The Palace Museum------故宫的英文介绍 导游必备

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1、The Palace Museum,The Forbidden City,良好开端,自我介绍: self-introduction 引入正题:the moive” the last emperor”,Olympic games 细致观察:来自哪里(是否母语、英美或其他)、参观理由(公差旅游、自助旅游、团体旅游)背景知识(对中国、北京了解多少),概况要点,按照由古到今、由大到小的顺序介绍:A.历史沿革 B.建筑布局 C.馆藏精品,General introduction,It covers 720,000 square meters. =180 acres More than 8700 room

2、s(埋下伏笔) Layout is symmetrical, balance. Inner court and Outer court,materials,The red earth, Shandong. The clear mud tiles, Linqing, Shandong. The building stones, Fangshan county, Beijing. The glazed tiles, Liulichang, Beijing The golden bricks, Suzhou,Song River. The colored stone, Quyang, Hebei A

3、 hundred million tiles were used: twenty million floor tiles used to cover the courtyards, eighty million used to build the city walls, palace walls and steps.,Building personnel,Came from all over the country: a total of 100,000 skilled craftsmen and a million laborers.,General introduction,Why is

4、it called the Forbidden City? How many rooms are there in the Forbidden City? How many people lived in the Forbidden City? When did the people construct the Forbidden City?,Meridian Gate Wu Men,Meridian Gate Wu Men,Five-Phoenix Tower 五凤楼 In the shape of the character“凹”(the letter ”U”)造型 It has thre

5、e gateways 门洞走法 Issue the new calendar and present the captives 颁朔大典和献俘礼 Install the bells and drums 鼓乐齐鸣 Punish the officials who offended the emperor 廷杖 In 2001, Pavarotti joined hands with other two top tenors Placido Domingo and Jose Carreras to stage a performance in the Forbidden City to suppo

6、rt Beijings bidding for the 2008 Olympic Games. 三高演唱会,Golden Water River,Imperial bridge(御路桥): emperor only Emperor Bridges(王公桥): dukes and princes Side Bridges(品级桥): ministers and high officials,Five Constant Virtues五常,Confucianism:(仁) benevolence(义) personal loyalty(礼) courtesy or politeness or pr

7、opriety (智) wisdom(信) faith or honor,three main functions,The first function is to drain.The second function is to turn off fire.The third function is to decorate environment.,The Bronze Lions,A pair of bronze lions,In Buddhist doctrine, lion is the guardian. It is said that the amount of the mane c

8、urls could tell a lion statues status. One is male, and the other is female. How to distinguish? 常见问题:在古代中国有真的狮子吗? 西域狮(印度狮、亚洲狮 Panthera leo persica),Gate of Supreme Harmony,要点,概况详介:整体布局、藏品等 太和门功能:morning courtHandle the state affairsGive audienceReceive the ministers and officials 两庑:Translation bur

9、eau,Hall of Supreme Harmony,讲解顺序,在太和门上由远及近:太和殿、太和广场 在广场内先左右后中央:东西庑房、广场中央 须弥座上由外及内、由低及高:香炉、龟鹤、日晷、嘉量、角兽、鸱吻、 太和殿前先中间后上下:宝座、盘龙柱、太平有象、甪端、屏风、轩辕镜、匾额、金砖等,趣味故事和文化知识,溥仪登基的历史和故事袁世凯篡位的典故古代人的阴阳五行风水知识帝王天人合一的思想,The biggest square,Silver storage of the Qing:弘义阁 Library of the Qing: 体仁阁 More warehouses:仓库 There is n

10、o trees in the square:reasons Marble terrace,balustrade and gargoyles:三台,栏杆和龙头水滴,The Bronze Turtles and Cranes,Longevity,Incense burners,Sundial and standard measurement,Spring Equinox 春分 Autumn Equinox 秋分 gnomons 指针,The ornaments at the corner of the tiles,龙、凤、狮、天马、海马、狻猊、押鱼、獬豸、斗牛、行什 Beautiful ornam

11、ents: dragon, phoenix, lion, horse, sea horse and so on. Big nails: to fix the tiles The symbol of rank: the more the number is, the higher the rank is.,Yin and yang阴阳,While “yin“ would be dark, passive, downward, cold, contracting, and weak, “yang“ would be bright, active, upward, hot, expanding, a

12、nd strong. 数字: 奇数odd-number 偶数even-numberDoor nails: nine by nine,The structure,Eleven bays wide and five bays deep: 九五之尊 72 pine pillars: 6 gold-leaf pillars55 rooms四柱一间法 Double eaves and slanted roof:重檐庑殿顶,The throne (dragon chair),throne,Its high position signifies the emperors unchallenged supre

13、macy. The design of the throne adopts the most luxurious style: it is coated in golden lacquer; the back is entwined with thirteen gold dragons; designs of flaming pearls, clouds, and scrolling grass are carved in relief on the rest of the throne. Gold foil covers the entire throne which is inlaid w

14、ith rubies and sapphires.,Hall of Supreme Harmony,The furniture and ground,Luduan: a legendary beast could travel 9000 kilometers one day and speak all foreign languages in the world.甪端 Elephant with vases on its back:太平有象(homonymous,同音异义的) Incense burners:香炉 Screen:屏风 gilded Golden bricks:金砖墁地,Gold

15、en bricks (golden tiles),They were produced in Suzhou and the production process was very complicated. First, soil of the best quality was selected. The burning and refinement process took 130days.After leaving the kiln, the tiles were polished in a pit. Before the tiles were laid, they had to be su

16、bmerged in tung oil so that they looked lubricated and shiny. These tiles were very expensive to make, and when rapped produced a melodious sound like metal. Hence, they were known as “golden tiles”.,Caisson ceiling,Xuanyuan mirror天圆地方中八卦,Some stories,The last emperor ascended his throne. play the cricket and cryThe General Yuan Shikai supplanted the last emperor and held his enthronement ceremony. 挪动宝座,Bronze pot (门海),308 Bronze and copper vatsFire-HydrantPrevent water from freezing in winter,


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