翻译:华南虎 (牛汉)

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1、翻译:华南虎 (牛汉) Translation: South China Tiger (Niu Han) (translated: alexcwlin; edited: adam.L)在桂林 In Guilin小小的动物园里 inside a small zoo我见到一只老虎。 I see a tiger.我挤在叽叽喳喳的人群中, I stand among a tightly-packed buzzing crowd.隔着两道铁栅栏 Separated by two iron-bar barriers,向笼里的老虎 张望了许久许久, I look for a long time at the

2、 tiger inside the cage.但一直没有瞧见 老虎斑斓的面孔 和火焰似的眼睛。 But all along I am not able to see its brightly colorful face and fiery eyes.笼里的老虎 The tiger inside the cage背对胆怯而绝望的观众, with its back against the cowardly and desperate spectators安详地卧在一个角落, lies peacefully at a corner.有人用石块砸它 Someone strikes it with a

3、rock.有人向它厉声呵斥 Someone hollers at it.有人还苦苦劝诱 Someone tries hard to sweet-talk to it.它都一概不理! It gives them all a cold shoulder.又长又粗的尾巴 悠悠地在拂动, It is wagging leisurely its long and thick tail.哦,老虎,笼中的老虎, Oh Mr. Tiger, the caged tiger,你是梦见了苍苍莽莽的山林吗? have you been dreaming about the vast open forest?是屈辱的

4、心灵在抽搐吗? Are your humiliated feelings convulsing?还是想用尾巴鞭打那些可怜而可笑的观众? Do you want to lash those pitiful and laughable spectators with your tail?你的健壮的腿 直挺挺地向四方伸开, Your powerful legs are stretching out in all four directions.我看见你的每个趾爪 I can see your every claw全都是破碎的, is totally shattered凝结着浓浓的鲜血! and co

5、agulated with blood.你的趾爪 是被人捆绑着 活活地铰掉的吗? Were your claws sheared off live while you were tied up by people?还是由于悲愤 你用同样破碎的牙齿 (听说你的牙齿是被钢锯锯掉的) 把它们和着热血咬掉 Or they were bloodily bitten off with your equally broken teeth from anguish and anger? (I heard your teeth were sawed off with steel saw.)我看见铁笼里 灰灰的水

6、泥墙壁上 有一道一道的血淋淋的沟壑 象闪电那般耀眼刺目! I see long gully-like bloody marks on the grey cement wall inside the iron cage that dazzle like flashing lightning.我终于明白 I finally understand.我羞愧地离开了动物园, I leave the zoo in shame.恍惚之中听见一声 石破天惊的咆哮, Seemingly I hear an earth-shattering roar.有一个不羁的灵魂 掠过我的头顶 腾空而去, There is an unbridled spirit that is zooming past the top of my head and heading skyward.我看见了火焰似的斑纹 和火焰似的眼睛, 还有巨大而破碎的滴血的趾爪! I see fiery stripes, fiery eyes, and gigantic shattered blood-dripping claws!1973 年 6 月 June 1973.


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