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1、新译林小学英语新译林小学英语 5AUNIT3 单元知识点总结及单元练习单元知识点总结及单元练习 Unit 3 Our animal friends 一、词汇 1.our animal friends 我们的动物朋友 2.two fish 两条鱼 3.the other 另一个 4.a big tail 一条大尾巴 5.big bodies 大身体 6.have no 没有 7.four legs 四条腿 8.nice wings 漂亮的翅膀 9.red eyes 红眼睛 10.long ears 长耳朵 11.big arms 大手臂 12.big feet 大脚 13.its body 它的

2、身体 14.your fingers 你的手指 15.on the farm 在农 场上 bald eagles 白头秃鹰 polar bears 北极熊 a big kangaroo 一只 袋鼠 in Canada 在加拿大 in Australia 在澳大利亚 like the rain 喜 欢下雨 sunny weather 晴朗的天气 come out 出来 carry an umbrella 拿一把雨伞 二、句型 1. I have two animal friends. 我有两个动物朋友。 2. One is red and the other is black. 一个是红的另一个

3、是黑的。 3. They have big eyes and big bodies. 它们有大眼睛和大身体。 4. They have no legs and arms. 它们没有腿和手臂。 5. It has four legs and a short tail. 他有四条腿和一条短尾巴。 6. It has two legs and two nice wings. 它有两条腿和一双漂亮的翅膀。 7. He has a dog. 他有一只狗。 8. She has a bird. 她有一只鸟。 9. It can talk and fly. 它既会说话又会飞。 10. Do you have

4、 an animal friend? Yes, I do. 你有一个动物朋友吗? 是的,我有。 11. Does it have a long tail? Yes, it does. 它 有一条长尾巴吗? 是的, 它有。 12. Does he have a parrot? No, he doesnt. 他有一只鹦鹉嘛? 不, 他没有。 13. Does she have two fish? No, she doesnt. 她有两条鱼吗? 不, 她没有。 14. Do they have animal friends? No, they dont. 他们有动物朋友吗? 不,他们没有。 15.

5、Those are not legs. 那些不是腿。 16. Give it a cake. 给它一个蛋糕。 三、语音 Uu / / bus, duck, summer, sun, umbrella, mum, lunch, cup, rubber, run, but, much, jump, Sunday, subject, 四、语法 have / has 的用法 1、表示某人有某物。 2、主语是第一、第二人称单数和复数时用 have, 如 I, you, we, they, the students 主语是第三人称单数时用 has, 如 he, she, it, Helen, the bi

6、rd, my father 3、肯定句: have / has We have a PE lesson on Monday morning. / It has a long tail. 否定句: dont / doesnt +have They dont have animal friends. / She doesnt have a dog. 一般疑问句: Do / Does have Yes, do / does. No, dont / dont. Do you have a football? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. Does he have a toy car

7、? Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt. 五、单元综合练习: 听力部分 一、选出你所听到的内容。(每小题读两遍;10 分) ( )1. A. learn B. lesson C. listen ( )2. A. song B. sign C. sing ( )3. A. ski B. skate C. skirt ( )4. A. dance B. down C. dont ( )5. A. after B. not C. hot ( )6. A. play the game B. play the guitar C. play the violin ( )7. A.

8、make a puppet B. make a plane C. make a puzzle ( )8. A. I can swim. B. I cant swim. C. We can swim. ( )9.A. Lets start. B. Lets begin. C. Lets sing. ( )10. A. Youre right. B. All right. C. Youre wrong. 二、根据所听问题,选择正确的答案。(每小题读两遍;10 分) ( )1. A. Yes, I can. B. I cant ski. C. I can ski. ( )2. A. Yes. B.

9、Yes, we are. C. Yes, I can. ( )3. A. We can sing Colour song. B. We can dance. C. We can sing. ( )4. A. Hes Jim. B. Yes, he is. C. Hes under the table. ( )5. A. Me, too. B. Sure, I can. C. Oh, dear! 三、根据所听内容,完成下面的短文。(每小题读三遍;10 分) Ben _ Helen are _. Ben _ ride a _. He can _ a _ on his _. _ Helen _. S

10、he can _ the piano. 笔试部分 四、判断下面划线部分字母的发音是否相同,相同的写“” ,不同 的 写“” 。(6 分) ( )1. basketball dance ( )2. music computer ( )3. ride find ( )4. skate class ( )5. sofa model ( )6. rabbit happy 五、选择填空。(10 分) ( )1. The students are _ a Music lesson. A. in B. at C. on ( )2. - Listen to me, please. - _. A. OK. B.

11、 Sorry. C. Yes, I can. ( )3. He can skate, _ she cant. A. and B. / C. but ( )4. - Can you make a puppet? - _ A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, we can. C. No, you cant. ( )5. They _ a Music lesson. A. having B. are having C. are have ( )6. Its eight _ in the morning. A. clock B. time C. oclock ( )7. The boys can

12、 sing _ song In the classroom. A. a B. the C. an ( )8. - What can your brother do? - _ A. I can sing. B. He can ride a bike. C. She can take photos. ( )9. Shall we _ the song “In the classroom” now? A. listen B. learn C. put ( )10. Here are some storybooks _ you. A. of B. with C. for 六、英汉互译。(10 分) 1

13、. 唱唱跳跳 2. 一节英语课 3. 唱这首歌 4. 在门后面 5. 在你头上 6. make a model plane _ 7. ride a bike 8. listen to the teacher 9. follow me 10. play the violin 七、选词填空。(6 分) 1. Can you _(swimming, swim). 2. I cant find _(his, him). 3. Mike likes playing _(guitar, the guitar). 4. The girl can dance, but the boy _(can, cant)

14、. 5. There _ any apples in the basket. (arent, are) 6. -_(Wheres, Whats) on the bed? - Theres a doll on it. 八、连词成句,注意标点符号。(8 分) 1. two , the , in , it , oclock , is , afternoon (.) _ _ 2. you , can , what , sing (?) _ _ 3. boy , swim , can , the (?) _ _ 4. together , sing , lets , it (.) _ _ 九、按要求改写句子。10 分 1. There are twenty-four books on the desk? (划线部分提问) _ _ books are there on the desk? 2. There are some flowers in the garden. (改成否定句) There _ _ flowers in the garden. 3.I can play the violin. (划线部分提问) _ can you _



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