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1、Dont bother me 别烦我别烦我One day a kind man met a panicky little boy in his neighbor-hood when he was going home from his office.He noticed that the boy seemed to have fought with other boys. He kindly said: “Why do you have a black eye, little man? I am sorry to see that?“Unexpectedly the boy replied a

2、ngrily: “Dont bother me. You go home to feel sorry for your own little boy-he has got two!“有一天一个好心的人下班回家时,在他居住的小区里碰到一个神色慌张的小男孩。他注意到这个孩子像是刚和别的孩子打过架,就亲切的对他说:“小家伙,你怎么会有个黑眼眶呀?看到你这样,我很为你难过?”不料这个小男孩竟然气冲冲地回答说:“别烦我。你回家去为你自己的小男孩难过吧。他有两个黑眼眶。”Naive reasoning 天真的推理天真的推理A man was telling a story to his son, a fo

3、ur-year-old boy. The boy noticed a lock of gray hair on his fathers head and asked: “Why are some of your gray, papa?“Papa will get a gray hair every time his little boy is naughty,“ said his father, thinking to take the advantage of this opportunity to give him a moral lesson.The boy thought for a

4、moment, and then naively said: “Oh, I see why my grandpapa has a lot of gray hair on his head. I think he must have had very naughty boys.“有个人给他的儿子,一个 4 岁的男孩讲故事。小男孩注意到他父亲的头上有一缕白发,就问道:“爸爸,你的头发怎么是白的?”他的父亲想趁机给他上一堂教育课,就回答说:“爸爸的小男孩每顽皮一次,爸爸头上就会长出一根白头发。”小男孩沉思了一下,就天真地说:“哦,我知道爷爷为什么有那么多白头发了。我想他的儿子们一定也非常顽皮。”Ca

5、n you eat any more 你还能吃吗你还能吃吗In Chemistry class, the teacher was explaining the relationship between solvent and solute: “A certain solvent can only dissolve a certain solute. For example, you have eaten a bowl of rice, then one more bowl. After having eaten the third bowl, you have felt full to the

6、 throat. At this time, can you eat any more?“One of the students asked: “Is there any dish?“化学课上老师讲解溶剂与溶质的关系:“一定的溶剂只能溶解一定的溶质。比如说,你吃了一碗饭,又吃了一碗,第三碗吃下去已经饱了,你还能吃下去吗?”有个学生问:“还有菜吗?”A garbage collector 垃圾收集工垃圾收集工John was ten years old, and he was a very lazy boy.He had to go to school of course, but he was

7、 bored there and tried to do as little work as possible. His father and mother were both doctors and they hoped that he would become one, too, when he grew up, but one day Lohn said to his mother, “When I finish school, I want to become a garbage collector.“A garbage collector?“ his mother asked. Sh

8、e was very surprised. “Thats not a very pleasant job. Why do you want to become a garbage collector?“Because then Id only have to work one day a week,“ Lohn answered.“Only one day a week?“ his mother said. “What do you mean?“Well,“ John answered, “I know that the ones who come to our house only work

9、 on Wednesday, because I only see them on that day.“约翰 10 岁了,是一个非常懒的男孩子。当然他必须去上学,但他厌烦学校,并尽可能地少做功课。他父母亲两人都是医生,他们两人都希望当他长大后也当个医生,但有一天,约翰对他母亲说,“我上完学,我想当个垃圾收集工。”“垃圾收集工?” 他母亲问道。他母亲非常吃惊。“那可不是一件令人愉快的工作。你为什么想当一个垃圾收集工呢?”“因为到时候我只需一周工作一天,” 约翰回答说。“一周只工作一天?” 他母亲说。“你是什么意思?”“嗯,” 约翰回答说,“我知道来我们家的那些人只在星期三上班,因为我只在星期三看

10、见他们。”老鼠是什么样子的老鼠是什么样子的Rodents had overrun a posh(时髦的)(时髦的) private school near New York City. So the headmaster, a friend of mine, asked a health inspector to deliver a slide presentation to teachers and students, showing how to remedy the situation, i.e. stow(装载,收藏)(装载,收藏) trash, no food in class, e

11、tc.The following day, a teacher had her very young children write a letter to the inspector, thanking him for the visit. One of the students wrote, “Dear Mr. Johnson, Thank you for coming to my school. Until I saw you, I didnt know what a rat looked like.“啮齿类动物在纽约市附近的一家时尚的私立学校泛滥成灾。 那家学校的校长(我的一个朋友) 请

12、来了一位健康检查员来给在校师生作一次幻灯演示,告诉他们如何处理这种情况,如,要垃圾装好,上课不能吃东西等等。第二天,一个老师让她的那些年纪还非常小的学生给那位检查员写封信,感谢他的来访。 其中一个学生这样写道,“亲爱的约翰逊先生, 感谢您来到我的学校。在看到你之前,我还不知道老鼠长的什么样子。”。The teachers pest 老师的调皮学生老师的调皮学生It is June. The sun is in the sky, it is immense hot.Josie is bored with school. She prefers to be at the beach with th

13、e tide.She cannot sit in her seat. She cannot stop talking.While the teacher writes on the board, Josie gets up and talks to one of her intimate friends. The teacher, Mr. Rolla, hears the noise and says. “Josie, sit down and be quiet.“ Josie sits down. Mr. Rolla continues with the lessons. Josie get

14、s up and talks to another friend. “Sit down and be quiet. “ Says Mr. Rolla. He is very annoyed with her. Josie continues talking.“O.K.“ Mr. Rolla gets furious. “If you want to talk. Then come to the front of the classroom and be the teacher.“All right, “ agrees Josie. She comes to the front of the c

15、lassroom and says, “Quiet, everyone. I am a new teacher, and I say class dismissed.“六月,太阳高挂天空,天气非常炎热。朱丝对上课很厌烦,她更想在海滩观看潮起潮落。她在座位上坐不住,不停地讲话。当老师在黑板上写字时,朱丝站起来和一个朋友说话,瑞拉老师听到了,就说:“朱丝,坐下,安静点。”朱丝坐下来,老师继续讲课,朱丝又站起来和另一个朋友说话。“坐下,安静点。”可是朱丝又站起来说话,他生气了。“如果你想说话,到教师前面来说话吧,你当老师吧。”老师愤怒地说。“好的,”朱丝说。她走到教室前说:“安静点,同学们,我是新老

16、师,现在下课。”我在等我的秘书我在等我的秘书One day in class, the teacher assigned his students to write a composition - if I Am a Manager.All the students began to write except a boy. The teacher went to him and asked the reason.“I am waiting for my secretary,“ was the boys answer.一天课上,老师要同学们以“如果我是一个经理”为题写一篇作文。所有的学生都在动笔写了,只有一个男生例外。老师走过去问他为什么不写。“我在等我的秘书”。那孩子答道。爸爸不高兴爸爸不高兴It seems a farm boy accidentally overturned his wagon load of corn. The farmer who lived nearby heard the noise. “Hey Willis!“ the far



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