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1、2012-2013 年六年级第二学期英语期末试卷年六年级第二学期英语期末试卷学校: 姓名: 班级: 学号: 成绩:一、听录音,根据录音内容“”出相应的图片。 (10 分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、二、听录音,在相应的框格内打“” 。每题读两遍。 (10 分)Lisa Kenny MayTimSarah happy angry bored sad tired went hiking flew kites sang a song swam did housework三、三、听录音,根据录音内容用阿拉伯数字给下列各图排序。 (5 分)( ) (

2、 ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、听录音,根据录音内容把图片与相应的人名连起来。 (5 分)Mike Mary Peter John Lucy五、五、听录音,根据录音内容补全短文,每空一词。 (10 分)_ holiday is coming. All of my friends are so_ . They are planning how to spend their holiday. Sarah is going to_ a boat. She is going to Hangzhou by _. Amy is an _ girl. She likes sports. She likes

3、going _ with her _ . They are going to Shanghai by _. Amy is going to buy a _ for a _ for me.(笔试部分)(笔试部分)一、选择合适的句子将对话补充完整, 填写字母编号在横线上。 (共 10 分) Zip: Hey, Zoom. _? Zoom: I went to the hospital on the weekend. Zip: _? Zoom: Yes, I was sick. Zip: _? Zoom: I had a fever and my throat is sore. Zip: You s

4、hould do sports and make yourself to be stronger. Zoom: You are right. _? Zip: Thats a good idea. But I will go swimming this afternoon. Zoom: _. Zip: Sure! Lets go together.A. What was the matter? B. Can I go with you? C. Where did you go last weekend? D. Were you sick? E. How do you feel? F. Did y

5、ou go swimming with me? G. Lets go swimming tomorrow, OK? 二、选择填空 (每小题 2 分, 共 10 分)( )1. In America, drivers drive on the _ of the road. A: left B: right C: middle ( )2. Whats the matter with you , John?_ A. He has a fever. B. I have fever. C. I am 164cm.( )3. We _ Beijing last night. A. leave B. lef

6、t C. went ( ) 4. Listen! The children_ in the musicroom.A. singing B. is singing C. are singing( ) 5. The brown cat is as _ as the black cat.A .fat B. fatter C. fater 三、三、阅读下面的短文,根据提示补全短文。注意书写工整。(每空 1 分, 共 10 分) Last summer holiday, Peter and his parents went to visit Uncle Wong in Dalian. They went

7、 there by _(飞机). Peter _(learn) how to ride a bike in Dalian. This summer holiday is coming, he is going to Beijing, he_(visit) the Summer Palace, he _(climb) the Great Wall, too. Peter _(like) reading books very much. He is going to the Beijing _(图书馆) , he _(read) some _(杂志) about animals. Now, Pet

8、er is making a plan with his father for this summer holiday. But his mother _(write) a letter in the study, his sister _(wash) the clothes, they are very busy. 四、阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,选择恰当的答案回答问题,并 将该答案前面的字母编号填在题号前的括号内(每小题2 分,共 10 分)Sam and Pat are brothers. They are twins. They are in the same class. Sam

9、works harder and studies better than his brother Pat. One day, the teacher asks the class to write a composition(作文). The name of it was “My mother”. Sam writes a composition and wants to give it to the teacher, but Pat said, “Sam, let me have a look.” Pat reads it and copies(抄) it.The next day, the

10、 teacher asks Pat, “Why is it that your composition is the same as Sams, Pat?” “You know we have the same mother,” answers Pat. ( )1. Sam and Pat are_. A. friends B. classmate C. brothers D. both B and C.( )2. Pat asks Sam to_. A. copy his composition B. help him write the composition. C. give his c

11、omposition to him. D. look at his composition. ( )3. The two brothers _to the teacher. A. together give one composition. B. give 2 compositions. C. each gives a composition. D. dont give any composition. ( )4. Pats answer to the teachers question is _. A. nice B. not right. C. OK. D. a good one. ( )

12、5. Who studies better? _. A. Sam B. Pat C. Sam and Pat D. We dont know. 五、根据短文内容判断正误,正确的打 T,错误的打 F。 (10 分)Mrs Brown has a young cat. But one day the cat is lost, and its snowing outside. Mrs Brown looks everywhere but cant find it, so she calls the police. A young policeman answers the phone. “Dont

13、worry, madam. Cats are really strong animals. They sometimes live for several days in the snow and are quite all right.” Mrs Brown is happy to hear the words. She says, “My cat is very clever. She almost (几乎)talks. “Well then,” the policeman says, “Why dont you put your telephone down? Perhaps (或者)she is trying to telephone you now.” ( )Mrs Brown loses her lovely dog. ( )Its raining heavily outside. ( )Mrs Brown is worried, so she calls the police. ( )Mrs Brown is very angry to hear the words. ( )Mrs Brow


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