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1、Lesson97Lesson97 教学设计方案教学设计方案Lesson 97 教学设计方案 Teaching Objectives: Grasp the general question of past continuous tense and some words and phrases。 Language focus: 1。 句型: 1)Youd better go to bed earlier tonight 2) A woman saw it happen when she was walking past 3)My wallet dropped on the ground when

2、I was walking in the park 4)You look tired today。 2。 Words and expressions play the piano/violin/guitar/flute, watch video tape, review, look tired/young/worried, mend, forget sth。/forget to do sth。 had better(not) do sth。 , novel, accident, wallet, walk past, give sth。 (back) to sb。 3过去进行时态的陈述句和疑问句

3、 We were not traveling too fast。 Was she traveling too fast? Properties: Tape-recorder, Overhead projector, novel, pictures, 学习用具,如钢笔、书等。 Teaching procedures: Step 1 Revision Talk about what students were doing at different times yesterday。 Student1: What were you doing at eight oclock yesterday eve

4、ning? Student2: I was reading my English。 Step 2 Presentation Ask the students Were you watching TV at eight oclock at night? 。 Help students to answer “Yes, I was。 ” or “No, I wasnt。 ” Practise in the same way。 教师快速向学生提问,要求学生给予肯定或否定回答,并练习各种人称形式。例如: T:(对某位同学)Were you watching TV last night? :Yes, I

5、was。 /No, I wasnt。 T:(面向全班)Was he/she watching TV last night? :Yes,heshe wasNo,heshe wasnt 通过上述练习,由学生小结出过去进行时态陈述句式和疑问句式的构成。 Get the students to ask and answer in pairs。 Step 3 Ask and answer Learn new words Russian, motorbike by showing the pictures。 Explain the word “review” 。 It means to look agai

6、n at something, such as school work, notes of lessons, etc。 Go through the phrases in the box and make sure the students understand what they mean。 Play the video: Lesson 97 ask and answer。 (播放媒体素材让学生领悟过去进行时态的疑问句的运用情景) Get the students to make up questions and answers in pairs。 Step 4 Practice 请两位同学

7、到前面来,低声嘱咐学生甲装作很累的样子,无精打采;学生乙装作不舒服,伏在课桌上(如能课前布置效果更好) 。 T:(面向学生甲) You look tired today。 Youd better go to bed earlier tonight, If you can。 引导大家猜测这两个句子的意思。 (面向学生乙) You are not feeling well todayYoud better go to see the doctor 板书 Youd better do sth。给学生几分钟时间,让大家设计一些情景,然后提出建议。 Explain had better(not)do s

8、th。 It is used to give advice about what someone should or should not do。 Play the tape of dialogue 1 and ask Why is the speaker tired? (the speaker went to bed too late) Explain the word novel。 It means a long written story in which the characters and events are usually imaginary。 We can also call

9、that a fiction。 (可通过实物教学,教师准备好一本小说) Play it again for the students t listen and repeat。 Or play the video: Lesson 97 Practice 1。 Get the students to practise the dialogue in pairs, then to make up new dialogues using the substitutes in the box。 Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues。 教师由前面走到后面,途中

10、掉下书或钢笔。用英语解释这一情景:I dropped my book/pen when I was walking in the classroom Play the tape for the students and ask What happened to A。 (His wallet dropped on the ground。) Explain the meaning of wallet and ground。 (可通过图片或实物进行教学) Wallet is a small flat leather case that you carry in your pocket for hol

11、ding paper money。 Show them one to make it easier。 Explain the sentence: A woman saw it happen when she was walking past。 上述句子包含以下句型:see sth。 happen。 表示感觉的动词如:see,hear,watch 等,以及其他动词如:make,let 等,后面构成复合宾语作宾语补足语时,动词不定式的 to 要省去。如: The children saw the motorbike hit the bag of rice。孩子们看见摩托车撞在了米袋上。 Whose

12、 photo is that?Let me have a look at it那是谁的照片?让我看看。 Did you hear him play the piano just now?刚才你听见他弹钢琴了吗? Play the tape again for the students to listen and repeat。 Or Play the video: Lesson 97 Practice 2。 Get the students to practise the dialogue in pairs, and make up new dialogue using the substit

13、utes in the box。 Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues。 Step 5 Exercises in class Turn the following sentences into general questions, then give short answers。 1。All the boys were playing football on the playground when it began to rain。 2。 Mary was talking to her friend on the phone when her mo

14、ther got home。 3。 I was leaving the house when the telephone rang。 4。 The girl was XXX the bed at seven oclock yesterday morning。 5。 The dog was running after the cat。 Keys: 1。Were all the boys playing football on the playground when it began to rain? Yes, they were。 /No, they werent。 2。 Was Mary ta

15、lking to her friend on the phone when her mother got home? Yes, she was。 /No, she wasnt。 3。 Were you leaving the house when the telephone rang? Yes, I was。/No, I wasnt。 4。 Was the girl XXX the bed at seven oclock yesterday morning? Yes, she was。 /No, she wasnt。 5。 Was the dog running after the cat?

16、Yes, it was。/No, it wasnt。 Step 6 Homework 1。 Make sentences with the following phrases。 look+ adj。 ; forget to do sth。 ; had better do sth。 ;walk past; give sth。 back to sb。 2。 Preview the next lesson。 3。 Do exercises on page 121。 4。 Finish off the workbook exercise。 Writing on blackboard Lesson 97 The Past Continuous Tense Statement forms Question forms Short an


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