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1、Untraceable Group2,Action1DW:Hi. K:Youre right on time. DW:Yeah, well, its a curse. I spend half my life waiting for people. So, Dave Williams. Thats a great address, by the way. Eights bring prosperity. K :I didnt know that. DW :Yeah. DW :Wow, you must really like Asia, huh? K :Just Korea.,DW :Kore

2、a. Well, its fabulous. K :Thank you. DW :So you gonna let me see them ? K :Of course. Through the kitchen. DW :I gotta tell you, a 710 Pullman and a 712 Observation Car ? My heart skipped a beat when I got your e-mail. If theyre really in mint condition K :My dad and I hardly ever uses them. We most

3、ly played football and we built things. Toys, contraptions. We had a workshop. He died last year.,DW :Oh, well, Im sorry. (The killer strikes Dave Williams on his back and then make torture on him. )Action2 (The phones of Griffins and Marshs are ringing. ),Action3Tim:Same build, same coloring. The c

4、omputers faster than last time. M:Yeah, I swear Ive seen this poor guy somewhere before. G:Yeah. We all have. Hes David Williams. He used to be a reporter for Channel 12. He now hosts a TV show on public access. Chief:Ok, call Bagley. Set up a press conference. M:Sir, just wait a minute, please. Thi

5、s is,just what he wants. Anything you say will promote the site. Chief:Thats a possibility, but what would you prefer? M:Talks to National Security Agency. Their computer capabilitys beyond ors. We need their help. Chief:Thats fine, but Ive got a man being publicly tortured. How will it look if he d

6、ies and the Bureau never tried to help the poor guy?,M:Not as bad as if we reach out and it kills him faster. Chief:You honestly believe that could happen? M:Yes, sir, I do. Chief: Im sorry, Marsh. I got no choice.,Action4Chief:Were gathered here to share some informationin regards to criminal condu

7、ct that originated in the Portland metropolitan areabut that has far-reaching implications. Let me introduce Special Agent-in-Charge of the FBIs Portland field officeRichard Brooks. RB :Thank you, chief. A week ago, a man was killed in this city. This barbaric, cowardly murder was streamed live on t

8、he,Internet. (这起野蛮而又怯懦的谋杀在网上进行了直播。) As part of the killers design, the more people who logged on to the site to witness the victims suffering, the sooner the victim died.(按照凶手的意图,越多的人登录站点来观看受害者受苦,受害者就死得越快。)Millions of Americans choose to visit the site, believing that they were witnessing a mere hoa

9、x, a stunt or a prank. (观看一出闹剧)Well, unfortunately, it wasnt. Now, today, a second individual has appeared on the site and his life, too, is,in jeopardy. (危在旦夕)The torture that he is experiencing now is unimaginable in its cruelty. Were doing everything what we can to shut down the site and bring th

10、e killer to justice. In this meantime, we ask that everyone stay away from the site. Any visit to this site, no matter how brief will only hasten the victims death. Any American who visit the site is an accomplice to the murder,Action5Detective :Lets main-screen the website. Hey, Tim, I think hes tr

11、ying to say something. Tim :Eight, eightOh, I get it. Its an address, I think. Eight-o-eightNewberry. Detective :Newberry?Theres a Newberry Road in Laurelhurst.,(The police come to the doubtful house immediately.)Detective :Police, open the door. G :Its a wrong placeOh, he was here, though. M :All right. We should send Forensics in here. (把取证组叫过来),Thank you for your listening,



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