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1、2018年中考英语话题写作复习课件 (全册)郝 媛,Topic1 Personal Background个人情况,话题一,目录,话题一,所在课本单元,基础知识梳理,小话题练笔,1. n. 名字 _ 名_ 姓_ 2. n. 生日_ 出生日期_ v. 出生_ 过去式_ 过去分词_ 出生于_ adj.天生的_ 天生具有_ 3. n.年龄,年代_ 各个年龄阶段的人 _ 4. n.国籍_ 来自_ 或_ 5. n.性别_ 男性_ 女性_ 6. 身份证号码 _ 7n.婚姻状况_ adj.单身的_ adj.已婚的_ 与结婚_,first/given name,last/family name,birthday

2、,date of birthday,bear,bore,born,be born on,born,be born with,age,people of all ages,nationality,be from,come from,gender,male,female,ID number,marriage,single,married,marry sb,name,A. Personal Basic Information个人基本信息,词汇和短语分类整理及拓展,1. n.背景_ 2. n.邮编_ 3. n.地址_ 4. 电子邮箱地址_ 5. 电话号码_ 6. 育英中学_ 7. 九年级八班_ 8.

3、小学_ 9. 中学_ 10. 初中_ 11. 高中_ 12. n.综合性大学 _ 13. n.大学,专科院校_ 14. n.同学_ n老师_ n. 学生_ n. 小学生_,background,postcode,address,email address,phone number,Yuying Middle School,Class 8, Grade 9,primary school,middle school,junior high school,senior high school,university,college,classmate,teacher,student,pupil,B.

4、Family Information and School Information 家庭信息与学校信息,1. n.父母,双亲_ 2. n.父亲_ 3. n.母亲_ 4. n.丈夫_ 5. n.妻子_ 6. n.孩子_ (pl.) _ 7. n.伯母,舅母,姑,婶,姨_ 8. n.叔,舅,姑父,姨父 _ 9. n.堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹_ 10. n.女儿_ 11. n.兄,弟_ 12. n.姐,妹 _ 13. n.儿子_,parents,father,mother,husband,wife,child,children,aunt,uncle,cousin,daughter,brother,

5、sister,son,C. Family Members and Other People 家庭成员及其他人,14. n.祖父母,外祖父母 _ 15. n.爷爷,外公 _ 16. n.奶奶,外婆 _ 17. n.(外)孙子/(外)孙女 _ 18. n.(外)孙子_ 19. n.(外)孙女 _ 20. n.亲属 _ 21. n.朋友_ n. 友谊;友情 _ adj. 友好的_,grandparents,grandpa,grandma,grandchildren,grandson,granddaughter,relative,friend,friendship,friendly,月份 month

6、1. 一月_ 2. 二月 _ 3. 三月_ 4. 四月 _ 5.五月_ 6. 六月 _ 7.七月_ 8.八月 _ 9.九月 _ 10.十月_ 11. 十一月_ 12.十二月_ 星期week 1. 星期一_ 2. 星期二 _ 3. 星期三_ 4. 星期四 _ 5. 星期五_ 6. 星期六_ 7.星期日_ 8. 工作日 _ 9. 周末_,January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Satur

7、day,Sunday,weekday,weekend,D. Time 时间,其他时间词汇 other words about time 1. adv.& n昨天_ 2. adv.& n今天 _ 3. adv.& n明天_ 4. n.秒_ 5. n.分钟_ 6. n.小时_ 7. n.夜;夜间_ 8. adv.& n今晚_ 9. n.年_ 10. n.世纪;百年_ 11. n.早上_ 12. n.中午 _ 13. n.下午 _ 14. n.傍晚_ 15. 前天 _ 16. 后天 _ 17. 一整天 _或_ 18.日期_,yesterday,today,tomorrow,second,minute

8、,hour,night,tonight,year,century,morning,noon,afternoon,dusk,the day before yesterday,the day after tomorrow,the whole day all day,date,1. 第一_ 2. 第二_ 3. 第三_ 4. 第四 _ 5. 第五_ 6. 第九_ 7. 第十二_ 8. 第十五_ 9. 第十九_ 10. 第二十_ 11. 第二十一_ 12. 第二十九_ 13. 第四十_ 14. 第一百_ 15. 第一千_,first,second,third,fourth,fifth,ninth,twe

9、lfth,fifteenth,nineteenth,twentieth,twentyfirst,twentyninth,fortieth,hundredth,thousandth,E. Ordinal Numeral 序数词,话题常用句式构建与整合,1. Whats your name ? My names Jim Green. Im Jim Green. (七上R Unit 1) 2. Whats your first / given name? My first / given names Jim. 3. Whats your last / family name? My last / f

10、amily names Green. 4. When is your birthday? Its on January 21st. (七上 R Unit 8;七上JJ L40) When were you born? I was born on /in,5. Whats your telephone (phone)number ? My telephone (phone)number is / Its 6. How many people are there in your family? There are people in my family. They are 7. This is my He /She is years old. 8. His / Her birthday isSo he/she loves 9. He /She is fromHe/ She comes from He is an American. 10. Now he is in Class 7, Grade 9 of Yuying Middle School. 11. Whos this/that? Its 12. Who are these/those? Theyre 13. What does she do? She is a bus driver. (七上JJ L25),


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