新职业英语1-基础篇-unit 2

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1、Unit 2,ENGLISH FOR CAREERS,Unit 2Office,新职业英语,职业综合英语 1 第 2 版,Contents,Warm-1,Warming-up,Task Read Mr. Thomsons schedule for Tuesday. Write your schedule for today.,Warm-2,Warming-up,Warm-2,Warming-up,Watch the video clip carefully and try to get a general idea of how a business meeting is organized.

2、,Reading A,Reading A,Text,Task 1,Task 2,Business Know-how,Reading A,Reading A,Business etiquette plays a very important role in business communication. Before reading the text, watch the video clip and pay attention to the tips on:How to make a good impression on your business partnerHow to dress ap

3、propriately on business occasionsHow to deal with foreigners and establish successful business relationship,Text A-1,Annoying Office HabitsRob: Well Jennifer, were here in our brand-newbuilding. Its quite impressive, isnt it? Jennifer: Oh yes, its fantastic, really modern and veryspacious, too. Rob:

4、 Yes, but isnt there anything about the placethat you find annoying? Jennifer: Well yes. Like every office, I suppose, there are lots of unwashed coffee cups on the desks and rubbish. I really hate that.,翻译,声音,Reading A,Text A-2-1,Rob: Yeah, so not everything is perfect. Some peoples behavior can be

5、 a real irritation. I read about a survey recently that revealed the most annoying behaviorfound in offices. Ill share it with you. Butfirst, I have a question for you. Jennifer: Thats annoyingI always have to answerone of your questions before you tell me anything!,翻译,声音,Reading A,Text A-2-2,Rob: Y

6、oull love it, really! Do you know whichof the following is the most annoying office habit? a) Tapping on the desk; b)Arriving late for meetings; c) Talking in jargon. Jennifer: I dont like any of those habits. Theyre all annoying. Im going to go for a) tapping on the desk.,翻译,声音,Reading A,Text A-3,R

7、ob: Well, Ill let you know the answer in a minute. The Institute of Management recently questioned2,000 managers to find out their pet peeves about office workers. They listed tapping on thedesk to be one of the top 10 most annoying office habits. In fact, any kind of tapping breaksconcentration. Bu

8、t for the people doing the tapping, how can they kick the habit? They maynot even be aware theyre doing it. So, perhaps we should have some sympathy? Jennifer: Yes, but one thing I dont have sympathy with is talking in jargon.,翻译,声音,Reading A,Text A-4,Rob: Yes, the survey found this issue to be near

9、 the top of the list. So, does your boss use jargon a lot? Jennifer: I couldnt possibly say: He might be listening!But there is jargon that gets used generally. Do you know “thinking outside the box” means thinking imaginatively with new ideas instead of traditional ones? Rob: Yes, and “to touch bas

10、e” meaning to discuss progress. I think some workers get irritated by this jargon because its not how someonewould normally speak.,翻译,声音,Reading A,Text A-4,Jennifer: OK, Rob, whats the top of the list of annoying habits? Rob: Well, according to the survey, the biggest bugbear is arriving late for me

11、etings. I guessit is annoying if you have made an effort tobe punctual. Jennifer: Yes, it is annoying to be kept waiting or if someone comes in late and disrupts everyone else.,翻译,声音,Reading A,Text A-4,Rob: But if every office worker has a bugbear of some kind about their colleagues, who shouldsort

12、out the tensions that will arise in the office? A bad atmosphere isnt good, is it? Jennifer: I think the line managers should be responsible. People need to be able to air their grievances. And, I could tell what annoys me most about you Rob: Sorry, Jen, were out of time!,翻译,声音,Reading A,A-Trans-1,R

13、eading A,让人讨厌的办公室习惯 罗 布: 珍尼弗,我们现在来到崭新的大楼里了, 很漂亮,不是吗? 珍尼弗: 哦,是的,这栋楼太好了!真的很现代也很宽敞。 罗 布: 是的,但是这个地方是否也会有让你觉得讨厌的东西? 珍尼弗: 是的,像所有办公室一样,我想桌子上会留下许多还没冲洗的咖啡杯,垃圾到处都是。我真的很讨厌那样。,A-Trans-2,罗 布: 你知道,世间无完美之事。有些人的行为真是让人恼火。一项新的调查揭示了一些最让人讨厌的办公室习惯,我来跟你分享一下。但是我先问你一个问题。 珍尼弗: 真烦人你告诉我之前总是要我回答你的某个问题。,Reading A,A-Trans-3,罗 布:

14、 你会乐意回答的,真的!你知道下面哪一项是最令人厌烦的办公室习惯吗?a. 敲桌子;b. 开会迟到;c. 讲行话。 珍尼弗: 这些都是非常糟糕的习惯,哪一个我都不喜欢,但是我会选a)敲桌子。,Reading A,A-Trans-4,罗 布: 好吧,我马上让你知道答案。管理协会最近对2000位经理做了问卷调查,想知道他们最不能容忍办公室员工做哪些事情。他们把敲桌子列入了最烦人的办公室习惯前十名。事实上,任何一种敲打都会分散注意力。但是对于喜欢敲打的人来讲,他们怎样才能改掉这个习惯呢?他们也许并没有意识到自己的行为,因此我们应该要理解。 珍尼弗: 是的,但有一件我无法理解的事就是讲行话。,Readi

15、ng A,A-Trans-4,罗 布: 是的,调查表明这是接近最令人讨厌的办公室习惯榜首的一个问题。你的老板经常讲一些行话吗? 珍尼弗: 我可不能乱讲,他有可能在听!但确实有一些经常用的术语。你知道“盒子外思考”其实指的是要富有想象力地思考,用新的想法取代传统想法吗? 罗 布: 是的,“触碰基地”的意思是商讨事情的进展。我想员工们会对这些行话很恼火,因为人们通常不会这样说话。,Reading A,A-Trans-4,珍尼弗: 好吧,罗布,排名首位的让人讨厌的习惯是什么? 罗 布: 根据调查,最令人厌烦的事情就是开会迟到。我猜当你努力做到守时而别人却迟到一定很讨厌。 珍尼弗: 是的,一直被迫等待

16、或某人进来晚了打扰到别人真是讨人厌。,Reading A,A-Trans-4,罗 布: 但是如果每一个办公室员工都对他们的同事头痛,谁应该来舒缓这种紧张的办公气氛?一个坏的工作氛围不是什么好事情,对吧? 珍尼弗: 我想直接主管们有责任去处理这些问题。人们应该有机会表达自己的不满。好吧,让我来告诉你我最烦你的是什么 罗 布: 对不起,珍,我们时间到了。,Reading A,a. having a strong effect on sb., especially through size, or importance,Reading A,impressive,e.g. The earthquake is one of the most impressive geological phenomena.,e.g. You passed your test? Fantastic!,



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