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1、英语演讲稿舞蹈英语演讲稿舞蹈篇一:英语演讲稿Discover yourself. Today Im going to talk about discover yourself.今天我要谈的是:发现自己。Ever since the accelerated development of human civilization, perpetual scientific discovery of nature have companied mankind all along the journey. 自然科学的发现始终伴随着人类文明的飞速发展。It was by discovering the ar

2、ound us that human beings have been able to live a more sophisticated life. 通过对周围事物的观察和发现,我们人类已经过着更美好的生活。However, as G.K. Chesterton once said “one may understand the cosmos, but never the ego, the self is more distance than any star. 然而,切斯特顿曾经说过:“人们可以了解宇宙, 但从来不了解自己,自我的距离远超过任何星辰的距离。 ”Thus, a life is

3、 a journey of uelenting offers to discover more of ourselves. 因此,生活是一个不屈不挠、努力发现自己的旅程。When I was six, I constantly picture myself as an elegant and skilled pianist rendering Xiao Bangs nocturnal beautifully on the stage, receiving award and applause after my performance. 当我六岁时,就不断想象自己像一个优雅和娴熟的钢琴家,在舞台

4、上演奏肖邦的优美的小夜曲,在演奏结束后收获着奖励和掌声However, as I further my piano lessons, it was hard to be oblivious of my non-gifted skills. 可是,在随后的钢琴课上,我发现我并没有演奏钢琴的天赋。 Sometimes I couldnt help but have this feeling of despair, when I woke up to the reality and discover that my goal was uealistic. 有时候,当我从梦中回到现实,发现自己的目标多

5、么的不切实际,我忍不住感到绝望。Brutal but real. 现实是残酷的。It was the first time; I had discovered that I couldnt have it at all, when I was twelve. 12 岁的时候,我第一次发现我不可能成为钢琴演奏家。I thought the coolest job in the entire universe was to be a surgeon. 我曾经以为在全世界外科医生是最酷的工作, 。I spent hours and hours watching the drama Greys Ana

6、tomy and couldnt help falling in love with the kind of live those doctor lead on the scream. 我一遍又一遍地观看情节剧实习医生格蕾 ,并不自觉地被那些尖叫的医生所吸引。 I was utterly mesmerized by the scalpel and all those fancy medical terms that use. 我完全被手术刀和那些花哨的医疗用语迷住了。However, I stop to dream about being a surgeon when I discover t

7、hat it was the idea of being a surgeon that appeal to me, not what it truly was. 但是,当发现成为一名外科医生只是一厢情愿时,我就不再侈想。As a result, the dream ended and I discovered some more about myself. 此后,随着梦想的破灭,我加深了对自己的了解。This year, I turned sixteen and I could proudly say I do not dream to be, but ascertain to peruse

8、being a lower in the future. 在我十六岁那一年,我可以自豪地说,我不再梦想着成为什么什么,但却为未来制定了一个现实的目标。Since junior high school I had always been awarded the most eloquent debater in every single debater participated in. I can not only think logically, but also deliver my thought promptly. 从初中开始,我总是在比赛中被评为最佳辩手,我思维缜密、善于表达。My hu

9、ge interest in philosophy also acts my reason in whenever I tried to argue with something equivocal. 对哲学的巨大兴趣使我总是试图去为一些模棱两可的问题寻找答案。Being aware of the obstacles and the hardships on the way becoming a great lawyer never panics me, for the simple reason that I have this faith and passion in what I am

10、aspiring after. 我知道,要想成为一个伟大的律师其前路困难重重,但这并没有把我吓倒,那是因为我对我的追求充满了信心和激情。 G.K.Chesterton was absolutely correct; the most complicated part of comprehending the world is the study of somehow smaller world, ourselves. 切斯特顿是对的,要想理解世界上最复杂的部分需要从对小的地方着手研究即从研究我们自己开始。I subsequently realized that growing up is a

11、process that discover yourselves. 从那以后,我意识到成长的过程就是一个不断发现自己的过程。 We got to know what we truly are and become who we dream to be. 我们需要知道真正的自己然后才能我成为我们梦想中的自己。As we shape ourselves and as we shape of our lives. 当我们塑造自己时,同时也在塑造我们的生活。We gradually become more aware of limits and potentials, and consequently

12、 learn to adjust learn whats out there, and by that ladies and gentlemen Im proud to say that I have discovered part of myself, sue to discovering today and definitely a lot more in the future. 当我们逐渐认识道自己的不足和潜力,进而学着去适应和调整,并因此,女士们,先生们,我可以很自豪地说,我已经逐渐发现了自己,今天正在发现且明天会更多地发现自己。 I would always keep this in

13、 embedded in my heart. 我将会永远记住这一点。Things do not change, we do! 虽然事情没有改变,但我们要改变!My great-great-grandfather was very nervous, even though he had done it thousands of times. 我的曾祖父很紧张,尽管他已经做了成千上万次了。 He and his teammates held their breath in total darknesswaiting for the music. 他和他的队友们在黑暗中屏住了呼吸等着音乐。 At t

14、he age of 101, he knew it was likely his last chance to compete in a dancing contest. 101 岁时,他就知道这是他最后一次参加舞蹈比赛的机会了。The drums kicked in and, slowly but surely, he started the moves of Gaoshan - a folk dance unique to my part of China. 他鼓了,慢慢地,他开始高山的动作-一种民间舞蹈,我的部分中国独特的。The music was serene. the motion

15、 was graceful and everything was so harmonious.音乐是宁静的该议案是优雅的一切都是如此的和谐。And then, everything changed! 然后,一切都改变了!The tempo sped up. The dancers started shaking their hips. It was completely unexpected but yes, they were dancing modern disco. 速度加快了。舞蹈演员开始摇晃他们的臀部。这是完全出乎意料的,但是的,他们是跳舞的现代迪斯科。I was delighted

16、, but not everyone liked it. Some argued that the traditional dance was compromised by the inclusion of Western fluff. So I asked Angong, “Why not just do a typical Gaoshan dance?” 我很高兴,但不是每个人都喜欢它。一些人认为传统的舞蹈是由西方的绒毛夹杂妥协。所以我问Angong, “为什么不做一个典型的 Gaoshan 跳舞吗?“Are you kidding me, sweetheart?” he replied. “Where would we be without some clashes and conflicts?” “你在开玩笑吧,甜心?他回答说。 “如果没有一些冲突和冲突,我们会在哪里?“That was Angongs gut reaction, but what he implied set me thinking. “Where wou


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