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1、Unit 2 Robots,Grammar: Passive infinitiveTeacher:PengYanyu,一、Fill in the blanks with the suitable form,1. It is difficult (know)what the future holds. 2. My ambition is (work)for a firm that develops computer software when I grow up.3. Unfortunately,the doctors dont know how (make )me better ,but I

2、am very outgoing and have learned to adapt to my disability.4. In many ways my disability has helpedgrow)stronger psychologically and become more independent,to grow,to make,to know,to work,5. I have a very busy life with no time (sit )around feeling sorry for myself.6. She is proud _ (take )part in

3、 competitions and (break) a record by running two laps(800 metres)this year. 7.When the teacher came in,all of us pretended(read)English.8. I saw a bird yesterday.It built a nest on the tree. I saw a bird a nest on the tree yesterday. I saw a nest on the tree by a bird yesterday.归纳1.动词不定式一般式主动结构2.动词

4、不定式进行时主动结构_3.动词不定式完成时时主动结构,to sit,to have taken,to be reading,to be built,to have broken,build,to do,to be doing,to have done,二、Rewrite the following sentences according to the models.,eg:1).I am fortunate. He gives me a lot of help.I am fortunate to be given a lot of help. ( 归纳:动词不定式一般式的被动结构)2).I a

5、m fortunate. He has given me a lot of help.I am fortunate to have been given a lot of help.(归纳:动词不定式完成式的被动结构),to be done,to have been done,1.She was annoyed.You interrupted(打断) her.She was annoyed _ _ _ by you. 2.We are pleased.They employ all of us. We are pleased _ _ _ by them. 3.He is proud .You

6、trust him.He is proud _ _ _. 4.I am lucky .You taught me a foreign language .I am lucky _ _ _ _ a foreign language. 5.John is ashamed .They found him stealing.John is ashamed _ _ stealing.,to have been interrupted,to be employed,to be trusted,to have been taught,to have been found,Dialogues(实战演练),Si

7、tuation:One day ,A(Tom) and B(Jack) met on the street.Here are their dialogues. A: Hi!Jack.Nice to meet you! B: Hi!Tom.Glad to meet you! A: This Sunday is my birthday.Would you like (come) to my birthday party? B: Yes,Id love _.Im honored (invite)to your party. A: Another good news for you.Im proud

8、(reward )our scholarship 2000 yuan last week. B: Congratulations to you! A: Thanks. B: Youre welcome.,to come,to,to be invited,to have been rewarded,Exercises(对比练习),1.1)Chinese are proud of the 29th Olympic Games_ (hold) in Beijing,in 2008.2)The English are proud of the 30th Olympic Games_ (hold) in

9、 London,in 2012. 2.1)We still have 20trees_(plant).2)There are still 20 trees _ (plant). 3.1)Im honored _ (invite)to your party next week.2)Im honored _ (invite)to your party yesterday.3)I d like (invite)you to my birthday party. 4.1)Im happy _ _ _ ( finish)my homework.Now,I can draw pictures.2)_ (f

10、inish) my homework ,I drew some pictures.,held,to be held,to plant,to be invited,to have been invited,to be planted,to invite,to have finished,Having finished,Translation(学以致用),上大学是我的梦想,所以我每天都是第一个到达教室的学生。为了能明白老师讲的东西,我认真听老师讲课。我每天有很多作业要做,但我从不抄作业。上星期我得到了2000元奖学金,我很自豪。两年后,我希望被中山大学录取。,To go to college is

11、 my ambition/goal/dream ,so every day Im the first one to get to the classroom .I listen to the teacher carefully in class in order to understand what the teacher says.I have lots of homework to do,but I never copy others answers.Im proud to have been rewarded/given scholarship 2000 yuan last week.I hope to be admitted to Zhongshan University in 2 years.,Thanks for listening !,


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