英国文学选读 第三版 王守仁chapter 1-early literature

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1、British Literature,2013-2014 马红梅,Introduction,The functions of literature Requirements Final exam,British Literature,Part One The Middle Ages Part Two The English Renaissance Part Three The Restoration Part Four The Age of Romanticism Part Five The Victorian Age Part Six The 20th-Century Literature,

2、Early English Literature Beowulf,The national epic Lines The first long poem in English Character,Three episodes related in the career of Beowulf,1. The fight with the monster, Grendel 2. The fight with Grendels mother, a still more frightful she-monster 3. The mortal combat with the Fire Dragon, (a

3、fter being the king of the Geats for 50 years),Beowulf,The meaning of Beowulf,Four important features,Alliteration Metaphors Understatements The mixture of pagan and Christian elements,Alliteration: The matching or repetition of consonants is called alliteration, or the repeating of the same letter

4、(or sound) at the beginning of words following each other immediately or at short intervals. For example: sweet smell of success a dime a dozen bigger and better,Metaphor is defined as the substitution of one idea or object with another, used to assist expression or understanding. A figure of speech

5、 in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an implicit comparison, as in “a sea of troubles“ or “All the world is a stage Shakespeare“. The Internet is an information superhighway.,Compound words are used to serve as indirect metaphors i

6、n Beowulf. “ring-giver” “swans path” or “whales road” “battle-hero”, “shield-bearer” or “spear-fighter”,Understatement is used to make something appear smaller or less important than it really is. It can be used to entertain or to reduce the importance of the truth. In Beowulf, “not troublesome” is

7、for very welcome; “need not praise” for a right to condemn.,Non-Christian elements: the observing of omens, the attribution of power to fate, cremation, blood-revenge, the praise of worldly glory Christian: Gods dominion over the world, of devils agency among men, of existence of Heaven and Hell, of

8、 a Last Judgment, of Sin,Other forms,Riddles Religious poetry Old English prose,Middle English Literature,Four great contributions to poetry: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight The Pearl Piers the Plowman Canterbury Tales,Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400),Title The greatest poet of the Middle English period

9、, “the father of English poetry” Life Westminster Abbey “Poets Corner”,Chaucers Literary Career,Three periods 1.the French period (1360s-1372) 2.the Italian period (1372-1385) 3.the English period(1387-1400),Chaucers Contributions to English Literature,A. the heroic couplet, the rhymed couplet of ia

10、mbic pentameter B. the rhyme royal, a seven-line stanza in iambic pentameter, rhyming ababbcc. C. the terza rima, three-line stanzas, rhyming aba, bcb, cdc, etc. D. the octave, eight-line iambic pentameter stanza, rhyming ababbcbc.,Chaucers Contributions to the English Language,Making the dialect of

11、 London the foundation for modern English language. Writing in current English languagethe first poet. An important factor in establishing English as the literary language of the country.,The Canterbury Tales,Form the heroic couplet Content The characters His style,Discussion Point,1. The setting of

12、 the tales described 2. The general tone of the tales 3. The character of the Knight from the introduction,音节和重音,是指两个音节对应重读,一重读一非重读,一阴一阳,形成一种平衡,完美而和谐。排成五组(pentameter)抑扬格(iambic),即五步格诗行。 For example: If winter comes, can spring be far 抑 扬 抑 扬 抑 扬 抑 扬 behind ? 抑 扬 一个“抑扬”就叫做一个音步(foot)。,抑扬格 iambus 扬抑格 T

13、rochee 抑抑扬格 Anapaest 扬扬抑格 Dactyl 扬扬格Spondee 抑抑格 Pyrrhic,二音步 Dimeter 三音步 Trimetic 四音步 Tetrameter 五音步 Pentameter 六音步 Hexopody 七音步 Heptameter,但经常有变体:一种是颠倒一两个抑扬的顺序,如莎士比亚一首十四行诗的开头一句(“能否把你比作夏日璀璨?”):Shall I compare thee to a 抑 扬 扬 抑 扬 抑 抑summers day ? 扬 抑 扬,诗节和韵式,诗节,大体就是三行一段或者四行一段,用空行空开。比如莎士比亚体的十四行诗,就是4442

14、分节。 无韵诗”(blank verse),莎士比亚的戏剧大体都是以此诗体写成,特点是五步抑扬格,但不用韵,所以说莎士比亚的剧都是诗剧。,十四行诗,sonnet来自于意大利语sonetto,意大利语又来自于古法语sonet。一般认为意大利是十四行诗的发源地,因为文艺复兴时期的大诗人彼得拉克写了很多的十四行诗而使该诗体广为流传。但法国人考证说该诗体最初是普罗旺斯诗人采用的。一般根据分节和韵式的不同分为彼得拉克体(意大利体,4-4-3-3)、莎士比亚体(英体,4-4-4-2)等等。,Heroic couplet: two successive lines of rhymed poetry in i

15、ambic pentameter, so called for its use in the composition of epic poetry in the 17th and 18th centuries. In neo-classical usage the two lines were required to express a complete thought, thus a closed couplet, with a subordinate pause at the end of the first line.,Heroic couplet: two successive lin

16、es of rhymed poetry in iambic pentameter, so called for its use in the composition of epic poetry in the 17th and 18th centuries. In neo-classical usage the two lines were required to express a complete thought, thus a closed couplet, with a subordinate pause at the end of the first line.,Assignment,1. Analyze The Canterbury Tales 2. What kind of person is Knight? 3. Introduce Renaissance.,扩展阅读,朝圣者众生相兼评坎特伯雷故事集的序言谭念-山东文学2007/08 坎特伯雷故事集总引中的“实”与“虚”纪晓云-宁夏大学学报(人文社会科学版)2007/06 乔叟坎特伯雷故事集的人文主义精神曾丽贞-怀化学院学报2011/11 解读坎特伯雷故事集的特点田仙枝-长沙大学学报2010/06,


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