20172018学年高中英语必修五人教版课件unit 3life in the future

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1、Section Grammar,一,二,三,一、选出画线部分在句子中所做的状语类型 A.原因状语 B.让步状语 C.条件状语 D.结果状语 E.时间状语 1.Told that his mother was ill,Li Lei hurried home quickly. 2.Broken down on the high way,his car was carried away by the police. 3.Given a few minutes,Ill finish it. 4.Explained a hundred times,he still cant understand it.

2、 5.He fell off a tall tree,his leg broken.,E,A,C,B,D,一,二,三,二、阅读课文I HAVE SEEN AMAZING THINGS,找出下列句子,并说出其中的过去分词(短语)所起的作用 1.My first visit was to a space station considered the most modern in space. 过去分词短语considered the most modern in space在句子中做 。 2.Described as an enormous round plate,it spins slowly

3、in space to imitate the pull of the earths gravity. 过去分词短语described as an enormous round plate在句子中做 。,定语,状语,一,二,三,3.During the explanation I looked at the pair of small objects called “thoughtpads” on a table. 过去分词短语called “thoughtpads”在句子中做 。 4.I stared at the moving model of the waste machine,abso

4、rbed by its efficiency. 过去分词短语absorbed by its efficiency在句子中做 。,定语,状语,一,二,三,三、变式训练 1.Dressed in a white uniform,he looks more like a cook than a doctor.in a white uniform,he looks more like a cook than a doctor. 2.Lost in thought,she nearly ran into a tree.in thought,she nearly ran into a tree.,If/W

5、hen he is dressed,Because she was lost,过去分词(3)过去分词做状语 过去分词做状语概述 过去分词做状语时,像动词-ing形式做状语一样,修饰谓语,很多都是用来说明动作发生的背景或情况,意义上相当于状语从句。一般来说,分词结构的逻辑主语就是主句的主语。过去分词做状语可以分为以下几种情况:,1.时间状语:表示时间,相当于一个时间状语从句,也可在过去分词前加上连词when,while,until等,使其时间意义更明确。 单句填空 (see)from the hill,the park looks very beautiful. =When it is seen

6、 from the hill,the park looks very beautiful. 从山上看,这个公园非常美丽。 答案:Seen When (heat),ice will be changed into water. =When it is heated,ice will be changed into water. 当冰被加热时,就会变成水。 答案:heated,2.原因状语:表示原因,相当于一个原因状语从句。 单句填空 Thus (encourage),they made a bolder plan for the next year. 受到了这样的鼓舞,他们为第二年制订了一个更大

7、胆的计划。 答案:encouraged Deeply (move)by the story,the excited people stopped quarrelling with each other. 激动的人们被那个故事深深地感动了,停止了互相争吵。 答案:moved,3.条件状语:可通过添加连词if,unless等转换成条件状语从句。 单句填空 (give)more time,we could do it much better. =If we were given more time,we could do it much better. 多给我们点时间,我们会做得更好。 答案:Giv

8、en,4.让步状语:有时可用although,though,even if,even though,whether.or等连词转换成让步状语从句。 单句填空 Though (warn)of the storm,the farmers were still working in the fields. =Though they had been warned of the storm,the farmers were still working in the fields. 虽然农民们已被告知将有暴风雨,但他们仍然在地里干活。 答案:warned,5.方式伴随状语:表示行为方式、伴随情况或补充说

9、明,加and可转换成并列结构。 单句填空 The teacher entered the classroom, (follow)by a group of students. =The teacher entered the classroom and he was followed by a group of students. 那位老师走进教室,后面跟着一群学生。 答案:followed,6.“with+宾语+过去分词”的用法 (1)做原因状语。 (2)做时间状语。 (3)做方式状语。 (4)做条件状语。 阅读下列句子,指出“with+宾语+过去分词”结构在句子中做什么状语 With ev

10、erything bought,he left the store and went home. 所有的东西都买了后,他就离开商店回了家。 “with+宾语+过去分词”结构在句子中做 状语。 答案:时间,With his son caught stealing goods from the store,he felt disappointed. 因儿子从商店里偷东西被抓住,他感到很失望。 “with+宾语+过去分词”结构在句子中做 状语。 答案:原因 The murderer was brought in,with his hands tied behind his back. 谋杀犯被带进来

11、了,他的双手被绑在背后。 “with+宾语+过去分词”结构在句子中做 状语。 答案:方式,水一被加热我们就能看到水蒸气。 “with+宾语+过去分词”结构在句子中做 状语。 答案:条件 注意 动词-ing形式也可用做宾语补足语,但动词-ing形式与过去分词做宾语补足语时含义不同:一般来说,过去分词做宾语补足语时,过去分词与宾语之间为动宾关系;动词-ing形式做宾语时,动词-ing形式与宾语补足语之间为主谓关系。,噪音这么大,我不能专心学习。 答案:going问题解决了,他感到非常轻松。 答案:settled,过去分词做状语的注意点 1.过去分词做状语时,前面往往可带有when,if,while

12、,though,even if等连词,这样就能使过去分词所表示的意义更加明确。这种带有连词的过去分词结构通常可看作是一种省略句,句中省略的部分是“主语+be动词的相应变化形式”,省略的主语通常与主句的主语相同。,单句填空=Though (be) defeated for a second time,he still didnt give in. 他虽然又一次被击败了,但仍不屈服。 答案:he was=Even if (be) invited,I wont go. 即使被邀请,我也不去。 答案:I am,2.过去分词做状语时,有时它的逻辑主语不是主句的主语,而是不同于主句主语的名词,构成“过去分词独立结构”。过去分词独立结构可在句中做状语,表示时间、条件、伴随状况等。那所房子漆成白色后,我们更加喜欢它了。,


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