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1、建议书的表达方法建议书的表达方法篇一:unit 8 提建议和回答建议的表达方法(一)英语中常见的提建议的表达方式1:Why dont you ,/ Why not ,?后接动词原形 例如:Why dont you have a picnic with us ?为什么不和我们一起去野餐呢?Why not get her a book ?为什么不给他买一本书呢/2; How about ,?/What about .?后面接名词,代词或动名词。例如:How/What about this blue scarf ?这条蓝色围巾怎么样呢?How /What about going fishing th

2、is afternoon ?今天下午去钓鱼怎么样呢? 3;Youd better (not) do sth 意为“你最好(不)做某事。例如:”Youd better take off your coat ,Its hot inside.你最好脱下你的外套,里面很热。 Youd better not sleep too late. Its bad for your health.你最好不要熬夜,那对你的健康有害。4;Lets .,shall we ? 后面接动词原形,意为“让我们,好吗”Let s take the children to the park ,shall we ?让我们带孩子去公

3、园好吗? Lets meet at seven oclock , shall we? 让我们起点碰面,好吗?5:Shall we /I.? 后面接动词原形,意为“我们/我好吗” ,例如:Shall we go boating?我们去划船好吗?Shall I open the window ?我打开窗户好吗?6: Would you like .?后接名词或动词不定式,意为“你。 。 。想要吗”?例如;Would you like a cup of tea ?r 你想喝杯茶吗?Would you like to go shopping with us ?你想跟我们购物吗?7: Would/Cou

4、ld/Will/Can you please .?后面接动词原形,意为“请。 。好吗”? 例如:Would you please turn down the radio ?请你把收音机的音量调小点好吗?(二) 回答建议的表达方式1:同意对方的建议时,一般用: Good idea.That s a good idea. OK/All right .Yes ,please .Id love/like to.No problem .I agree with you .Sure ./Of course /Certainly. Yes ,I think so ./I will. 2: 表示委婉谢绝是常用

5、: I dont think so ./Sorry ,I cant.Sorry ,but.Id love /like to ,but . Im afraid .篇二:“建议”种种提建议表达方式归纳“建议”种种提建议表达方式归纳1. 以上表示“提供建议”的表达,除 What/How about doing? 外,其余表达后面都要跟动词原形。2. 表中后五种表示“征求意见” ,一般疑问句中的 any需用 some 代替。3. 以上某些单词除了表示“提供建议”外,还可表示“义务、责任”或“可能性” ,如 must。课本例句:1.You should play with your pet for so

6、me time every day. (7B 99)2.You should clean the fish tank three times a week. (7B 99)3.You shouldnt feed your dog at the table. (7B 99)4.You shouldnt leave your pet at home alone for too long. (7B 99)5.Why dont dogs go to school, Eddie? (8A 22)6.Why not go to the cinema today? (9A 91)7.Why dont you

7、 stop daydreaming? (9A 80)8.You ought to go to the toilet before the film begins. (9A 90)9.You have to keep quiet while watching the film. (9A 90)10. You had better arrive on time so that you wont miss anything. (9A 90)词典例句:1.Youd better not say that. 你最好别说那样的话。2.I ha(转载自:www.xiaocaOfaNW 小草 范 文 网:建议

8、书的表达方法)d better begin by introducing myself. 我最好先作一下自我介绍。3.This has been planned for weeks. Perhaps you can change the other meeting. 这个几个星期前就已经计划好了。或许你可以对另一个会议作出调整。4.Ought I to tell my parents? 我该告诉我父母吗?江苏 13 城市中考试题汇编: () 1. -Its raining hard outside. Youd better _. (08 扬州)-OK.A.to go out B. going

9、out C. not to go out D. not go out() 2. You have put on five kilograms recently. Youd better _ too much. (08 宿迁)A.not eat B. not to eat C. not eating D. dont eat() 3. You look quite tired. Youd better _ a good rest. (XX 宿迁)A. stop to haveB. stop having C. to stop to have D. to stop having() 4. I won

10、t go to the concert this evening. I _ watch the NBA on TV. Its more exciting.(XX 扬州)A. had better B. would rather C. ought to D. have to() 5. I _ keep dogs for protection, but now I keep them as pets. (XX 苏州)A. would ratherB. had betterC. used to D. have to() 6. Mrs Green _ go to hospital, but now s

11、he is in good health. (08 南通)A. has to B. needs toC. used to D. ought to() 7. Dont worry. Its nothing serious at all and you _ take any medicine. (09 南通)A. cant B. shouldntC. mustnt D. neednt() 8. Its in the library! So you _ know shouting is not allowed here. (XX 南京)A. can B. must C. needD. may() 9

12、. There will be an important test tomorrow morning. You _ be late. (XX 南通)A. may not B. needntC. mustnt D. couldnt() 10. -I dont care what my teachers think. (XX 苏州)-Well, you _.A. could B. wouldC. should D. might() 11. We _ stop riding when the traffic light turns red. (XX 淮安)A. may B. must C. coul

13、d D. can() 12. -Have you decided where to spend your summer holiday? (XX 常州) -Not yet. We _ go to Qingdao.A. mustB. should C. need D. may() 13. The desk is not dirty. You _ clean it. (XX 盐城)A. mustnt B. shouldnt C. neednt D. cant() 14. -Peter doesnt mind lending you his camera. (XX 无锡)-He _. Ive alr

14、eady borrowed one.A. needntB. cant C. mustnt D. shouldnt() 15. Why not _ an English club to practice _ English? (XX 淮安)A. join; speaking B. to join; speaking C. join; to speakD. to join; to speak篇三:如何撰写建议书建议书是无言的销售人员,它能代替销售人员同时对不同的对象销售,突破了时间与空间的限制;它是销售过程的全面汇总,也是客户取舍评断的依据。 建议书的准备技巧 撰写建议书前,您先要准备好撰写建议书

15、的资料,这些资料是您从销售准备开始时就应留意的,因此,建议书的资料取自于销售准备、询问调查、展示说明等各个过程, ,您在这些销售过程对客户的了解及对客户的影响,是建议书成败的主要因素。 撰写建议书前要收集哪些资料呢? 把握客户现状的资料: 例如保险业的经纪人要知道客户的资料有:目前参加了那些保险; 年龄; 家庭人口数; 小孩的年龄; 职业状况; 收入状况; 身体状况。 正确分析出客户感觉到的问题点或想要进行的改善点: 找出客户对现状感到不满的地方,若您的销售对象是企业,可以收集各个使用人员对现状的意见。 知道了客户对现状的不满意点,销售人员就能进行构想出改善的方法。 竞争者的状况把握: 您要掌握住竞争者介入的状况及竞争者可能带给客户的优缺点、提供客户的各项交易条件等,获得竞争者的情报,您在做建议书时就能抵消竞争者的销售对策,凸显自己的优势,协助客户做正确的选择。了解客户企业的采购程序: 销售人员了解客户企业的采购程序,才能知道建议书的传递对象,同时能把握住建议书是否在对方编制预算前即需要提出,以获得预算的编制。 了解客户的决定习惯: 有些客户做购买决定时,习惯收集很详细的资料,巨细糜遗。有些客户习惯于重点式资料,而要求销售人员到场对建议书说明。因此事先了解客户购买决定的习惯,您能做出合于客户味口型式的建议书。 建议书



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