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1、梅琳达梅琳达. .盖茨在杜克大学的毕业典礼演盖茨在杜克大学的毕业典礼演 讲:人际关系是一切讲:人际关系是一切梅琳达.盖茨在杜克大学的 XX 毕业典礼演讲:人际关系是一切President Brodhead, Trustees, members of the Duke University Community, thank you for inviting me to come back to my alma mater for this important occasion. I am grateful for the honorary degree, and moved by the opp

2、ortunity to address the graduating seniors.在卓越与自负之间取得最佳平衡并不容易,因为有信心、 勇敢无畏也是品德,但沉醉于过往和眼前成就、与生俱来的地位或财富的傲慢自信,其实是一种能力的溃疡。我们要谨记传统智慧,老子的八字真言:知人者智,自知者明 。To the Class of XX: Let me start by saying congratulations . and by reminding you to thank your mothers and wish them a happy Mothers Day . and by admitti

3、ng that Im still bitter about the Louisville game.I was a student here in 1986 when Coach K took the team to the finals for the first time. We lost to Louisville then, too, so you and I share that particular agony.However, you had the good fortune to be here on campus when Duke won its fourth nation

4、al championship.你可以一辈子担心这个、担心那个,事实上,我们之中有太多人的人生,是用恐惧来做决定。我们总觉得内心e 真正想要的东西实在是太遥远、太可笑,所以我们不敢向宇宙索取。我站在这 e,就是一个活生生的例子:你想要的,宇宙会给你!I never got to see us cut down the nets, but I did see us beat UNC, in Chapel Hill, when Michael Jordan was the star of the team.首先容许我代表校董会同仁,欢迎各位家长到临汕头大学,今天我们大家共聚一堂,分享你们儿女努力的

5、成绩,我谨代表校董会向你们衷心祝贺。 也容许我代表校董会向校长及全体老师致谢,是你们不懈的努力,更新求进,为汕头大学更取佳绩。昨天晚上,我翻阅了汕头大学 XX 年的年报,虽然只是一段段简单的文字,却清楚写出不一样学习经验的意义,不仅是为了传授知识,更为着培养你们的毅力和心力。大家都知道汕头大学和以色列理工学院合办一所新大学,(搜索微信公众号“投黑马”专注于文创领域的众筹平台 )今天我借用犹太长老一个古老的命题:“我不为己,谁人为我,但我只为己,那我又是谁?”只有求成者对这个问题,有真正的答案。下午好,老师、同学们、毕业生的家人、朋友们 大家好!祝贺你们毕业!感谢你们让我成为这个典礼的一部分!你

6、们有一位很棒的州长,还有很棒的市长,让我感谢他们,也感谢来到这里的所有国会议员另外能离开华盛顿一段时间也不错。不要误会 ,华盛顿是很漂亮的城市,而且住在市中心也很好,不用承受上下班的交通拥堵,但是有时候华盛顿的政治气氛太浓 ,那些政治噪音有时让人民的声音反而不能被听到了。 所以我就任以来, 决定每天坚持看十封信从千千万万封来自美国人民的信中每天看十封。这是我自我谦卑的自我提醒的方式,提醒我自己我当初为什么会竞选总统。The fact that Michael Jordan recently turned 50 years old tells you how long its been sinc

7、e I was a student.No matter how much time passes, though, I always feel connected to Duke. I love visiting my favorite landmarks, especially the Duke Gardens, where I used to go when I was stressed out before exams and needed to clear my head. I went yesterday, because I wanted to make sure I was ce

8、ntered before giving this speech.Theres also my feeling of deep connection to the community my classmates created during our four years, and to the lifelong friends I made here - in short, to the people. I doubt there is a word that captures the combination of experiences and places and people that

9、we summarize under the label “Duke.“ The best one I can think of is “connected.“ And this is a word Id like to talk about for a few minutes on your Commencement Day.In August, 1982, I left my home in Dallas, Texas, to come here to Durham. To mark this rite of passage, my parents gave me a terrific p

10、resent: the cutting-edge Olympus B12 portable typewriter, with a carrying case included. One of its best features was how light it was: Amazingly, the whole bundle weighed just 12 pounds!It was during my time at Duke that the personal computer displaced the typewriter as the technology of choice on

11、campus. Those of us in the computer science department actually resented the change. There were so few computers available, and all of a sudden the humanities majors were hogging our machines to write their papers.We had to do our programming in the middle of the night, usually in the creepy basemen

12、t of the old biological science building. Wed set up contests - who programmed the fastest or made the fewest mistakes - kind of like a prehistoric hack-a-thon. The punishment for the losers was a trip to the biology lab at the end of the hall, where they had to touch the scariest mutant frog specim

13、ens.CONNECTION, AN INTRODUCTIONThe personal computer - and later, after Id graduated and taken a job at Microsoft, the Internet - started a communications revolution. My kids are a few years younger than you, but raising them has proved to me that the way you communicate is the single biggest differ

14、ence between you now and me a generation ago.One popular way of describing this aspect of your lives is to say that youre “connected.“ Some pundits have even started to refer to you as Generation C. One recent report overdid the c-thing by saying you are “connected, communicating, content-centric, c

15、ommunity-oriented, always clicking.“ It went on to say that, for these reasons alone, you will “transform the world as we know it.“感恩,蕴含特强的感染力,是一股悦己达人的正能量。“推己及人”的态度,是一股为自己充电,成就他人,造就自己的超能量。Of course, all the hype about how connected you are has contributed to a counter-narrative - that, in fact, your

16、 generation is increasingly disconnected from the things that matter. The arguments go something like this: Instead of spending time with friends, you spend it alone, collecting friend requests. Rather than savoring your food, you take pictures of it and post them on Facebook.Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college, but it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later. Again, you cant connect the dots looking f


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