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1、Text A Secrets of Straight-A Students 课文词汇注-Unit 1 college life Unit One: College Life Interpretation of Quotes(引言解释)(引言解释) The things taught in schools and colleges are not an education, but the means to an education. Ralph Waldo Emerson Interpretation: We dont go to school or college to learn, but

2、 to seek the way to learn. Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. W. B. Yeats Interpretation: Instead of stuffing students with knowledge, real education aims at bringing out what is inside students and cultivating their potential. You cannot teach a man anything; you ca

3、n only help him find it within himself. Galileo Interpretation: Teaching doesnt really help anyone, but it helps a person find out what he/she is good at. Text A Secrets of Staight-A Students Section A Discovering the Main Ideas Exercise 1. Write down the main idea of the following paragraphs in the

4、 space provided. Answers for reference: 1) Para 2: Top students attain academic excellence by mastering a few basic principles that others can easily learn. 2) Para 3: Top students learn to be organized. 3) Para 4: Top students know how to schedule their time properly. 4) Para 5: Top students are ve

5、ry serious about school and very active in class. 5) Para 6: Students benefit from group study. Exercise 2: Read the following statements and then decide whether each of them is true or false based on the information in the text. Write T for True and F for False in the space provided before each sta

6、tement. 1) T 2) T 3) F The student does so in order to save time. 4) T 5) F The student who turns in neat work is a step closer to a high score. 6) T 7) F Encouragement rather than pressure from parents helps students a lot. Exercise 3: Summarize the basic principles that top students master and app

7、ly in their studying and put them down in the space provided. Basic Principles that Top Students Master and Apply a. set priorities b. study anywhere or everywhere c. study at ones preferred time d. be consistent Section B In-depth Study Good Usage (Para. 1) conducted major studies super-achieving s

8、tudents top grades According to him it is far more important Good Usage (Para. 2) attain academic excellence mastering a few basic principles how to set their priorities right Study time is never compromised for phone calls In other words placed above recreation In addition make a point of he works

9、out every day a matter of personal preference as soon as fresh in their minds a main factor Good Usage (Para. 3) For example is actively involved in keeps his things in their proper places files the days notes available for review improving ones memory or retention ability lead to a full understandi

10、ng of the authors message Good Usage (Para.4) schedule their time pace each assignment or project according to their daily timetable be overwhelmed by the tasks at hand set timetables prevents them from procrastinating wasting time whispering to friends getting ready to rush out of the class jot dow

11、n a two- or three-sentence summary scans the notes refresh her memory Good Usage (Para.5) winning formula lies in a students ability to hand in neat work turns in neat work on the way to scoring an A In the classroom context to speak up to clarify any doubts demonstrates a student s intellectual cur

12、iosity concisely puts it Better grades come from better understanding. Good Usage (Para.6) tried different approaches explained their solutions to one another laboured on their own frame tentative test questions devise possible test questions Good Usage (Para.7) In the students words The more you pr

13、actise, the more you learn. Last but not least lies in the crucial contribution by parents set high standards took pains to explain Key Words and Expressions for Text A conduct vt. carry out or direct; go with and guide or lead 进行;实施;经营;处理;陪伴;引导, 带领 e.g. 1. These studies were conducted by four teams

14、 that coordinated their work. 2. We are conducting a survey to find out what the customers think of our service. 我们在进行一项调查以了解顾客对我们服务的看法。 Collocations: conduct a meeting 主持会议 conduct an investigation 进行调查 reveal vt. make known sth. that was previously secret or unknown 揭示,透露;使(事实等)显 露出来 e.g. 1. Detai

15、ls of the murder were revealed by the local newspaper. 2. He didnt want to reveal his real feelings. 他不想露出他的真实情感。 Collocations: reveal sth. to sb. 向某人透露某事 reveal sb. to be 显示某人是 make the most of get the best advantage from 最大限度利用 e.g. 1. Jim studied hard in the training class; he wanted to make the

16、most of his chance to learn. 2. The occasion only comes once in five years, and they naturally make the most of it. 这个机会五年才有一次,他们当然会充分利用。 attain vt. fml gain or arrive at, esp. after long effort; reach正式(长期努力后)获得,达到 e.g. 1. He attained fame through many years of hard work. 2. We need to identify the best ways of attaining our goals. 我们需要确定达到我们目标的最好方法。 CF: attain, achieve firstly 首先;第一点 e.g. 1. Im not going; to begin with, I havent a ticket, and secondly I dont like the p


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