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1、 1 / 57 清华大学 肖星教授:财务分析与决策 Sheldon 原创 财务分析与决策 一、资金的运用-认识资产 1.1 序论 1. What is accounting?会计是什么? 会计是一门科学 会计是一门艺术(会计是一个职业判断 professional judgment) (在会计准则的统计范围之内做出合理的选择和判断,让它能够准确地描述一个企业) (Within the accounting standards, reasonable choices and judgments are used to accurately describe an enterprise) 会计是一

2、门魔术(亏损一个亿通过抵押 3 千万的房子到 1.3 亿将财务报表变为盈利 3 千万) 2. 在现代商业社会中,人们都会或多或少的在生活中使用会计信息帮助自己做决策 3. 课程目的: 了解财务报表背后的故事,解读企业的兴衰变化 Strong behind a companys financial statements and interpret the rise and fall of an enterprise. 1.2 认识资产负债表 1. 三大报表: 资产负债表 Balance Sheet 利润表 Income Statement 现金流量表 Cash Flow Statement 2.

3、 会计眼中公司做 3 件事 经营活动:生产产品、销售产品、回收货款(每天进行) Operating activity:manufacture products、sale the products、collect receivables 投资活动:新地区开设业务、新的业务领域、新产品 Investment activity:new branch、enter a new business、new product line 在以上这些行为中公司一旦缺钱,就需要向银行贷款或找人投资即融资活动(Financial activity) 1.3 资产的概念 Assets 资产 Liabilities 负债

4、Current Assets 流动资产 Current Liabilities Cash 货币资金 808 Short-term borrowing 1262 Accounts receivable 应收账款 1180 Accounts payable 688 Other receivables 其他应收款(中国特色) 21 (临时朋友公司借周转资金没有回报不算投资其 他应收款员工出差备用金也在此领域 Petty cash for traveling 出差备用金) Other payable 9 Prepaid accounts 预付账款(定金) 221 Deposit received 0

5、Inventory 存货(原材料、产品、未完工的在产品) 527 Other liabilities 1044 Deferred expenses(待摊费用) 9 Total current liabilities 3004 2 / 57 清华大学 肖星教授:财务分析与决策 Sheldon 原创 (办公用品 Office Supplies) (购入 6 万元办公用品 存于库房为 Asset 用 6 个月,每个月平均 1 万元由资 产变 cost 费用) Others 290 * 以上排序按照变为现金的快慢 * 左边为流动资产 Noncurrent Assets 非流动资产 Noncurrent

6、 Liabilities Long-term investment 60 长期投资(参股其他公司,持股子公司国债) Long-term loans-payable 1368 Fixed asset 5422 固定资产(厂房、汽车、电脑) Bond payable 0 Intangible assets and other assets 169 无形资产(商标权、专利权、采矿权、探矿权) * 在中国还有一种特色: 土地使用权中国不可以拥有 土地,而其它国家可以所以土地可划为 Fixed asset Long-term payable 12 Others 793 Shareholders equi

7、ty 股东权益 Capital Stock 498 Additional paid-in capital 2002 Surplus reserve 308 Retained earnings 722 Total Assets 8706 Total Liabilities and Shareholders Equity 8706 * 非流动性资产边成现金需很长时间,而流动资产则非常快(一个 Cycle 为流动多个 cycle 为非) * Tips: 1. 资产与费用的区别 Difference between Asset 狭义的仅指正在加工的产品。 Finished Goods 产成品是指企业已

8、经完成全部征税过程并已验收入库合乎标准规格和技术条件,可以按照合同规 定的条件送交订货单位,或者可以作为商品对外销售的产品。 Variable Cost 变动成本是指那些成本的总发生额在相关范围内随着业务量的变动而呈线性变动的成本。 直接人工、 直接材料都是典型的变动成本,在一定期间内它们的发生总额随着业务量的增减而成正比例变动,但单位产品的耗 费则保持不变。 Fixed Cost 固定成本是指成本总额在一定时期和一定业务量范围内,不受业务量增减变动影响而能保持不变的成 本。 Research and development expenditure 研发支出是指研究与开发某项目所支付的费用。

9、我国会计准则对研发 费用处理分为两大部分:一是研究阶段发生的费用及无法区分研究阶段研发支出和开发阶段研发的支出全部费用化; 二是企业内部研究开发项目开发阶段的支出,能够证明符合无形资产条件的支出资本化,分期摊销。 Brand 品牌指公司的名称、产品或服务的商标,和其它可以有别于竞争对手的标示、广告等构成公司独特市场形象 的无形资产。 Off Balance Sheet Asset 表外资产,一般是按公认会计原则(GAAP)容许的会计技巧,企业将旗下一些资产, 16 / 57 清华大学 肖星教授:财务分析与决策 Sheldon 原创 包括子公司、贷款、衍生工具等置于此项,以降低公司债务与资本比率

10、;表外资产毋须列于资产负债表内,但要在 财务报告以注释形式列明。 研发投入、组织建设、品牌渠道等都属于表外资产。 4.4 现金流量表怎么产生 1. 3200 Stakeholders investment Financing + 5100 Bank Loan Financing + -5700 Equipment Investment - -150 Land Investment - -1600 Procurement(采购原材料等) Operating - -120 Manufacturing (支付员工工资 车间水电开支) Operating - +3000 Sales Operating

11、 + -150 Prepayment to supplier (预付明年原材料的费用) Operating - -400 Expense(销售人员/管理人员开支) Operating - -50 Research and development (研发经营活动) Operating - -130 Interest payment Financing - -100 Income Tax(支付所得税) Operating - -100 Cash dividend Financing - 融资活动现金流=$80.7M 说明融入资金 投资活动现金流=$-58.5M 说明向外投资 经营活动现金流=$-5

12、M (销售产品收到的钱不足以支付采购原材料等)经营活动没有造血机能(入不敷出) (由融 资活动来养活经营) 现金净流量=$17.2M 货币资金就是这一项(新组建的公司原来是 0,新增加就是这个值) * 真实的现金流量表格式: 第一部分 经营活动现金流 Cash flows from operating activities Cash received from sales of goods and rendering of services 3000 Refund of taxes paid Other cash received from activities relating to ope

13、ration Subtotal of cash inflows Cash paid for goods and services 1750 Cash paid to and on behalf of employees 1200 Taxes paid 100 Other cash paid relating to operating activities 450 17 / 57 清华大学 肖星教授:财务分析与决策 Sheldon 原创 Sub-total of cash outflow 3500 Net cash flow from operating activities -500 第二部分

14、 投资活动现金流 Cash flows from investing activities Cash received from withdraw of investment Cash received from gain of investment revenue Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other long-term assets Other cash received from activities relating to investment Sub-total of

15、 cash inflow Cash paid for purchase of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other long-term assets 5850 Cash paid for investment Other cash paid for activities relating to investment Sub-total of cash outflow 5850 Net cash flow from investing activities -5850 第三部分 融资活动现金流 Cash flows from financing a

16、ctivities Cash received by absorbing investment 3200 Cash acquired from borrowings 5100 Other cash received from activities relating to financing Sub-total of cash inflow 8300 Cash paid for debt redemption Cash paid for distribution of dividend or profit or payment of interest 230 Other cash paid for activities relating to financing Sub-total of cash outflow 230 Net cash flow from financing activities 8070 4.5 三张表的逻辑关系 1. 利润表主要在描述企业的经营活动(但也包括与经营活动不直接相关的:财务费用


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