八年级英语上册 module 3 sport s unit 3 language in use课件 外研版_1

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1、Company Logo,Module 3 Sports,Unit 3 Language in use,Company Logo,To practise using adverbs after verbs and distinguish adverbs from adjectives To know how to use comparative adjectives(more); adverbs and comparative adverbs(-er, more); irregular comparatives,Objectives:,Company Logo,语法讲解建议采用归纳法,如尽可能

2、多的呈现一些相关例句,或可让学生从已学课文中找相应例句,引导学生试着从所观察到的语言现象中总结出语法规律。,Company Logo,Observe,Are you familiar with these sentences? They are all from the texts we have learnt.,This weeks match is already more exciting.It is more difficult to practise in winter.,Company Logo,3. We are training harder than usual. 4. Th

3、is year we want to do better. 5. Nothing is more enjoyable than playing tennis. 6. This year we are training more carefully. 7. That means we have a better chance of winning.,Company Logo,8. They cheer us on loudly and we feel more confident to win the game. 9. The more you go jogging, the healthier

4、 you will feel. 10. Jogging is cheaper than many sports.,Company Logo,Guessing game,1. to test your sense of observation 2. to test your ability of short-term memory 3. to test your ability of inductive method,Company Logo,1. This weeks match is already _(exciting).2. It is _(difficult) to practise

5、in winter. 3. We are training _(hard) than usual. 4. This year we want to do _ (good). 5. Nothing is _ (enjoyable) than playing tennis.,more exciting,more difficult,harder,better,more enjoyable,Company Logo,6. This year we are training _ (carefully). 7. That means we have a _ (good) chance of winnin

6、g. 8. They cheer us on loudly and we feel _ (confident) to win the game. 9. The _(much) you go jogging, the _(healthy)you will feel. 10. Jogging is _ (cheap) than many sports.,more carefully,better,more confident,more,healthier,cheaper,Company Logo,以上我们已经通过归纳总结和练习对本课的语法内容有了一定的了解, 下面就让我们根据之前练习的考察情况进一

7、步选择讲解该语法项的重难点。,语法讲解,Company Logo,形容词比较级 复习形容词比较级的规则变化,Company Logo,多音节词和部分双音节词在词前加more outgoingmore outgoing beautifulmore beautiful 2) 一些不规则变化: good/wellbetter;bad/badlyworse; many/muchmore; little less farfarther/further,Company Logo,副词的基本用法 一般说来,副词主要用来修饰动词、形容词和副词。例如: She plays the piano badly. 她钢

8、琴弹得很糟。 Im really tired after last nights tennis match. 昨晚的网球赛后我真的很累。 The teacher speaks very slowly and carefully. 这位老师讲得很慢、很仔细。,Company Logo,注意副词与形容词在位置及功能上的不同,试比较: The teacher speaks carefully. 这位老师讲得很仔细。 The teacher is careful. 这位老师很细心。 She is a hard-working student. 她是一名学习努力的学生。,Company Logo,副词

9、修饰动词时通常出现在行为动词(实义动词)之后 形容词通常位于系动词之后或名词之前,另外,有许多副词是由形容词+ly构成的,如: careful (a.)+ ly carefully quick (a.) + ly quickly,Company Logo,safe (a.) + ly safely busy (a.) + ly busily heavy (a.) + ly heavily,注意: 有些词既可作形容词也可作副词,如fast, early, late等,Company Logo,副词比较级 副词比较级和形容词比较级的变化形式大致相同,也分为规则变化和不规则变化两种。例如: We a

10、re training harder because we want to win. 我们训练得更刻苦,因为我们想要获胜。 This year we are training more carefully. 今年我们训练得更认真了。 Sam did better this year than last year. 萨姆今年做得比去年好。,Company Logo,“the +比较级, the + 比较级”是比较级表达中的一个固定句式,表示“越,越”。例如: The more carefully you drive, the safer it is. 开车越小心就越安全。,Company Log

11、o,Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and talk about the sports. Use the words in the box to help you.,boring cheap difficult exciting expensive easy popular relaxing,Whats your favourite sport?My favourite sport is swimming. Its exciting.,1,Company Logo,Company Logo,Now compare the sports. 1. Table

12、 tennis is more exciting than tennis. 2. Tennis is 3. Basketball is 4. Football is 5. Swimming is 6. Baseball is,Company Logo,We trained _(hard) this year than last year.The team played _ (well) on Saturday than on Tuesday.,Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.,harde

13、r,better,2,Company Logo,3. They practised _ (carefully) this week than last week.4. Playing football is _ (exciting) than watching it.5. Playing tennis is _(expensive) than swimming.,more carefully,more exciting,more expensive,Company Logo,Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in

14、 brackets. Tom did his homework carelessly (careless). The music is loud (loud).,They are working _ (hard) to learn English.This bike was _ (cheap), so we decided to buy it.The teacher speaks _ (slow) and _ (careful).,hard,cheap,slowly,carefully,3,Company Logo,4. Mary is going to get up _ (early) be

15、cause she needs to catch the first bus.5. Running is very _ (easy). You can do it anywhere.6. I do not like to be _ (late).7. I am afraid our team is doing very _(bad).,early,easy,late,badly,Company Logo,Listen and choose the correct answer. 1.What was the race? a) Boys 800 metres b) Girls 800 metre

16、s c) Girls 400 metres 2. How many classes took part in the race? a) One b) Four c) Eight,5,Company Logo,3. Who ran faster than the others at first?a) Joy b) Sandy c) Mary 4. What happened to Sandy later on?a) She stopped. b) She ran slowly. c) She cried. 5. Who finally won? A student from _.a) Class 4 b) Class 5 c) Class 1,


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