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1、,运用句子基本成分的知识来解答语法填空题,20091228,英语简单句的五种基本句型,基本句型一: (主谓) 基本句型二: (主谓表) 基本句型三: (主谓宾) 基本句型四: O (主谓间宾直宾) 基本句型五: (主谓宾宾补),动词的命题角度,动词可以做什么句子成分? 1 谓语 2 非谓语可以充当除谓语外的所有句子成分 但是: 过去分词不能做主语和宾语,非谓语动词,不定式,现在分词,过去分词,to do sth,to be done,to have done,to have been done,to be doing,doing,being done,having done,having be

2、en done,done,多数做补语和宾语,多数做状语,不能做主语和宾语,1 基本句型 一 (主谓) 主语 + 不及物动词,该句型的谓语动词都是不及物动词,后面可以跟副词、介词短语、状语从句等 做状语。 基本句型 (主谓)-永远没有主动语态! 1. I work. 我工作。 主语 谓语 2. Building has started. 主语 谓语,语法填空主语 动词的命题角度 1.给出动词,要求变为名词做主语 The _( invent) made him famous. _( invent) such machine is not easy. 2. _(read) benefits all.

3、 2. 非谓语做主语(动名词表示长期反复的动作) 3. _( do) more exercise will work. (不定式做主语表示一次具体的动作,有时可以和动名词互换),invention,Reading,Doing/ To do,过去分词不能做主语和宾语,To invent,谓语,谓语:表示主语的动作或状态 1 行为动词 2 连系动词 位置: 除了倒装句外,基本上在主语的后面. 注意: 谓语有时态和语态之分. 助动词(含情态动词)+行为动词/连系动词-构成复合谓语,他们是不可分的. I will have to go . It has become red.,动词做谓语的命题角度 谓

4、语有时态和语态之分. 1 行为动词: 及物动词 + 宾语 = 主动 及物动词 - 宾语= 被动 介词+doing sth 介词+being done 2 连系动词和不及物动词不用于被动句 静态动词(包括连系动词)不用于进行时态, 表示变化连系动词的例外 Its getting warmer and warmer. I am feeling great now. The cloth is feeling soft. (wrong.),动词可以做谓语,也可以用非谓语的形式来充当句子中的其他成分. Most of these volcanoes 32_ ( find) around the Paci

5、fic Ocean - 33_ area known as the Pacific “Ring of fire”.,17,are found,an,状语的命题角度,考查用非谓语做状语,1 考查状语的位置 2 考查动词变成形容词-再变成副词充当状语的思路 1 _( fortunate), he was saved. He went back _(hurry). 考查非谓语做状语 3. Who went there _( save) him? 不定式做状语 4. Others stayed there with the door _(close).,Fortunately,hurriedly,to

6、 save,closed,hurry vi.- hurried adj.hurriedly adv.,With+sth/sb+非谓语动词形式 -通常做状语,There are about 1500 active volcanoes, with 50 or so 31_( erupt) each year. = There are about 1500 active volcanoes, with about 50 (active volcanoes) 31_( erupt) each year. Most of these volcanoes 32_ ( find) around the Pa

7、cific Ocean - 33_ area known as the Pacific “Ring of fire”.,17,erupting,know-knew-known,are found,7. _(give) more time, they left in time. 分词(短语)做状语 8. The first went away, _(leave) his book.分词(短语)做状语 9. _(frighten), the rich went away. 分词做状语 10. When _ (watch) the moon, he found a new star. 相当于省略了的

8、状语从句 _( finish) his task, he watched TV. _ (drown) in homesickness, he felt sad. 11. Generally _(speak), to do more exercise will work. 独立主格结构做状语,Given,leaving,Being frightened,watching,speaking,Having finished,Drowned,第15期报纸A2,31_( hope) to find water, he walked _( hurry) towards the image,. 36 But

9、 _( show) you what nice guys Jews are, Ill tell you that over that hill therethen the Arab _ ( disappear).,Hoping,hurriedly,to show,disappeared,15,定语,1. I have something to do. 不定式做定语 2. What a nice swimming pool! 动名词做定语(表用途) 3. a. The swimming boy smiled. 现在分词做定语(表示动作-主动、正在进行中) b. The boy swimming

10、in the sea smiled at us. 现在分词短语做定语(要放在名词后面) 4. a. The excited boy shouted loudly . 过去分词做定语(表示被动、完成) b. The boy sent to the hospital died in the end. 过去分词短语做定语(要放在名词后面),定语的命题角度,1加深阅读难度 2 考查特殊定语 3 考查定语从句 4 非谓语定语的位置: 单个词修饰名词放在名词前面,如果是短语则放在名词后面,1 The boy sent to the hospital died in the end. 2 The boy i

11、n a blue shirt shouted again and again. 3. The boy who was watching the game shouted loudly. 1 The boy died. 2 The boy shouted. 3. The boy shouted loudly.,Tips:遇到长句子时,最好把定语和状语去掉,那么理解起来会容易一些.,如果是主从复合句,还可以把不影响做题的主句或从句去掉.,Hoping to find water, he walked hurriedly towards image, only to find a little ol

12、d Jewish man sitting at a card table 33_ a bunch of ties laid out on it. he walked , only to find a man sitting _ ties laid out on it. with+sth/sb+非谓语动词形式 with ties laid out,15,Yves Frenot, the director of the French Polar Institute, says that in the Antarctic Peninsula, scientists estimate that cli

13、mate change 33_( cause) temperatures to increase by two or three degrees Celsius over the past fifty years. climate change 33_( cause) temperatures to increase He says this is a very huge increase 34_( compare) to what has happened in the past.,16,has caused,去掉不需要考虑的从句或主句,compared,表语,基本句型 二 (主谓表) 主语

14、 + 系动词 + 表语,表语:说明主语的状态、性质等。充当表语的词语则有名词、代词、形容词、副词、介词短语和非谓语动词等。 主语 + 系动词 + 表语 Our city is at the crossing of some important railways. 主语 系动词 表语 The city will become rich. 主语 系动词 表语,动词做表语的命题角度 1 能够看出是非谓语做表语,而不是进行时态或被动语态. 2 修饰人和物时使用不同的分词. moving-moved 1. His wish is _(become) a writer. 2. My job is _(te

15、ach). 3. His success is _(excitement). 4.I am _(excitement). at his success. 5. The mountain _(cover) with snow all year round. (并非被动句),to become,teaching,exciting,excited,is covered,3 基本句型三: (主谓宾) 主语 + 及物动词+宾语,主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 The boss employed five more workers. 主语 谓语 宾语 Few students like taking exams. 主语 谓语 宾语,4 基本句型四: O (主谓间宾直宾),


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