新疆精河县七年级英语上册 unit 2 this is my sister the third period section b(1a-1d)教案 (新版)人教新目标版

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新疆精河县七年级英语上册 unit 2 this is my sister the third period section b(1a-1d)教案 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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《新疆精河县七年级英语上册 unit 2 this is my sister the third period section b(1a-1d)教案 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新疆精河县七年级英语上册 unit 2 this is my sister the third period section b(1a-1d)教案 (新版)人教新目标版(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1UnitUnit 2 2 ThisThis isis mymy sistersisterUnitUnit 2 2 ThisThis isis mymy sister.sister.TheThe ThirdThird PeriodPeriod (Section(Section B,B, 1a1a1d)1d)TeachingTeaching AimsAims1. 学会说家庭成员的称谓。2. 学会谈论家庭成员。3. 能听懂有关介绍家庭成员的谈话。Language points1. 学会以下家庭成员的称谓son, cousin, grandpa, mom, aunt, grandma, dad, u

2、ncle, daughter2. 熟练运用以下 Sentences These/Those areThis/that is Who is/are He/She is They are Difficulties1)在介绍或谈论家庭成员时,注意学生口语中的单复数运用。2)注意 uncle, aunt 和 daughter 的拼写形式。Teaching StepsPersonal Design1.1. Warming-upWarming-up andand revisionrevision(课堂热身和复习)(课堂热身和复习)1. Daily greetingsT: Good morning/afte

3、rnoon. Whos on duty today?S: I am. T: Is everyone here today?S: Yes. Everyone is here. / No, is not here.T: Thank you. 2. RevisionT: Now, you are Dave. Please cover the answers of 1a by using a piece of paper. And then listen to me carefully. I will give you a letter. You can look at the picture and

4、 tell me what this letter means. For example, I say “a”. You should say “This is my mother.” I say “b”. You should say “These are my parents.” Understand? T: OK. Lets begin. Tom, stand up, please. Your letter is “e”.Tom: This is my grandfather. T: Good job. Next one is 22.2. PresentationPresentation

5、 (呈现新知识)(呈现新知识)1)Show students a family and introduce people on it then present the new words mom and dade.g. Im Ben. This is my daddad. This is my brother. This is my sister. This is my mommom. 2)use the people in the picture to do self-introduction and present the new words 照片 son and daughter.e.g

6、. Im Tom. These are my parents. I am their sonson. Im Mary. Those are my parents. Im their daughterdaughter. 3)Present new words uncle and anunt by showing pictures and guessin.te.g. Im Ben. He is not my father. He is my fathers brother. He is my uncleuncle. She is not my mother. Shes my mothers sis

7、ter. She is my auntaunt. 4) Lead cousin by presenting picture of uncle family.3.3. WorkWork onon 1a1a (完成(完成 1a1a)1) T: In my family, my grandpa is the oldest. (板书 oldest 并用body language 表述) Who is the oldest in your family?S: My grandpa, too. T: Every family has a family tree. Can you finish the fa

8、mily tree in 1a?S: Yes. While the Ss are working, move around to see what the Ss write.2) Check the answers and ask Ss to read aloud the words.3) T: Look at the family tree. My grandpa and grandma have a son and a daughter. One is my dad, the other is my aunt. My dad and mom also have a son and a da

9、ughter. I am their daughter. My brother is their son. I am my brothers sister. My aunt and uncle only have one daughter. Shes my cousin. 4.4. WorkWork onon 1b1b (完成(完成 1b1b)1)T: Lets listen to the recording in 1b. Ill play the recording once. Check only the words you hear. (If the Ss cant hear clear

10、ly, play the recording once again.) 2) Check the answers and ask some Ss to read the words aloud. 5.5. WorkWork onon 1c1c (完成(完成 1c1c)1)T: Look at the two pictures in 1c. Who are the people in the first picture? Can you guess? S: They are Grandpa, Grandma, Mom, Dad, Uncle (只要学生3能说出人物的称谓就加以鼓励)T: Well

11、 done. Can you guess who the people are in Picture 2?S: They are Grandma, Mom, Dad and a boy. T: Good. One of the pictures is of Jiang Taos family, and the other one is of Toms family. Do you know which one is Jiang Taos and which one is Toms?S: No. T: Now lets listen to the recording and find out t

12、he answer.2)Play the recording once again for the students to listen and find out the answer.3) Check the answers and play the recording for the Ss to listen and repeat. 6.6. WorkWork onon 1d1d (完成(完成 1d1d)1)Draw a picture of your family and friends on the blackboard and introduce the people. 2)T: N

13、ow you can draw a picture of your family and friends.3) Ask one or two Ss to show their pictures and tell the class who the people are.T: Tim, can you show me your picture? Who are they? Can you tell me? S: This is my and these are my 4) T: Now you can tell your partner about your picture. Homework1) Copy new words in this period 1*12) Introduce your family and write it on your exercise book.Blackboard DesignUnitUnit 2 2 ThisThis isis mymy sister.sister.TheThe ThirdThird PeriodPeriod (Section(Section B,B, 1a1a1d)1d)These/Those areThis/that is Who is/are He/She is They are


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