抗组胺药物治疗的安全性评价 ppt课件

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1、抗组胺药物 的安全性评价,1,治疗荨麻疹临床用药思路,第二代抗组胺药,2,系统药物治疗控制症状策略,Non sedating H1-antihistamine (nsAH),nsAH updosing (up to 4x),Add Leukotriene antagonist or change nsAH,Add Ciclosporin A, H2-antihistamine, Dapsone, Omalizumab,if symptoms persist after 2 weeks,if symptoms persist after 1-4 weeks,Exacerbation: Syste

2、mic Steroid (for 3 7 days),Exacerbation: Systemic Steroid (for 3 7 days),Allergy 2009: 64: 14271443,3,慢性荨麻疹抗组胺药使用的策略,安全,4,安全性问题的考虑:,中枢镇静作用 心脏的毒性 特殊人群的安全性,5,H1抗组胺药潜在的不良反应,Simons FER, N Eng J Med 2004; 351: 2203-2217,6,中枢抑制是因为抗组胺药拮抗脑部组胺受体,脑内组胺主要分布于组胺能神经和肥大细胞中;其神经纤维广泛投射到丘脑、边缘叶、大脑皮层等脑区; 通过与H1受体结合,组胺参与以下

3、功能:睡眠/觉醒周期,认知,记忆,运动及攻击行为,体温调节等; 抗组胺药透过血脑屏障,阻断脑部组胺与H1受体结合,从而产生嗜睡等中枢抑制作用。,Simons FER, N Eng J Med 2004; 351: 2203-2217,7,中枢抑制其程度与渗透入大脑的抗组胺药物的剂量呈正相关,Manabu Tashiro. Nano-bio-imaging with Radiopharmaceuticalsand its Application to Health Sciences,8,Non-neural capillary,中枢与外周毛细血管结构比较,Intercellular cleft,

4、Pinocytic vesicle,fenestra,Tight junction,neural capillary,9,影响抗组胺致中枢镇静作用的因素,中枢与外周H1受体异质性(?) 药物的亲脂性(Log P)和电荷(Log D) 糖蛋白P的作用 药物与血浆蛋白的结合率,10,中枢抑制作用的评价标准,Three factors establish the criteria for determining the nonsedative properties of an H1 antihistamine(Consensus Group on New Generation Antihistami

5、nes (CONGA): incidence of subjective somnolence; the objectiveeffect on cognitive and psychomotor functions; quantification of H1 receptor occupation using positronic tomography. While the last two are particularly important.,New antihistamines: a critical view. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2006 Nov;82(5 Supp

6、l):S173-80.,11,盐酸非索非那定单独或合并酒精对认知、精神运动和驾驶行为影响的随机、双盲、安慰剂对照研究,试验设计: 1.入组:18例男性志愿者(30.5岁,2344岁); 2.分组:双盲; A组:FEX,180mg; B组:FEX,180mg+酒精 C组:盐酸羟嗪,50mg; D组:盐酸羟嗪,50mg +酒精 E组:安慰剂; F组:安慰剂+酒精 3.酒精剂量:0.3g/kg(相当于社交剂量酒精,0.430.5g/L) 4.每天上午10点给药,服药后的1、3、5小时进行认知与精神运动功能的测试; 5.评判标准:主观评分、闪烁临界频率(CFF)、识别反应时间(RRT)、 运动反应时间

7、(MRT)、总反应时间(TRT)、制动反应时间(BRT),A single-center, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover investigation of the effects of fexofenadine hydrochloride 180 mg alone and with alcohol, with hydroxyzine hydrochloride 50 mg as a positive internal control, on aspects of cognitive and psychomotor

8、 function related to driving a car. Clin Ther. 2003 May;25(5):1518-38.,12,结 果:非索非那定单独或合并酒精与安慰剂组对比,在任何时段,CFF、RRT、MRT、TRT、BRT改变都无明显差异。结 论:盐酸非索非那定对驾驶员的认知、精神运动功能无影响,即使合并0.3g/kg的酒精,A single-center, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover investigation of the effects of fexofenadine hydroc

9、hloride 180 mg alone and with alcohol, with hydroxyzine hydrochloride 50 mg as a positive internal control, on aspects of cognitive and psychomotor function related to driving a car. Clin Ther. 2003 May;25(5):1518-38.,13,PET扫描测定脑部H1受体占有率(H1RO),正电子断层扫描(PET),以11C标记的多塞平作为放射性配体: 第一代H1受体拮抗剂占领了50%-90%位于额面

10、皮层、颞面皮层、海马区及脑桥的H1受体,认知功能/精神运动功能受损; 第二代H1受体拮抗剂,由于其亲脂性和与CNS内血管内皮细胞表达的P-gp的高亲和力,其占领CNS的H1受体各异,从非索非那定的无占领到西替利嗪的占领30%不等。,Tashiro M et al, J Clin Pharmacol 2004;44:890-900 Tashiro M et al, Br J Clin Pharmacol 2006;61:16-26,14,fexofenadine (FEX)非索非那定,Roles of histamine in regulation of arousal and Cognitio

11、n: functional neuroimaging of histamine H1 receptors in human brain M. Tashiro et al. Life Sciences 72 (2002) 409414fexofenadine (FEX) 非索非那定 120 mg cetirizine (CET) 西替利嗪 20 mg Subjpsychomotor testing PET imaging agent of H1Rs :11C-doxepin Results :No H1Rs in the cerebral cortex were occupied by FEX

12、; 30% of H1Rs were occupied by CET,15,Binding potential of FEX is equal to that of placebo, while that of CET is lower than that of both placebo and FEX in transaxial slices (TOP) and sagittal slice (BOTTOM).,16,Results : Latency to REM sleep was increased following chlorpheniramine (107.60 40.52 mi

13、n) compared with baseline (71.25 20.73 min, p 0.05); No significant change was observed after dosing with fexofenadine (84.20 53.71 min).,17, Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Desloratadine, Fexofenadine and Levocetirizine A Comparative Review Clin Pharmacokinet 2008; 47 (4): 217-230

14、,The objective effect on cognitive and psychomotor functions,18,非索非那定大分子,分子量越大越不易透过血脑屏障,19,非索非那定两性离子,两性离子的优势: 两性离子为极性,水溶性大,脂溶性差; 非索非那定的分配系数(logP,疏水性的度量)在中性PH处较低,logP=0.49,0.3)因此不易透过血脑屏障,中枢抑制作用弱。,Lin H, Yoo JW, Roh HJ, et al. Transport of anti-allergic drugs across the passage cultured human nasal ep

15、ithelial cell monolayer. Eur J Pharm Sci 2005; 26 (2): 203-10,20,非索非那定P-gp底物,P-糖蛋白属于流出性转运蛋白,是构成血脑屏障的内皮细胞;,Manabu Tashiro. Nano-bio-imaging with Radiopharmaceuticalsand its Application to Health Sciences,21,非索非那定P-gp底物,非索非那定通过P-gp转运 P-gp通过限制非索非那定的吸收而减少其进入大脑,DMD 37:529535, 2009,22,大分子量,两性离子,P-gp底物,血脑屏

16、障,减少进入,增加排出,非索非那定最少透过血脑屏障产生中枢抑制作用,23,非索非那定超常规剂量无明显中枢抑制作用,24,关于抗组胺药物心脏毒性问题,25,心脏动作电位的产生:K+、Na+和Ca+ 等离子流动。 去极化:Na+迅速内流伴随着Ca+内流(P波和RS波); 复极化:K+外流(T波)。,心脏动作电位的产生,26,mV,Ito,IKs,IK1,IKr,IK(ATP)(during ischaemia),Alteration in action potential with individual blockade of potassium channel,27,病人(女性) 电解质紊乱(低钾、低钙和低镁) 药物(影响心电活动、药物相互作用) 心脏疾病(先天性QT间期延长、窦缓、房室阻滞、缺血性心脏病、心肌病、高血压、心肌炎等) 脑血管疾病(颅内出血) 全身疾病(肝病、肾病、甲低) ECG异常(QT延长、继发性双束支传导阻滞等),



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