英语七年级下人教新课标Unit4 I want to be an actor SectionA 2教学课件

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《英语七年级下人教新课标Unit4 I want to be an actor SectionA 2教学课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语七年级下人教新课标Unit4 I want to be an actor SectionA 2教学课件(41页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1,Unit 4,I want to be an actor.,2,Section A Period Two,3,Read the words and expressions loudly.,4,nurse money give get wear sometimes in,n. 护士 n. 钱; 金钱; 货币 v. 给; 授予 v. 获得; 得到; 购买; 拿来 v. 穿; 戴 adv. 不时; 有时 prep. 在期间; 在之内,Words and expressions,5,dangerous late out talk station police,adj. 危险的 adv. 晚; 晚于

2、通常时间 adv. 在外; 向外 v. 谈话; 谈论 n. 车站; 局; 台 n. 警方; 警察,Words and expressions,6,What does he/she do? He/She is a ,Review,7,bank,hospital,police station,restaurant,TV station,shop,The bank clerk works in the bank.,8,What do you do?,I am a /an ,What do you want to be?,I want to be a .,Where do you work?,I wo

3、rk in .,9,What does she do?,She is a nurse.,Where does she work?,She works in a hospital.,10,What does he do?,He is a waiter.,Where does he work?,He works in a restaurant.,11,What does she do?,She is a bank clerk.,Where does she work?,She works in a bank.,12,What does she do?,She is a reporter.,Wher

4、e does she work?,She works in a TV station.,13,What does he do?,He is a policeman.,Where does he work?,He works in a Police Station.,14,doctor nurse,What does he /she do? He/she is a Where doe he /she work? He/she works in,hospital,15,What does he/she do? Hes / Shes a/an. Where does he/she work? He/

5、she works ,Ask and answer:,waiter,shop assistant,bank clerk,reporter,policeman,polecewoman,actor,singer,student,teacher,doctor,nurse,coach,16,I work with people and money. People give me their money or get their money from me.,What does she do?,She is a _. She works in a _.,bank clerk,bank,17,I wear

6、 a white uniform and I help doctors. Sometimes I work in the day and sometimes at night.,What does she do?,She is a _. She works in a _.,nurse,hospital,18,I like talking to people. I meet interesting people every day and ask them questions.,What does she do?,She is a _. She works in a _.,reporter,TV

7、 station,19,I work late. Im very busy when people go out to dinner.,What does she do?,She is a _. She works in a _.,waitress,restaurant,20,My work is interesting but kind of dangerous. Thieves dont like me.,What does he do?,He is a _. He works in a _.,policeman,police station,21,Guessing game,22,Gue

8、ss! What do I do?,He can help the sick people. If you are not well, you can go to see him. He works in a hospital.,a doctor,23,I am very proud of my job. Because I am like your mother. I will tell you what is right and what is wrong. Sometimes I am very strict.,A B C,Guess! What do I do?,a teacher,2

9、4,Guess! What do I do?,an artist,I like all kinds of colors. I have lots of paintings. I can draw nice pictures.,25,Guess! What do I do?,She works in a street. She works early in the morning. She likes to keep the city clean.,a cleaner,26,Pair work Practice the conversation. Use the jobs and places.

10、,A: Where does your brother work? B: He works in a hospital. A: What does he do? B: Hes a doctor.,27,Language points,28,1. I want to be an actor. 我想成为一名演员。“want to be + 职业” 表示“想成为一名”如: He wants to be a teacher. 他想成为一名教师。 学过的有关want的用法还有:1) want sth. 2) want to do sth. 3) want sb. to do sth.,29,2. rep

11、ort + er = reporter 记者“动词 + er = 发出动作的人”这是一种构词法, 如:teach 教书 teacher 教师 run runner 奔跑者write writer 作家 work worker 工人有少数是加or,如:actor 演员 visitor 参观者,30,3. give sth. to sb.表示“把某物给某人”, 其中 sth.表某物, 称直接宾语; sb.表某人, 称间接 宾语, 两者合称“双宾语”, 常见结构: “动词+直接宾语+to/for+间接宾语” (动词buy, make, cook, get, draw, sing等常 与for搭配;其

12、余与to搭配) 如: Please give some water to me.请给我一点水。He sings an English song for us. 他给我们唱了一首英语歌。,31,怎样询问职业,【热身练习】对划线部分提问,每空一词。 1. Jim is a teacher. _ _ Jim _? _ _ Jims _? 2. Tom wants to be an actor._ _ Tom _ to be? 3. John works in a shop._ _ John _?,Where does work,What does do,What is job,What does w

13、ant,32,【点拨】 1. 询问某人现在的职业: What + do /does +主语+ do? 常见的问法还有:What is sb.s job? 它们的回答通常为: 主语 + is / am /are +职业名称。 如: Whats her job? She is a bank clerk.,33,2. 询问某人的职业打算:What + do /does + 主语 + want to be? 句中的to是动词不定 式符号,后跟动词原形be。回答通常为: 主语 + want(s) to be +职业名称。如: What do you want to be? I want to be a

14、teacher. 3. 询问某人的工作地点: Where + do /does + 主语 + work? 回答通常为:主语 +work(s) +地点。如: Where does your sister work? She works in a hospital.,34,1. What do you do? 你的职业是什么?Im a/an.,2. Where do you work? 你在哪里工作?I work in /at.,3. What do you want to be?I want to be a/an,你想从事什么职业?,课时重点回顾,Review,35,36,Translate a

15、nd write them down.,1. - 你在哪工作?- 她在医院工作。2. 我的工作很有趣但是有点危险。,- Where does your sister work? - She works in a hospital.,My work is interesting but kind of dangerous.,37,3. 桌子上有一本杂志。There is a magazine on the desk. 4. 我父亲晚饭后喜欢读报。My father likes to read newspapers after supper. 5. 我的叔叔在警察局工作。My uncle works in the police station.,38,Preview,To preview the new words and expressionsWhat other jobs do you know? How to describe them?,39,Homework,Write a short passage to describe your fathers and your mothers job.,40,Thank you.,


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