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1、 BOOKLET TO MACRO-COURSE No.0923 Preliminary Data Processing Skill 2015-9-23 TAN TIANCHENG AHUT MACRO-ECONOMICS 初等数据处理指南Excel 2013 宏观经济学演示2015 1 Preview Content 标题 Lead-in 导入介绍 Task 课堂练习 Criteria 考核标准 Instructions 流程说明 Requirements 必需要求 Deadline 截止时间 Operation 技能操作 Viewing 浏览整理 Describing 描述统计 Analy

2、zing 制图分析 Reporting 规范报告 Appendix 附录资源 You can click the title with hyperlink to go to the aimed part directly. Click header words on to return to this page. The booklet is written by the author Tan Tiancheng (E-mail: ) and just for daily study. For pirate policy, you are not supposed to share or up

3、load this in any forms unless get authors permission. (你可以直接点击英文标签, 使用超链接直接到达本文的目标位置。点击页眉上的文字,可以直接返回到当前目录页。本手册由作者撰写并仅供日常学习。出于隐私保护及相关法律法规要求,未经原作者同意,不得以任何形式传播或上传此文件,否则你将可能牵涉侵权。) We are eager to learn and discover more. 2015.9.23 初等数据处理指南Excel 2013 宏观经济学演示2015 2 Guidance to Preliminary Data Processing

4、Skill (Tan tiancheng, MPAcc, Assistant of Macro-economic) Lead-in A. Goal: For various collected raw data, you are able to select, describe, analyze and report them. B. Tool: Microsoft Office Excel 2010/2013 is highly recommended. C. Scope: Searching and downloading data from the Internet is not inc

5、luded in this course, which means you need to learn it by yourself using available website links in the appendix. (数据处理推荐使用 Excel2010 以上版本。源数据的查找搜集并不在本次演示的范围内,这需要你自己去探索,附录中提供的经济数据库链接可供参考。通过本次学习,你应该可以对不同的数据进行初步的整理、筛选、描述、分析并最终形成数据报告) Task A. Criteria: You are required to hand in your work as the feedb

6、ack to the course. The full grades are 100, which is converted to your daily score. Your work is judged as following aspects: T-1 Criteria Aspects Explanations Percentage Skills Basic skills taught are correctly used. 50% Theme Theme color and formats are harmonious. 15% Analyze Get conclusions by l

7、inking data with events. 25% Rate Your comment and own thought to the course. 10% (此次练习采取百分制,作业评价的依据为:技能应用-需要掌握的技能在表格中均被正确使用;主题设计-颜色搭配及格式协调统一;分析环节-能够通过数据及制图的简单比较,联系现实事件给出一个较为合理的解释;反馈评价-你对本次演示联系的收获评价以及真实的想法;最终结果会按比例折算计入平时成绩) B. Instructions You are required to follow class demonstration and practice

8、with your own raw data. Download encoded “RawData0923.zip” from QQ group and store it in your laptop; Read and get familiar with the Chinese version of “Excel 2013 QuickStart.pdf”; During the class, the code will be published and you can open “RawData0923.zip”; There are 10 raw data in the file, cho

9、ose the one that correspond to your last number of the student ID; Open your raw data, choose one theme color you like and practise the skills with it. Save your work and upload it to http:/ 初等数据处理指南Excel 2013 宏观经济学演示2015 3 (从 QQ 群下载源数据加密压缩包“RawData0923.zip”存入你的笔记本中;课前阅读并了解有关 Excel2013 快速入门中文操作介绍;课堂

10、上会公布解压密码大家一起开始练习操作;文件夹中有 10 个源数据表,选择学号最后一位数字对应的文件进行操作即可;打开源数据表,选择一个你喜爱的主题色用于格式美化并开始练习;保存表格并上传到指定网页上。) C. Requirements You are open to deal with the given data but you have to contain and show us at least these operations in your work to make sure that you have already mastered the basic skills: Tran

11、sposition a new table and freeze the window at a suitable cell; Statistic description by using trans-link; Beautify the table by using theme color; Draw a graph for analyzing in any format as you like; Highlight the specific cells to notify something important for linking with special events; Report

12、 the data in a table and another graph by using standard format. You may need to create several worksheet to show your work in order. Examples is provided in the files and you can use it for reference. (你可以自主地对数据样本进行联系操作,但你所提交的作业中应至少包括以下内容,以保证你已经掌握了本次演示要求的必要基本处理方法。作业的内容包括:对原表复制转置并选一个合适单元格进行冻结窗口操作;用跨

13、表链接进行描述统计; 在分析环节, 用主题色对表格美化, 根据数据绘制任意类型的一个图表; 根据图表反映的情况,在美化后的表格里标亮值得注意的关键单元格以便联系特定的经济事件进行分析; 最后, 用标准格式报告数据表格并提供标准格式的一张图表,即你一共需要提供至少两个图,一个用于分析,一个用于报告,具体区别见后文。) D. Deadline: 12:00 a.m.,25th, September, 2015 (2015 年 9 月 25 日中午 12 点) 初等数据处理指南Excel 2013 宏观经济学演示2015 4 Operation A. Viewing Here are some ba

14、sic commands you may need as the first step to view the raw data: T-2 Command Command 指令 解释 Save as 另存为 下载的源数据表可能不适合编辑(如*.CSV),需要另存为*.xls或*.xlsx 格式;2010 以下版本格式可以转换格式到高版本 New worksheet 新建工作表 一个 Excel 文件是若干工作表组成的工作簿,在左下方单击+号添加新工作表,尝试重命名以及跨工作簿的移动和复制 Adjust 调整 左上角全选或选中特定行列,双击字母或数字边框间隙可根据单元格内容自动调整; Hide

15、隐藏 选中字母栏或数字栏,右击可以隐藏选中的行或列,可以手动拉出隐藏或者全选可自动调整以取消隐藏 Freeze 冻结窗口 视图-冻结窗格,锁定特定行列一直出现在屏幕上;选择某一单元格则锁定其左上方边界的内容; Multi-delete 多选删除 按住 Ctrl 键,单击多选不同的行或列,右击删除;同样的,多选后也可用于批量格式编辑等操作; Copy & paste 数值粘贴 选中表格区域,在空白区域右击选择粘贴类型:数值型粘贴,即删除所有函数公式,只留下最终的数字结果; Transposition 转置 选中表格区域,在空白区域右击选择粘贴类型:转置粘贴,使原来的行与列信息对应颠倒粘贴; Se

16、lect & Array 排序 选中特定行,在“开始”-“筛选和排序”中,选择筛选;可对列信息进行升序降序排列,或者查找特定值 Locate & replace 查找替换 选中特定区域后,在在“开始”-“查找和选择”中选择,或者直接按快捷键 Ctrl+F Screenshot pictures are presented below to help you find the specific usage area from the explanation above: 初等数据处理指南Excel 2013 宏观经济学演示2015 5 1. Save as 2. New worksheet 3. Adjust 4. Hide 5. Freeze 初等数据处理指南Excel 20


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