澳洲essay写作--Suicide terrorism

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1、摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心摆渡论文网(BayDue)为留学生提供高效、优质的 essay 写作服务澳洲 essay 写作-Suicide terrorismTerrorist activities seriously threaten the safety of peoples lives and property, cause widespread social panic, seriously affect social stability and development, and seriously impede the stability and development o

2、f the country and even the international community. Therefore, it is imperative to combat terrorist crimes. In recent years, suicide terrorist crimes have become more frequent. This kind of crime method is more violent and more hidden, causing great social panic, which has drawn more and more attent

3、ion from the society. Based on the definition and analysis of suicide terrorist activities, this paper proposes the countermeasures against such terrorist crimes, hoping for a breakthrough in theory and practice.In recent years, terrorist activities have become increasingly rampant, the methods of t

4、errorist crimes have become increasingly diversified, and terrorist ACTS have become increasingly frequent all over the world. For example, the bombing of Moscow subway and xinjiang kuqa in 2010 was caused by the following three factors:The national separatists take the idea of human being as good o

5、r bad from god and use it as a guide to conduct their national separation activities. For example, the problems of bosnia and herzegovina in Yugoslavia and kosovo and east turkestan in China are all influenced by the thought of national separatism. These ethnic separatists adhere to national indepen

6、dence and often resort to suicide bombings, which seriously affect the safety of life, property and social stability.The expansion of religious power and misunderstanding of religious teachings led to the occurrence of suicide terrorist activities. For example, the continuous infiltration and expans

7、ion of islamic fundamentalism into the region of chechnya led to the radicalization of some chechen youth to drive out and even eliminate the Russian infidels, or the misinterpretation of the thought of islamic “jihad“, providing the ideological basis for the terrorism in the Middle East. Therefore,

8、 the development of religious extremist forces, to a certain extent, led to the proliferation of suicide terrorist activities.Suicide terrorist attacks are usually a means adopted by the weak side in the antagonism, so as to achieve a certain goal or create social terrorist effects. In the Middle Ea

9、st, the willingness of some palestinians to take part in suicide terrorist attacks is a helpless way of despairing the political, economic and social situation at home. Terrorist organizations tend to offer more cost-effective conditions, so many people face the pressure of life and choose suicide b

10、ombing as a pawn of terrorist organizations.Second, external factors, specifically, are reflected in the following two aspects:摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心摆渡论文网(BayDue)为留学生提供高效、优质的 essay 写作服务Americas direct invasion of the Middle East, which discriminated against Arab countries in the arab-israeli conflict,

11、was biased in favor of Israel because of its many Arab grievances. The brutal intervention of external forces such as the United States has led to political repression in other countries, which has contributed to the breeding and spread of terrorist activities to some extent. According to a United N

12、ations report, al qaeda immediately recruited volunteers for terrorist attacks in the wake of the U.S. invasion of Iraq.Most perpetrators of suicide terrorist attacks have a strong sense of revenge. Take the Palestinian areas as an example. The historical injustice and oppression of Israeli occupier

13、s gave rise to such a strong sense of revenge. Many Palestinian suicide bombers have been hurt or arrested by the Israeli army, which emotionally advocates Palestinian revenge, so they choose suicide bombing as a way to retaliate against society.Third, there are other factors, such as low cost, conc

14、ealment of suicide terrorist crimes, and great harm. Implementation of suicide terrorist attacks cost is lower, and the attackers often were killed in the attack, no trouble back at home, in addition, this kind of crime concealment is stronger, not easy to be found, in practice, the success rate is

15、bigger, and subsequent investigation is difficult, and therefore more likely to cause a panic, has some peculiarities compared with other ways of terrorist crimes, and thus be terrorist organizations of using in practice.Terrorist activities are rampant all over the world, especially suicide terrori

16、st activities. With the development of globalization, terrorist activities will seriously affect the stability and development of global society. Therefore, it is imperative to combat and prevent suicide terrorist activities. In view of the above reasons mentioned above, the following Suggestions are proposed:Statistics show that about three quarters of terrorist activities in the world today are the work of isla


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