国际法双语课件2Historical Development of International Law

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《国际法双语课件2Historical Development of International Law》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《国际法双语课件2Historical Development of International Law(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第一章 导论国际法的历史,教师:郑州大学法学院吴定喜,Chapter 1 Introduction Historical Development of International Law,第1章 Historical Development of International Law,(一)古代国际法 Early Origins古埃及: “An international treaty is signed between Rameses of Egypt and the king of the Hittites for the establishment of peace and allianc

2、e between the two kingdoms.”,公元前1296年埃及法老和赫梯王国皇帝订立同盟条约,Historical Development of International Law,古代希腊 Ancient Greek Those numerous treaties signed by the Greek city-states set significant precedents for modern international law practice. 古希腊城邦间: 互派使节、订立条约,Basic notions of governance, of political

3、relations, and of the interaction of independent units provided by ancient Greek political philosophy and the relations between the Greek city-states constituted important sources for the evolution of the international legal system.,Historical Development of International Law,古代罗马 during the Roman E

4、mpire This law provided simplified rules for governing the relationship between foreigners and between foreigners and citizens. The progressive rules of the jus gentium gradually overrode the narrow jus civile until the latter system ceased to exist. Thus, the jus gentium became the common law of th

5、e Roman Empire and was deemed to be of universal application.,古代罗马在使节和战争的方面,不仅有更多的原则、规则和制度,而且使它们法律化了。设立外事大法官,处理罗马与外国的关系;制订了“万民法”,调整罗马人与外国人的关系,Jus civile,jus gentium,Historical Development of International Law,古代是否有国际法?这一直是一个争论的问题。 主流观点:难以产生完整的国际法体系;但是也存在着类似国际法的原则规则和制度。 1、古代国家不是近代意义的主权国家 2、古代世界毕竟有类似国

6、家的政治实体 3、雏形的国际法,古代国际法特点: 1.内容的不系统性。战争、媾和、结盟、派使、信守条约等制度。 2.宗教性。 3.适用范围的地区性。属于萌芽阶段的国际法,在古代国家之间,条约最初同战后恢复和平有关,但也有为了建立同盟、划定疆界等事项的。古代条约大都是双边的。,Historical Development of International Law,(二)中世纪国际法 The Middle AgesThe middle ages were characterized by the supreme authority of the organized Church and the s

7、trict control stemming from this religious-political mixture of command. (政教合一),主要发展: 1.出现一些海事法典。 2.开始实行外交上的常驻使节制度。 仍属萌芽阶段,Commercial& maritime law,Permanent diplomatic envoy,欧洲的中世纪,形成了“皇帝主世俗,教皇操灵界”的局面和“统一世界”的观念,没有适合国际法大发展的条件。,The Law Merchant,Historical Development of International Law,(三)近代国际法 The

8、 Emergence of Modern International Law 国际法的产生和存在是需要一定条件的。这些条件至少包括:“国家的众多”、“国家的主权”、“国际的往来”和“一致的法律原则”。 众多并立的主权国家或类似国家的政治实体不断往来并形成一定的均势和一致的法律原则的情况下,国际法才能产生和存在。国际法产生的条件,是在近代欧洲才具备的。,Historical Development of International Law,格老秀斯是近代西方启蒙思想家中第一个比较系统地论述理性自然法理论的人。,(Hugo Grotius,1583-1645),荷兰人,近代西方资产阶级思想先驱,国

9、际法学创始人。 He was regarded as the father of international law, towers over this great era of Renaissance.He believed that the law of nature should be exclusively based upon reason.,Historical Development of International Law,1625年,格老秀斯发表了世界上第一部有完整体系的国际法著作战争与和平法,系统地论述了国际法的基本问题,为近代国际法奠定了理论基础,使国际法成了一门独立学科

10、;该书的传播,对欧洲的国家关系产生了重大的积极影响,促进了近代国际法的形成和发展。因此,他被后人誉为“国际法之父”或“国际法的奠基人”。,(Hugo Grotius,1583-1645),One of his most enduring opinions is “The idea of the freedom of the sea”He emphasized that the high seas belonged to all rather than being appropriated to any single state.,On the Law ofWar and Peace,Histo

11、rical Development of International Law,The Thirty Years War (16181648) 1648年威斯特伐利亚和约的缔结,标着着独立于国内法的近代国际法体系的形成。,和约彻底削弱了神圣罗马帝国,确认了原来罗马帝国统治下的为数众多的邦国成为独立主权国家的事实,新型的国际关系形成了;和约确立了国家主权、主权平等、条约必须遵守等原则,为近代国际法奠定了基础。,The Peace of Westphalia ended the Thirty Years War and established a treaty-based system or fra

12、mework for peace and cooperation in Europe, that endured for more than a hundred years. It provided for the coexistence in certain parts of Catholicism and Protestantism, thus planting early seeds of religious freedom in Europe.,Historical Development of International Law,1815年维也纳会议最后文件附件中规定了禁止买卖黑奴、

13、外交使节等级制度、国际河流制度。 此前,少有多边条约,条约以双边条约为主,内容多为政治性的,如媾和条约、同盟条约、割让条约等,只有少数关于商务和航行的条约。1815年维也纳公会最后文件的签订,表明多边条约制度已具雏形,到1856年巴黎和约签订时,多边条约制度基本上发展成熟。此后,条约所涉及的范围进一步扩大,包括经济、文化、社会、科技、邮电、司法等各个领域。条约的数量也大幅度增加,条约开始成为国际法的重要渊源。,The Final Act of the Congress of Vienna (1815) formally ended the Napoleonic Wars. The Congre

14、ss adopted the first comprehensive set of rules governing diplomatic protocol, it formally condemned the slave trade, and it established the principle of free and unimpeded navigation on international rivers traversing the region.,Historical Development of International Law,美国革命的胜利和独立宣言:开了近代民族自决、人权保

15、护的先河。 法国资产阶级革命:提出了国家基本权利和义务的概念,不干涉内政的原则,宣布赋予“为了自由事业而被本国驱逐的外国人”以庇护权,在战争法中贯彻人道主义原则。 The League of Nations Convenant国际联盟盟约: It is important to remember that the League constituted the first serious effort by states to create a permanent inter-governmental institutional framework for the resolution of p

16、olitical disputes and the preservation of peace. It was the League that established the Permanent Court of International Justice, the first such international tribunal open to all states.,Historical Development of International Law,近代国际法的发展 1.确立了一些列调整近代国际关系的国际法原则 国家主权、平等原则、不干涉内政、人民主权、政治犯不引渡、条约必须遵守、和平解决争端等。 2.国际法领域扩大,有了系统发展 常驻外交使节、永久中立、国际会议、国际仲裁、海洋自由 3.国际法适用范围扩大 欧洲美洲亚非,Historical Development of International Law,(四)现代国际法 1917,苏联苏维埃政府提出:“不兼并和不赔款” ,侵略战争为反人类罪行,废除秘密外交和不平等条约 国际联盟历史上第一个一般政治性普遍国际组织; 国际常设法院历史上第一个世界性国际司法机构; 巴黎非战公约第一个宣布废除战争的条约,


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