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1、迪斯尼副董辞职报告迪斯尼副董辞职报告迪斯尼副董辞职报告经过长时间慎重考虑,我决定辞职。我是 xx 年年 8 月份进入新法制报的。尽管新法制报是我参加工作后的第二个单位,但在新法制报工作的这一年半时间里,我的新闻采写等业务水平得到明显进步,人生观、价值观也在工作中逐步完善。我由衷地感谢新法制报这个平台。是它给了我践行新闻理念的机会,也正是因为有新法制报这个平台,我才有机会踏遍江西数十个县市,饱览风俗人情,体会人情冷暖。大家好!首先感谢院党组给了我这个展示自我的机会,使我能够在这里与大家进行这样一次直面、公开的交流。我叫。 。 。 ,今年。 。岁,年参加工作,年加入中国共产党,现任副科级助理检察员

2、。我现在竞争的职位是办公室副主任。兴趣是最好的老师,只有热爱一份职业才会全心全意的扑在工作上,殚精竭虑的谋求提高工作技能,同时达到在快乐中投入工作,在工作中体会快乐的境界。我认定法律职业就是这样一份令我魂牵梦绕、奋不顾身的工作。Dear Michael,It is with deep sadness and regret that I send you this letter of resignation from the Walt Disney Company, both as Chairman of the Feature Animation Division and as Vice Ch

3、airman of the Board of Directors.You well know that you and I have had serious differences of opinion about the direction and style of management in the Company in recent years. For whatever reason, you have driven a wedge between me and those I work with even to the extent of requiring some of my a

4、ssociates to report my conversations and activities back to you. I find this intolerable.Finally, you discussed with the Nominating Committee of the Board of Directors its decision to leave my name off the slate of directors to be elected in the coming year, effectively muzzling my voice on the Boar

5、d much as you did with Andrea Van de Kamp last year.Michael, I believe your conduct has resulted from my clear and unambiguous statements to you and the Board of Directors that after 19 years at the helm you are no longer the best person to run the Walt Disney Company. You had a very successful firs

6、t 10-plus years at the Company in partnership with Frank Wells, for which I salute you. But, since Franks untimely death in 1994, the Company has lost its focus, its creative energy, and its heritage.As I have said, and as Stanley Gold has documented in letters to you and other members of the Board,

7、 this Company, under your leadership, has failed during the last seven years in many ways:1. The failure to bring back ABC Prime Time from the ratings abyss it has been in for years and your inability to program successfully the ABC Family Channel. Both of these failures have had, and I believe, wil

8、l continue to have, significant adverse impact on shareholder value.2. Your consistent micro-management of everyone around you with the resulting loss of morale throughout this Company.谢谢 xx 小姐对我的信任,也谢谢陈总你对我的严格要求。祝愿你们的事业蒸蒸日上,也希望 xx 健康成长,请批准我的请辞。3. The timidity of your investments in our theme park b

9、usiness. At Disneys California Adventure, Paris, and now in Hong Kong, you have tried to build parks on the cheap and they show it, and the attendance figures reflect it.即将离开公司了,在离开之前我想提个建议给公司。公司的业务主要是由一线的业务人员直接去做的,但是公司培训的时候却是给二三线的人员培训的,但是他们会有谁把自己培训学到的东西教给自己的属下呢?就算有人教了,传下来的话有几分能与培训初衷所要达到的效果一样。另外一点就是

10、,作为公司的领导,尤其是上层的领导,不要给一线人员一打电话第一句话就问业务怎么怎么的?先寒暄下生活,这样员工心里也会比较高兴。4. The perception by all of our stakeholders consumers, investors, employees, distributors and suppliers that the Company is rapacious, soul-less, and always looking for the quick buck rather than the long-term value which is leading to

11、a loss of public trust.来到人保公司两年了,正是在这里我开始踏上了社会,完成了自己从一个学生到社会人的转变。公司平等的人际关系和开明的工作作风,一度让我有着找到了依靠的感觉,在这里我能开心的工作,开心的学习。5. The creative brain drain of the last several years, which is real and continuing, and damages our Company with the loss of every talented employee.6. Your failure to establish and bu

12、ild constructive relationships with creative partners, especially Pixar, Miramax, and the cable companies distributing our products.7. Your consistent refusal to establish a clear succession plan.In conclusion, Michael, it is my sincere belief that it is you who should be leaving and not me. Accordi

13、ngly, I once again call for your resignation or retirement. The Walt Disney Company deserves fresh, energetic leadership at this challenging time in its history just as it did in 1984 when I headed a restructuring which resulted in your recruitment to the Company.I have and will always have an enorm

14、ous allegiance and respect for this Company, founded by my uncle, Walt, and father, Roy, and to our faithful employees and loyal stockholders. I dont know if you and other directors can comprehend how painful it is for me and the extended Disney family to arrive at this decision.In accordance with Item 6 of Form 8-K and Item 7 of Schedule 14A, I request that you disclose this letter and that you file a copy of this letter as an exhibit to a Company Form 8-K.With sincere regret,(Roy Edward Disney)Roy E. Disney



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