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1、,Intercultural Communications Professor: Lu Le 2006-2007 2nd semester May 29,在全球化时代,要达到更高的成功几率,须努力成为具有全球视野的国际化人才。学好至少一门外语是必要的,但国际化人才最基本的素质是跨文化沟通能力。 这是一种能够超越本族文化,跨越不同文化鸿沟,穿透不同文化壁垒,在多元文化的环境中游刃有余的能力。因此,你的外语语言能力必须建立在理解不同文化的价值观体系和行为规范模式之上, 其最终表现是能够适应、掌控和化解多元文化环境中的矛盾和冲突。,What is communicative competence?A

2、n integrative ability that includes linguistic knowledge of the culture cultural knowledge behind the language intercultural awareness behavioral flexibility or adaptability communicative skills and strategies.,Chapter 8 Intercultural Perception,Time allocation: 2 hourMain Content: Stereotypes Ethno

3、centrism Forms of Prejudice,I. Stereotypes Definition: A stereotypes is an overly simplified way of thinking about a person, group, etc.,Cases of stereotypes: p. 277: stereotypical knowledge of English, French, German, Italian, Russian and American,Stereotypes found in three major cities in China,Be

4、ijing: people outside the city are all subordinates Shanghai: people outside the city are all peasants Shenzhen: people outside the city are all poor people,B. p. 278-: stereotypical perception of other cultures in language expressions Greek (p. 279)Greek gifts: I fear the Greeks, even when bringing

5、 gifts. 谚黄鼠狼给鸡拜年, 没安好心。He is Greeking. (He is cheating at cards.)This is Greek to me. It is gibberish.,Dutch (p. 279) In Dutch: in trouble Dutch courage: courage induced by drinking Weve been Dutched. (We have been cheated.),Culture and Perception,Three steps:- selection- organization- interpretatio

6、n Culture has a great effect on the perception process.,Examples of ethnocentrism the national league baseball championship: World Series (implying no other country has baseball teams) (p. 2910 Greek word “barbarians” refers to those people living around them who did not speak Greek(p. 291-292) Chin

7、a: the Middle Kingdomthe center of the world The Supreme Courts degree of control over tribal affairs (p. 292-293),Cultural Relativism: all cultures are of equal value the values and behavior of a culture can only be judged using that culture as a frame of referencethe only way to understand the beh

8、avior of others is in the context of their culture. there is no right or wrong; merely difference,III. PrejudiceDefinition: negative attitudes directed toward groups, especially racial and religious groups, that are formed by highly personal and unreasoned generalizations about all or most members o

9、f the group.,Symbolic racismNegative feelings about a given group because the group is interfering with aspects of their culture. Holders of symbolic racism care only about their own life. Eg. Europeans fear of Chinese, esp. people from Wenzhou.,C. Tokenism (p. 309)Do not want to admit the negative

10、feelings about a given group. Engage in unimportant intergroup behaviors as a token.,D. Arms length prejudice (p. 309)Friendly toward outgroup members in certain (formal) situations but holding the same members at an arms length in other situations (intimate),E. Real likes and dislikes (p. 310) Eg.

11、Littering and spitting,E. The familiar and unfamiliarReflection of peoples reference for what is comfortable and non-stressful.,Questions: 1) any red-neck racism in China / Shanghai?2) any symbolic racism in China / Shanghai?3) any Tokenism in China / Shanghai?4) your experience of arms-length preju

12、dice? 5) any reason for Chinese being disliked by some peope?6) your experience of the familiar and unfamiliar with out-groups,Assignment:Make a speech of 3 minutes on one of the following topics: causes of prejudice prejudice: a terrible cancer,Japanese vs. American in indirectness in expression “P

13、lease close the door”(P. 192)The door is open. (A)Its cold here. (J),- receiver centeredness vs. sender centeredness (p. 192) Meaning Sender centered communication: linear, one way from sender to receiver. Meaning is in the messages created by the sender. Emphasizing how to formulate the best messag

14、e, how to improve delivery skills. Important to have formal training of debate and public speech. Receiver centered communication: emphasizes social relationships. Meaning is in the interpretation, emphasizing sensibility to capture the under-the surface meaning and to understand the implicit meanin

15、g.,Eg. East Asian students visiting American homes:Puzzle: why are they asked what they want?Difference: North America: individual freedom of choiceEast Asia: to practice anticipatory communication and then accommodate,Assignment: Reading: Sharing Knowledge: Yes and no. p. 1652. Find a piece of writ

16、ing or speech written down in Chinese that illustrates:process orientation, indirect communication and receiver centeredness.,preview,Chapter 7: Personal Space; cases p. 254 Monochronic and Polychronic Time p. 271 Chapter 8: Culture and Conception p. 283 Ethnocentrism p. p. 291 Forms of Prejudice p. 307 Chapter 10 Culture shock p. 365-380 Cultural adaptation p. 385,


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