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1、Sales Manager Seminar 课长培训,To learn more about Carrefours mission and Sales Manager responsibilities. 更多地了解家乐福的使命和课长的职责 To Learn how to better communicate with the team 学习如何更好地与我的团队沟通. To learn how to better develop my team 学习如何更好地发展团队 To learn how to plan my work and manage my time 学习如何计划我的工作和管理我的时

2、间,Understanding Carrefours Mission and Sales Managers Responsibilities,Carrefours Mission & Goals,Business strategy &Capabilities,People Requirements,Requirements of Department Heads,Business knowledge Technical skills Communication skills People management & development skills Time management and a

3、ction planning skills Others,Carrefour Concepts Four Policies Localization Turnover Market share,Employee Needs,Human resources management strategy & practices,Understanding Carrefours Mission and Sales Managers Responsibilities 理解家乐福的使命和课长的职责,家乐福的 使命和目标,经营策略和能力,人员要求,对于课长 的要求,商业知识 技术能力 沟通能力 人员管理和发展能

4、力 时间管理和计划制定能力 其它,家乐福理念 四大政策 本地化 营业额 市场份额,员工需求,人力资源管理 策略和操作,Mission of Carrefour 家乐福的使命,Our Mission 我们的使命 Our People 我们的员工 Our Resources 我们的方法,All our efforts are directed towards customer satisfaction. Our retailing activities seek to meet changing customer demands, in terms of product selection and

5、 quality, at the most competitive prices 我们尽一切努力最大程度地满足顾客的要求我们的零售行业通过选择商品,提供最佳品质及最低价格,以满足客户多变的要求 Highly-motivated associates are our main asset. Individual initiative and delegation of responsibilities are carried out in a spirit of solidarity and common interest. 我们最主要的财产是士气高昂的员工. 每一个员工应在团结奋斗及目标一致的

6、基础上,充分发挥主动性及责任。 Our business is based on simple, straightforward concepts. To remain competitive, we constantly adapt our resources to achieve optimal distribution efficiency. 我们的理念简单而直接为了在竞争中取得优势,我们必须最大限度地使用资源使之发挥作用。,OUR GOAL 我们的目标 OUR VALUES |我们的价值,We aim to be an international force with a signif

7、icant presence in each market. By constantly seeking to gain market share, we will strengthen the Groups independence and raise its value over the long term 我们的目标是成为一个国际性公司,并在每个市场中占有重要比例。通过市场占有率的扩大,我们将不断加强公司的独立性及增加公司长期的企业价值。 We aim to develop mutually beneficial synergies with all our business partn

8、er. We seek to adapt to the specific environment of each country where we operate and to serve as a benchmark in terms of business values wherever we are present. 我们强调协调与合作伙伴之间的关系,增进双方共同的利益。我们要尽力融合各国特殊 的环境,成为同业间的楷模。,家乐福的使命 MISSION OF CARREFOUR,我们的一切工作的核心 是为了让顾客满意。,Customer Satisfaction 顾客满意,All Our

9、Efforts Must Be Directed Towards Customers Satisfaction.,Carrefour Concepts 家乐福的理念,Customer Satisfaction First! 顾客的满意为优先 One stop shopping 一次购足 Low price 超低售价 Free Parking 免费停车 Self Service 自助式服务 Freshness and Quality 新鲜和品质,Carrefour Four Policies 家乐福四大政策,Management Level 管理层,Assets 资产,Merchandise 商

10、品,All Equipment in good condition 所有器材处于良好状态 Price 价格 Clean 干净 Full 满 Listen to customers 倾听客户需要 Competitors survey 竞争调查,Get the best assortment 作出最好货品分类排列 get the best conditions 提供最好的条件 React to competitors price level 对竞争对手的价格作出反应 Check volume orders and sales quantities 检查销售量 push for promotions

11、 促销 Communication with negotiator 与谈判者交流,人力 资源,Know your staff 了解员工 Train 培训 Communication 交流 Initiative & creative 主动性与创造性 Link between management team and my team 管理团队和我的团队之间的练习,R e s o u r c e,H u m a n,Main Responsibilities of a Sales Manager 课长的主要职责,Assets 资产 Store clean and full. 保持卖场整洁,商品充足 G

12、ood implantation respecting the price range.根据不同价格档位,良好展示商品, Check the cleanliness of the uniform of the staff.检查员工是否着装整洁 Storage well arranged. 保持库存井井有条 Listen to customers and react positively. 倾听顾客意见,作出积极反应 Have a sales spirit. 展现生意人的精神 Display with volume. 保持充足的商品展示 Respect and make respecting t

13、he safety rules of fire fighting and hygiene regulations. 遵守火灾和卫生等安全规章制度 Follow competitors price level. 关注竞争对手的价格水准 Propose equipment investment. 提议购置新设备 Full respect of the regulation and law of China & Carrefours store procedures. 完全遵守中国的法规和家乐福店的制度 Have a store spirit. 展现家乐福店的精神,Human 人员 Help the

14、 staff to have a commercial and professional attitude in any case. 使员工在任何情况下要表现出商业人士的职业态度 Communicate stores information. 传达有关家乐福店的信息 Give clear responsibilities to the staff. 明确员工的工作职责 Check weekly the punch card. 每周检查工时卡 Train your staff with a training plan 根据培训计划培训员工 React on the quality of the

15、work of the staff.根据员工的工作质量作出反应 Plan and propose promotion. 计划并推荐提升人员,Main Responsibilities of a Sales Manager 课长的主要职责,Merchandise 商品 Follow assortment (No shortage). 保证品种 (没有缺货) Facing and display reflecting the sales quantities. 排面和展示要反映销售量 Check stock cards. 检查库存卡 Stock level respecting the forec

16、ast. 库存量反映预见的销售量 Plan promotional and seasonal events one month before. 提前一个月准备促销和季节性活动 Good communication with negotiators. 跟谈判员保持良好沟通 Inform the negotiators of your low sales items. 向谈判员通报滞销的单品 Follow and anticipate the new market trends. 遵循并预见市场走向 Propose new item to improve assortment according to customers demands. 根据顾客的需求,提议新的单品,以改进品种搭配,



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