,1)谈判前,双方都应设定自己的起始点,目标点,拒绝点。 2)漫天要价,坐地还钱:买方的起始点低于拒绝点,而卖方的起始点高于拒绝点。 3)积极的谈判空间:双方拒绝点的交集,双方达成一致协议的可能空间。 4)消极的谈判空间:无交集,即卖方拒绝点高于买方拒绝点。,9,1)Establish starting, target and resistance points,starting points are often in the ope

8、ning statements each party makes.(eg. the sellers listing price and the buyers first offer)起始点是在各方开始表述时做出的 The target point is usually learned or inferred as negotiations get under way.目标点时随着谈判的不断深入而逐渐暴露出来的 One party may not learn the others resistance point even after the end of a successful negoti

9、ation.谈判者不愿意接受低于拒绝点的报价,宁愿终止谈判。拒绝点应该是保密的,10,4、The Distributive Bargaining Situation,1)谈判前,双方都应设定自己的起始点,目标点,拒绝点。 2)漫天要价,坐地还钱:买方的起始点低于拒绝点,而卖方的起始点高于拒绝点。 3)积极的谈判空间:双方拒绝点的交集,双方达成一致协议的可能空间。 4)消极的谈判空间:无交集,即卖方拒绝点高于买方拒绝点。,11,2)Starting and Resistance points,The parties starting and resistance points are usual

10、ly arranged in reverse order, with the resistance point being a high price for the buyer and a low price for the seller.双方的起始点和拒绝点正好相反,对于买方来说,拒绝点往往是一个比较高的价格,对于卖方,却是一个比较低的价格。,12,4、The Distributive Bargaining Situation,1)谈判前,双方都应设定自己的起始点,目标点,拒绝点。 2)漫天要价,坐地还钱:买方的起始点低于拒绝点,而卖方的起始点高于拒绝点。 3)积极的谈判空间:双方拒绝点的交

11、集,双方达成一致协议的可能空间。 4)消极的谈判空间:无交集,即卖方拒绝点高于买方拒绝点。,13,3)positive bargaining range 积极的谈判空间,When the buyers resistance point is above the sellers -he is minimally willing to pay more than she is minimally willing to sell for,which is called a positive bargaining range.,14,4、The Distributive Bargaining Situ

12、ation,1)谈判前,双方都应设定自己的起始点,目标点,拒绝点。 2)漫天要价,坐地还钱:买方的起始点低于拒绝点,而卖方的起始点高于拒绝点。 3)积极的谈判空间:双方拒绝点的交集,双方达成一致协议的可能空间。 4)消极的谈判空间:无交集,即卖方拒绝点高于买方拒绝点。,15,4)negative bargaining range,When the reverse is ture-which is called a negative bargaining range.消极谈判空间(如卖方的拒绝点高于买方的拒绝点时,买方就不可能接受卖方提出的最低价) eg. if the seller would

13、 minimally accept $145 and the buyer would maximally pay $140, then a negative bargaining range exist.,16,5、Results of Distributive Negotiation P35,1) 有交集,成交, 2) 无交集,终止谈判, 3) 选择其他(更好的)报价。其他(更好的)选择可作为战略战术使用。 谈判者必须清楚地认识自己的 BANTA (谈判协议最佳选择)。,17,BANTA,Alternatives are important because they give negotia

14、tiors the power to walk away form any negotiation when the emerging deal is not very good.在谈判中出现的情况并不十分理想时,谈判者可以终止谈判过程,谈判者所能进行的其它选择将随着情况的改变而改变 Both parties in distributive bargaining know that they might have to settle for less than what they would prefer their target point, but they hope that the a

15、greement will be better than their own resistance point.即使最终的解决点并不如想象中的理想,但也是最佳选择,18,6、Strategies for buyers买方基本战略 P37,尽可能接近对方拒绝点,以换得谈判空间 影响卖方对房屋价值的信心, 说服卖方降低拒绝点,了解使卖方相信,这是最好的结果。Discovering the other partys resistance point and influencing the other partys resistance point,对方想达到的结果的价值 (越低,拒绝点就越低)为了达

16、到预计结果的成本对方终止谈判的代价 (越大,则对方越弱,己方越强),19,7、信息取得:直接,间接 P40,信息是指:起始点,目标点,拒绝点 正式渠道:通过正式和相对公开的媒介刊载和传递信息的渠道。 非正式渠道:通过组织之间人与人之间的私人关系而获得信息的渠道。 解读、分析信息的能力(补充)。,20,1)谈判信息,离开了全面准确及时的信息,决策者便无法制定谈判策略,主谈者便无法找准最佳入题点及谈判的表达方式。 谈判信息的最大作用在于减少不确定性。 谈判信息的失真则会导致决策的失误。 谈判信息准备是谈判的重要工作之一。知己知彼百战不殆,21,2)Information Control,An im

17、portant tactical task for negotiators is to control the information sent to the other party about your target and resistance points, while simultaneoursly guiding him or her to form a preferred impression of them控制传递给对方的关于己方的目标和拒绝点的信息,同时保证对方获得的信息能使其形成对谈判立场的良好形象 Negotators need to screen information about their positions and to represent them as they would like the other to believe them掩盖自身立场的信息,并且声称表露出来的信息是可靠的,



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