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1、Project Identification And Selection,Project Initiation And Planning,Analysis,Design,Implementation,Maintenance,1 Identifying potential development Projects 2 Classifying and ranking Projects 3 Selecting Projects for development,Identifying and Selecting Systems Development Projects,Deliverables and

2、 Outcomes: 交互物a schedule of specific IS Development Projects 特定信息系统开发项目进度表,System has nine characteristics: Components组件 Interrelated components关系组件 A boundary边界 A purpose目的 An environment环境 Interfaces接口 Input输入 Output输出 Constrains约束,Project Identification And Selection,Project Initiation And Planni

3、ng,Analysis,Design,Implementation,Maintenance,Project Initiation Project Planning,Deliverables and Outcomes,Baseline Project Plan基线计划最终生成项目文档 Statement of Work工作计划,最终生成用户文档,Work breakdown structure工作流分解结构: the process of dividing the project into manageable tasks and logically ordering them to ensur

4、e a smooth evolution between tasks吧项目分成若干个任务的过程逻辑的排列保证他们稳定的进程 给出一段注释,知道什么是工作流程点结构,3.2Managing the Information Systems Project,Project management process which involves four phases:项目管理的四个阶段 Initiating the project初始化项目 Planning the Project 规划项目 Executing the Project 项目的执行 Closing down the project项目的收

5、尾,The objective of the Project Planning process项目计划的交互物is the development of a Baseline Project Plan (BPP) 项目基线计划and Statement of Work (SOW)工作说明书,Types of CostsProcurementStart-up,ExamplesConsulting costs equipment purchase or lease Equipment installation costs Site preparation and modification OS s

6、oftwareCommunications equipment installation Personnel searches and hiring activities Disruption to the rest of the organization Management to direct start-up activities,Determining Project Costs项目成本出分析题,让你说出项目包含哪些成本,成本分一次成本和多次成本p103,一次成本,系统开发,采购新的软硬件,用户培训,场地准备,数据系统转换,多次成本:应用软件的维护,不断增加的数据存储的开支,不断增加的

7、通信方式,新的软硬件的租用花费,耗材供应和其他开支,分析案例,说明一次成本包含说明,多次成本包含说明,Types of CostsProject-relatedOperating,ExamplesApplication software Software modifications to fit local systems Personnel, overhead from in-house Development Training users in application use Collecting and analyzing data Preparing documentation Man

8、aging Development Systems maintenance costs (hardware, software, and facilities) Rental of space and equipment Asset depreciation Management , operation, and planning personnel,Determining Project Costs,Assessing Project Feasibility评估项目可行性p108案例分析,分析要从哪些方面分析可行性,Economic经济可行性 Technical技术可行性 Operation

9、al操作可行性 Schedule时间进度可行性 Legal and Contractual法律合同可行性 Political政治可行性,Project Identification And Selection,Project Initiation And Planning,Analysis,Design,Implementation,Maintenance,Requirements determination决策, Requirements structuring需求结构化 Alternative generation and choice备选方案的选择,Deliverables and ou

10、tcomes-the various forms of Information gathered during the determination process 在目标过程中收集到的各种信息,Requirements structuring需求结构化要进行三方面建模,Structuring System Requirements : Process Modeling-DFD数据流图 过程 Structuring System Requirements : Logic Modeling-structure 决策表决策树逻辑建模English, decision tree and decisio

11、n table Structuring System Requirements : Conceptual Data Modeling-ER概念数据结构的建模,用er图,Project Identification And Selection,Project Initiation And Planning,Analysis,Design,Implementation,Maintenance,Files and Database设计文件和数据库 Forms and Reports设计表单和报表 Dialogues and Interfaces对话框和接口 System and Program St

12、ructure系统和程序的结构 Distributed Systems 分布式系统的设计,The deliverables of design include detailed, functional specifications for system inputs, outputs, interfaces, dialogues, and databases.系统的输入,输出,接口,对话,和数据库的详细功能性说明书,子系统划分的主要原则,数据处理和功能有相对独立性 子系统间数据交换量尽量少 考虑今后的发展 利于系统分阶段实现 兼顾管理现状,结合未来的改进和发展,Electronic comme

13、rce Web sites and established the following design guidelines创建一个基于web的设计方针,Menu-driven navigation with cookie crumbs菜单驱动的导航包含cookie crumbs(web也上能记住用户去过那里的标记) Lightweight graphics轻量级的图形 Form and data integrity rules表单和数据的完整性 Template-based HTML基于模板的html,Project Identification And Selection,Project I

14、nitiation And Planning,Analysis,Design,Implementation,Maintenance,Coding编码 Testing测试 Installation安装 Documentation给系统编档分为系统文档和用户文档, 系统文档分为外部文档和内部文档 Training培训 support 支持,Deliverables and outcomes交付 from coding, testing, and installation:,Coding: Code代码 Program 程序文档documentation Testing测试 Test scenari

15、os and test data测试场景和测试数据 Results of program and system testing软件和系统的测试结果 Installation User guides用户指导 User training plan用户培训计划 Installation and conversion plan安装和转换计划 Software and hardware installation schedule软硬件安装进度表 Data conversion plan数据转换计划 Site and facility remodeling plan站点和设备的安装计划,Deliverab

16、les and outcomes from documentation the System, training users, and supporting users:,Documentation : System documentation 系统文档分为内部文档和外部文档 user documentation用户文档 User train plan Classes 授课 Tutorials指导 User training modules用户培训模型 Training materials培训资料 Computer-based training aids基于计算机的帮助培训 User support plan用户支持计划 Help desk桌面支持 On-line help在线帮助 Bulletion boards and other support mechanisms布告板和其他一些支持机制,


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