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1、人教版七年级上英语作文人教版七年级上英语作文 1 1. . My familys favourite food 介介绍绍自自己己及及家家人人喜喜欢欢吃吃的的食食物物 Hello! My name is Jenny. There are five people in my family.They are my father ,mother ,brother sister and I . My father likes chicken,fish and all vegetables,but he doesnt like salad.He likes bananas,apples ,oranges,

2、pears.My mom likes all fruits,bananas ,apples,pears and so on.My brother likes French fries and hamburgers.How about my sister? She likes all kinds of fruits.She also likes hamburgers very much. As for me, I like pizza very much.Because I think it is so delicious ! And I like salad for dessert What

3、about your familys favourite food/ 2 2. .根根据据格格内内容容,写写一一篇篇介介绍绍Salina 的的文文章章。 Name: Salina Eats dinner: 6:30 Goes to bed:10:30 Can: dance and sing Like : Comedies Age : 14 Birthday : 8 August Wants : to see a funny movie Favorite subjects : music, English, PE I have a friend. Her name is Salina. She

4、is 13 years old. Her birthday is August 8th. She has dinner at 6:30pm and goes to bed at 10:30 pm. She can dance and sing well. She likes comedies and wants to see a funny movie. Her favorite subject is music, English and PE. She thinks music is relaxing, English is interesting, and PE is exciting.

5、This is my friend, do you have a friend? / what about your friend? 3 3. .假假使使你你是是校校 英英语语角角 的的一一名名记记者者,就就学学校校开开展展的的一一系系列列活活动动:采采访访、 报报道道,并并阐阐述述自自己己的的观观点点。请请你你根根据据下下面面表表格格中中提提供供的的信信息息,写写一一篇篇报报 告告。 EventsTimeLike or NotWhy Basketball GameApril 15thYesinteresting Music FestivalMay 4thYesRelaxing Sports

6、MeetOctober 22ndYesInteresting and exciting School TripNovember 3rdYesInteresting and relaxing English Speech Contest December 30thNoboring In our school, we have many events. We have a basketball game on April 15th. We like it because its interesting. On May 4th, we have a music festival. We like i

7、t because music is relaxing. We have our sports meet on October 22nd. We like it because its interesting and exciting. We like sports. We have a school trip on November 3rd. We like it too. Its interesting and relaxing. And we can learn a lot from it. We also have an English Speech Contest on Decemb

8、er 30th. Some of the students dont like it. They think its boring. But I think its good for us .So I love it. 4 4. .假假如如你你叫叫李李明明,想想给给刚刚认认识识的的美美国国笔笔友友写写信信介介绍绍你你的的一一些些情情况况。下下面面 是是你你的的资资料料。 nameLi Ming age14 hobbyTable tennis Favorite subjectscience schoolNo 1 Middle School Dear Jane, I am very glad to

9、 be your pen friend. Do you want to know something about me? My name is Li Ming. I am fourteen years old now. I am a student in No 1 Middle School. Its a big school. There are twenty classes in our school. Im in Class One, Grade One. We have six subjects, but I like science best. I think its very in

10、teresting. After school, I often play table tennis with my friends. I like it very much. Can you write to me and tell me something about you? Y Yo ou ur rs s, , L Li i M Mi in ng g 5 5. .请请你你根根据据图图表表中中的的材材料料,写写一一篇篇介介绍绍Jerry 一一天天中中活活动动的的短短文文。 Jerrys Day 7:00 amget up4:30 pmgo home 7:20 ameat breakfas

11、t7:00 pmwatch TV 7:45 amgo to school7:30 pmdo homework 11:30 ameat lunch9:30 pmgo to bed This is Jerrys day. He gets up at 7:00 am, she eatsbreakfast t at7:20am.Afterthat, she goes to school at 7:45 am. At 11:30 am she eats lunch at school .Class is over at 4:00 pm, then she goes home at 4:30 pm. Af

12、ter dinner she watches TV at 7:00 pm. At 7:30pm she usually does her homework at home. She goes to bed at 9:30 pm. She has a full and busy day today. 6 6. .假假如如你你叫叫李李磊磊, 你你的的美美国国朋朋友友Henry 在在公公共共汽汽车车上上丢丢失失一一只只黑黑色色 双双肩肩包包, 内内有有一一些些课课本本、几几张张唱唱片片、几几张张身身份份证证。 请请你你替替他他写写一一篇篇 寻寻物物启启示示,希希望望拾拾到到者者与与他他或或你你联联系

13、系(电电话话:22266300) Lost My friends black backpack lost on a bus. There are some books CDs and an ID card in the backpack My friends name is Henry. Please call Henry and Li Lei at 22266300. 7 7. .我我的的一一天天的的日日程程安安排排 信信的的格格式式 Dear Jeeny, Im very happy to get your E-mail.Now Let me talk to you about my da

14、y, I get up at 6:30 in the morning.At7:30.All the morning I read . write and listen to the teacher .what hard work I do! So Im very hungry.I must have lunch at 12:00 at school.I will have an English class at 2:30 in the afternoon,oh,Its 16:20 .Its time for me to go home .At 18:10 I have supper with

15、my parents.What a happy and busy day it is! Yours, Liu Yang 8 8. .My school Day 我我的的一一天天的的日日程程安安排排 I get up at 6:30 every morning.I go to school at 7:30 am .Classes begin at 8:00.We have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon.We begin to clean our classroom at 4:30 pm.At 5:00 pm. I go

16、home. Afterfinishingmyhomework,I go to bed at 9:00 pm. 9 9. .自自我我介介绍绍 My name is Wang Ming.M My y b bi ir rt th hd da ay y i is s J Ju un ne e 5 5t th h. I am Chinese. I am a student. .I study very hard.My favorite subject is English. I like it because it is interesting. I can play the piano and the trumpet, but not very well. I love swimming and I am good at



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