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1、英语科技文选 串讲,主讲人:张之俊,参考教材:李碧嘉主编:英语科技文选梁惠茹: 英语科技文选一考通串讲方式: I. Affix (涉及考试第一题) II. Key Words and Phrases (涉及考试第二和第三题) III. Translation (涉及翻译),Unit 1 I. Affix unknowable-knowable irrelevant-relevant act-interact unpredictable-predictable instinct-instinctively delusion-delusive excel-excellent accelerate-

2、accelerator gamble-gambler sight-insight regular-irregular,conception-misconceptionaccess-accessiblecirculate-circulationcounsel-counsellortress-distressdown-downcastimport-importationmyth-mythicalobserve-observatoryfound-profoundsurrect-resurrect,II. key words and phrases (Part A) 1. That bias can

3、lead to misconceptions about the world around us. 2. The known is pressed on us from the first. 3. The frontiers of knowledge, where it borders on the unknown, seems far away and irrelevant, separated from us by an apparently endless expanse of the known. 4. We do not see that we may be proceeding d

4、own a narrow path of knowledge and that if we look slightly left or right we will be staring directly at the unknown. 5. Even when we are right on the edge of the unknown, we may not be aware of it. 6. the events so vividly described are all based on the writings 7. it is unknown and in all probabil

5、ity can never be known.,8. But we did not think of his accounts as fragments of knowledge on the edge of the unknown 9. Beyond the currently unknown are the things that are inherently unknowable. 10. Few unknowables are consciously recognized as such. 11. we bump into phenomena that may well be unkn

6、owable 12. Brokers make a living anticipating the fluctuations of stock prices. 13. Presidents run for office based on claims of what they will do 14. Nor do people try to predict the automobile accidents they will be involved in. 15. The roll of a bowling ball down an alley, for instance, is easier

7、 to predict than the motion of an irregular stone tumbling down a rough hillside. 16. It is in creating the artificial and controllable that science excels. 17. replete with huge bridges, trucks, airplanes,18. Large pieces of software, as they are expanded and amended, can develop a degree of comple

8、xity reminiscent of natural objects 19. And second, embedded within our increasingly artificial world will be large numbers of complex and thoroughly idiosyncratic humans. Part B 1. a unique synthesis of 2. rest on/upon 3. to be ignorant of 4. to be increasingly dazzled by 5. a period of amnesia 6.

9、awestruck 7. the importation from 8. to stay on horseback,9. in distress 10. bringto an end 11. to be shattered by 12. takefor granted 13. to feel inferior or downcast 14. far apart 15. to be inextricable fused 16. lose sight of 17. a biochemist of considerable distinction 18. befriend some Chinese

10、students 19. pass on to her his unusually profound knowledge of the history of Chinese science.,20. to be obsessed with 21. set about learning the language 22. with reference to 23. by no means 24. have a wide bearing on the general history of thought and ideas 25. embark on 26. cannot afford 27. lo

11、se his early vision of 28. make his work more accessible in every possible way 29. accomplish himself 30. to be fully occupied 31. to be associated with him,III TranslationIn distinguishing the known or the unknown from the unknowable, the level of detail can be decisive. The level of detail is what

12、 separates the delusion of the gambler from the wealth of the casino owner. The gambler attempts to predict the individual and unpredictable spins of the roulette wheel; the owner concerns himself with the quite predictable average outcome.(在把已知的、未知的及不可知的三者区分开的时候,细节的程度起着决定性的作用。细节的程度就是将赌博者的错觉同赌场主任的财富

13、分离开,赌博者企图预测个人的和不可预测的轮盘赌盘的旋转,而赌场主人则关心可预测通常的结果。),Unit 2 I. Affixdistortion-distortmetric-nonmetricquantitative-nonquantitativeimplausible-plausibleintuitive-intuitionfictitious-fictiondeform-deformedpermanence-impermanencevariant-invariantcelebrate-celebratedcustom-customary,empirical-empiricismsuffic


15、inementextend-extension,II. Key Words and Phrases (Part A) 1. It deals with fundamental geometric properties that are unaffected 2. Its propositions hold as well for objects made of rubber as for the rigid figures encountered in metric geometry 3. it delves into strange implausible shapes 4. A world

16、 made up entirely of erratic electrical gyrations in curved space requires a bizarre mathematics to do it justice. 5. In ordinary geometry metric properties are said to be invariant under the transformation of motion. 6. my pen retains its dimensions as it moves over the paper, this book neither shrinks nor expands as the reader turns its papers. 7. If a triangle is stretched into a circle, which of its geometric properties are retained? 8. The origins of topology go back to major discoveries,


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