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1、仁爱版七上册总复习(四)仁爱版七上册总复习(四)12015 仁爱英语七年级上册期末仁爱英语七年级上册期末 Unit3-4 语法知识点总复习语法知识点总复习 一、一、How much 与与 How many 的用法的用法 1、how much + ?用于对价格提问?用于对价格提问“.多少钱?多少钱?” ,how much +不可数名词+ .?用于对数量提问 “多少.” 。 2、how many+复数名词复数名词?对数量提问?对数量提问 “多少多少.? 提问数量,无论后面跟的是可数还是不可数都是用提问数量,无论后面跟的是可数还是不可数都是用 how much 提问提问(1)- How much i

2、s the book? Its only five yuan. (2)- How much water is there in the bottle? - Half a bottle. (3)- How many apples are there in the bag? There are five apples in the bag. 二、打电话的简单交际用语二、打电话的简单交际用语: 1、May I speak to ?可以叫听电话吗? 2、- Who is that?谁啊? - This is speaking.我是. 3、Hold on , please/ Wait a moment

3、,please.别挂断,请稍等。 4、Is that .?是.吗? 5、Can I leave a message? 我可以留口信吗? 6、Can I take a message? 要我传话吗? 7、Sorry, he/she isnt in. 对不起,他/她不在家。 8、Sorry, Im afraid you have the wrong number. 对不起,您打错电话了。 三时间的表达方法:三时间的表达方法: 1)顺读法:)顺读法:用“分+ past+ 时” ,表示“几点几分” 如:8:23 twenty-three past eight 2)逆读法:)逆读法:用“60-分 + t

4、o 时+1”表示“差几分到几点” 如:3:55 five to four ; 5:40 twenty to six 3)直接表达,即“时+ 分” ,如:4:10 four ten ; 12:50 twelve fifty ; 2:30 two thirty 五、重要短语与句型: 1. look after=take care of 照顾,照看 2. look the same 看起来一样3. Not at all =You are welcome. = Thats all right. 不用谢,别客气4. try on 试穿 5. pick up 捡起来6. Whats up? =Whats

5、wrong? = Whats the matter? 怎么啦?什么事?7. May I help you? =What can I do for you? 能为您效劳吗?8. What do you think of.?=How do you like?你觉得怎么样?9. Are you kidding? 开玩笑吧?仁爱版七上册总复习(四)仁爱版七上册总复习(四)210. be free = have time 有空,有时间 11. call sb. back 回复电话给 12. ask sb. (not) to do sth. 叫某人(别)干某事 13. How(What) about do

6、ing? 做.,怎样? 14. What time is it? =What is the time? 几点了?15. Its time (for sb.) to do sth 该某人干某事的时候了。16. Its very kind of you to help us. 你帮助我们,真好。17. tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事练习: 一.根据句子意思,用单词的适当形式填空。 1. My shoes are worn out, what about_(you)? 2. How much _ (be) this skirt? 3. How much _(be) these

7、apples?. 4._ (who) bicycle is this? 5. Here is _(you) change(零钱). 6. I would like three_(kilo) of salt. 7. Lets try _(they) on. 8. His friends have two _(radio) . 9. How many _(umbrella) do you need? 10. Could you tell _(we) about that? 12. Look! They are _(sit) under the tree. 13. Ill give _(he) th

8、e message 14.Are they _(read) English now? 15. We often _(read) English in the morning. 16. Your classroom is big but _(we) is small. 17. The dog is _(run) after her. 18. Can I _( have) a look at your pictures? 19. Look at those _(photo). 20. Could you tell _(we) your address? 21. How many _ (zoo )

9、are there in Haikou? 22. Jims sister _(like) monkeys best. 23. Its time _(go )to bed now. 24. Could you please pass this pen to _(she)? 25. Let _(they) help us. 26. You cant _(sing)here, the baby is sleeping. 27. I can see three _(baby) in the photo.仁爱版七上册总复习(四)仁爱版七上册总复习(四)328. She would like _( do

10、) the washing this afternoon. 29. _ they_( have) dinner at home? 30. Let me _( help) you, Jim 二选择填空。 ( ) 1. How do I look _ this dress? A. on B. for C. in D. with ( )2. Would you like to try _ another pair? A. on B. for C. in D. with ( )3. -_? - I am just looking, thanks. A. What can I do for you B.

11、 Could you do me a favor C. May I take your order D. What would you like ( ) 4. This house is _ sale. A. on B. for C. in D. with ( )5 . I am _ a jacket for my son. A. looking at B. looking after C. looking for D. looking like ( )6. Could you do some shopping for me, we need _ thing. A. a little B. l

12、ittle C. much D. a few ( )7. -_? - Two hundred yuan. A. How much is this apple B. How is your dog C. How much is that recorder D. How do you like this recorder ( )8.-What is she? -_? A. Fine, thanks B. A waitress C. Shes Jane D. Shes thin and tall. ( )9. You can buy a_ in a clothes shop. A. hat B. r

13、ecorder C. fridge D.VCD player ( )10.This is _ umbrella. A. .a B. the C. an D./ ( )11. Please tell me _ it. A. on B. about C. in D. with ( )12. -_ ? - I am having an English lesson. A. What are you doing B. What are you C. What do you like D. What would you like? ( )13. -May I speak_ Jim? -Sorry, he

14、 isnt_. A. to , on B. with, in C. /, in D. to, in ( )14.-Hello! Is _ Jack speaking? A. he B. this C. that D. you ( )16. Lets discuss it _ tomorrow morning. A. on B. in C. this D. / ( )17. -Hello! _ Kangkang, Whos that? A. I am B. This is C. Thats D. Thiss ( )18.Could you ask her _ me back this afternoon? A. call B. calls C. to call D. calling ( )19.- W



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