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1、五年英语课文(上) 一 P4 1Sandy: Hi ,My names Sandy Taylor .Whats your name ? Dongdong: Hi ,Im Wang Dongdong . 2 Sandy: Is ,Wang your first name ? Dongdong: No ,its not .My first name is Dongdong . 3 Sandy: This is my friend ,Tino . 4 Dongdong: Whos that ? Sandy: Thats my brother ,Billy .Were twins . P8 1 San

2、dy: Where are you from ? Dongdong: Im from China . 2 Dongdong: Are you American ? Sandy: Yes ,I am .Im from the U.S.A. 3 Cody: Whos this ? Sandy:This is my friend ,Dongdong .Hes from China . 4Cody: Oh ,are you ? Im from Australia . Im Cody . 二 P18 1 Dongdong: Do you live near school ,fane ? Jane: No

3、 ,I dont .I live a little far from school . 2 Cody: How do you go to school ? Jane: I go to school by car . 3 Jane: Sometimes I take the subway . 4 Jane: How about you ,Cody ? Cody: I go to school by bike . P22 1 Jane: Do you ride your bike ,too . Sandy: No ,I dont I walk to school . 2 Cody: How lon

4、g does it take to go .to school ? Sandy: It takes about 20 minutes . 3 Cody: Why dont you ride a bike ?Sandy: Well ,thats a good idea . 4 Jane: See you tomorrow . Kids: Good-bye ,jane . 三 P32 1 Tino: What time do you go to school ? 你几点上学? Billy: At nine oclock . 九点钟 2 Tino: Its already eight forty .

5、 已经八点四十分了。 Billy: Oh ,no ! Im late . 嗷,不!我迟到了。 3 Bill: Who s in the bathroom? 谁在浴池? Sandy: It s me ,Sandy . 是我,桑迪。 I m brushing my teeth . 我正在刷牙。 4 Bill: Can I come in ? Sandy: Yes you can . I m finished now . P36 1 Tino: What are you doing ? 你正在做什么? Billy: Im getting dressed now . 我正在穿衣服。 2 Bill: I

6、s Sandy waiting downstairs ? 桑迪在楼下着吗? Tino: No ,shes not .Shes making the bed in her room . 不,她没有,她在她 的房间整理床铺呢。 3 Sandy: Whats the matter ? 什么事? Billy: Lets hurry up to school . 我们快去上学吧 。 Were late . 我们迟到了。 4 Sandy: We dont have any class on Saturday . 星期六我们不用上学。 Billy: Phew ! Its Saturday today . 哦

7、!今天是星期六。四 P46 1 Billy:Hi ,Mom . I m home . 哎,你好,妈妈我回家了。 Mom: Hi , Billy .How was your day? 哎,比利今天怎么样? Billy: It was OK. We played soccer after school . 很好,放学后我们踢了场足 球。 2 Mom: Did you win the game? 你们赢了比赛了吗? Billy: Yes we did . 对,我们赢了。 Mom: That s great , Billy . 太好了,比利。 3 Mom: Now ,wash up and do yo

8、ur 现在去洗一洗, homework before dinner . 晚饭前先做一会作业。 4 Billy: Aw! Can I watch TV now? 哇!现在我可以看一会电视吗? Mom: No .You can watch TV after dinner . 不行,晚饭后你可以看电视。 P50 1 Mom: Did you see Sandy after school ? 放学后你看见过桑迪吗?Billy: N0 , I didnt . 不,我没见过。 2Sandy: Hi ,Mom . 你好,妈妈。 Mom: Hi ,Sandy .Youre late . 哎,桑迪你来晚了。 B

9、illy came home already. 桑迪早就回家了。 3 Mom: What did you do after school ? 放学你做了些什么? Sandy: I went to the library and borrowed some books .我去图书馆借了些书。 4 Mom: OK ,Sandy . 知道了,桑迪。 Go wash your hands before dinner . 晚饭去洗一下手吧。 Sandy: All right ,Mom . 知道了妈妈。五 P60 1Dongdong: Hey ! Where are you going ? 哦!你去哪呀?

10、 Sandy: To buy a present for my father . 买些礼物给我爸爸。 2 Dongdong: Is it your fathers birthday ? 是你爸爸生日吗? Billy: Yeah .His birthday is on May 15 . 是的,他的生日在十月十五号。 3Tino: Whats the date today ? 今天是几号? Sandy: Its May 6 . 今天是五月六日。 4 Sandy: Whens your birthday ,Dongdong ? 你的生日是什么时候? Dongdong: On September 2

11、. 东东是九月二号。P64 1 Sandy: Can you Join us ? 你能跟我们一起去吗? Dongdong: Yes I want to buy some Presents for my mother . 对了,我也想给妈妈买礼物。 2 Dongdong: Mothers Day is on May 8. 母亲节是五月八日。 Billy: Oh ,I see . 哦,我明白了。 3 Dongdong: What do you want to buy for her? 你想给她买什么? Sandy: I want to buy her a belt . 我想给她买一条腰带。 4 D

12、ongdong: How about you , Billy ? 你呢比利? Billy: Well ,Im not sure . 我还没拿定主意, A suit ? Or shoes? 一套礼服还是一双鞋呢? Sandy: Anyway ,lets go to the Shopping mall . 不管怎么样,咱们先到购物中心再说吧。六 P74 1 Billy: I want to buy a shirt for my father . 我想给爸爸买件衬衫。 Cashier l : Whats his size ? 他穿多大号的? Billy: Well ,I dont know ,But

13、 hes very tall . 哎呀,我不清楚,不过他的个子很 高。2 Cashier l : What color do you want ? 要什么颜色的? Billy: I want a blue shirt . 我想要一件蓝色的衬衫。 3 Cashier l : Do you want short sleeves ? 你想要短袖的吗? Billy: No .I want a shirt with long sleeves . 不,我想要长袖的。 4 Cashier l : How do you like this one ? 你觉得这件怎么样? Billy: Well ,I dont

14、 like it . 我不太喜欢。 I want a shirt without buttons . 我想要一件没有扣子的衬衫。 P78 1 Cashier l : Heres a nice shirt . 这是件不错的衬衫。 Do you like it ? 你喜欢吗? Billy: No .I want a shirt with a collar .不,我想要一件有领子的衬衫。 2 Cashier 2 : A shirt with a collar有领子的衬衫 How about this one ? 这件怎么样? Billy: Oh ,it looks great .I like it

15、a lot . 太棒了,我喜欢。 3 Billy: How much is it ? 这件多少钱? Cashier 2 : Its 110 dollars . 110 美元。 Billy: Oh ,its too expensive . 哦,太贵了。 4 Billy: I have only 30 dollars . 我只有 30 美元。 Show me a cheaper one ,please . 请给我看件便宜的。 七 P88 1Police: Whats the matter ,kids ?什么事,小朋友们? Sandy: I cant find my brother .Billy .

16、我找不到我弟弟比利了。 Police: Take it easy . 别着急。 2 Police: Whats he wearing ? 他穿什么衣服? Sandy: Hes wearing a red jacket , blue pants ,and yellow boots . 他穿白上衣,兰裤子和黄靴子。 3 Police: Does he wear glasses ? 他戴眼镜吗? Dongdong: No ,he doesnt . 不,他不戴。 4 Police: Come here ,kids ! Isnt that Billy ? 过来看看小朋友们,他是比利吗? Sandy: Ah ,yes ! Thanks a lot . 是的。 Police: Sure . 不用客气。 P92 1 Billy: What did you buy for a present ? Sandy: I bought a fountain pen .


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