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1、UNIT6 How long have you been collecting shells ?,Revision Lesson,季店中学:叶田鹤,Listen and Answer,Whats his hobby ?,How long has he been doing that ?,Where does he fly them?,He likes flying kites.,Since he was ten years old,In the park,Revision Goals:,1.Knowledge aims,Words and phrases: since, for, raise,

2、 send, room, skate,thousand ,else,collect, run out of, be interested in, would like to do something, a pair of, more than,share,Sentences: How long have you been skating ?Ive been skating since nine oclock.When did you start skating?I started skating at nine oclock,2.Ability aims:,The ability of tal

3、king about hobbies,The ability of talking about how long people have been doing things,Using “ the present perfect progressive” correctly,Words Spelling (单词拼写),1.The ice is very thick.lets go_(滑冰) Yesterday I bought a pair of_(溜冰鞋) Shenxue and zhaohongbo are famous_ (溜冰者). 2.I have been_(收藏) shells

4、for 3 years.I have _(收藏)shellsfor 3 years.Our class has many _(收藏家),skating,skates,skaters,collecting,collected,collectors,3.The students are skating there to_(筹集)some money for _(慈善事业).4.The shelf is used for _(存放)books.5. Lets _ (共用) my umbrella if you dont bring yours.,raise,charity,storing,share

5、,Doing Strategy(答题技巧),I.Write out the original shape(原形) II. Pay attention to the chang of the words(变化)eg: n.(pl.) v.(ing,ed) fixed phrases,( )1.Mr Smith _ at this school since he _ to Xiamen . A. has been teach, came B. has been teaching, came C. taught, came D. has been teaching, has come( ) 2. A

6、: You look exhausted!B: Yes. I _ tennis for two hours. A. played B. was playing C. have been playing,Choices(选择),B,C,Summary(总结),Since +时间点(从句),For + 时间段,用since或for填空,1. They have been waiting _ half an hour. 2. The baby has been sleeping _ eight oclock. 3. He has been studying English_ he was eight

7、 years old. 4.He has been drawing _ two hours ago.,for,since,since,since,Choice(选择),( ) 1. It _ for the whole week. It is wet everywhere. A. is raining B. has been raining C. rained ( )2. He _ the whole night. Is there anything wrong with him? A. has been coughing B. coughed C. is coughing ( ) 3. I

8、_ the English story book last night. A. have been reading B. read C. reading,B,A,B,4He handed me _ trousers. A. a new set of B. a new pair of C. a piece of new D. a pair of new 5. We have _ wine of Scotland. Ask Mrs. Jones to lend us some. A. run off B. run away with C. run down D. run out of 6There

9、 is no _for you. A. room B. rooms C. sit D. space 7His work is better than _ in the class. A. anyones else B. anyone elses C. anyone else D. anyones elses,D,D,A,B,8I really dont know he is not _in this. A. interest B. interested C. interesting D. interested9. Whats the matter, Kangkang?Oh, I feel so

10、rry to hear more than_ people lost their lives in the earthquake in Sichuan. A.sixty thousands of B.sixty thousand of C.sixty thousand D.thousand of,B,C,10.( ) My mother bought a globe _ me _ my eighth birthday . A. to, for B. for , on C. to , on D. for , to 11.( ) Was this your first _ marathon ? N

11、o, I _ in a marathon last year . A. skating , skated B. skate, skated C. skating , was skate D. skate, did skate 12.( )He thought he _ the first one _ the mountain . A. was , to climb B. is , to climb C. was , climbing D. is climbing,B,A,A,Choose Strategy(选择技巧),I.读题,确定考查点 (定向法) II.排除无关干扰选项(排除法) III.

12、比较相似选项 (比较法) IV.选择最佳答案 (选择法),Talk,A: whats your hobby ? B:I like A:when did you start ? B:I started A:How long have you been doing that ? B:For/ Since.,Reading Strategy,1.Look at the questions 2.Read the passage to know the whole meaning 3.Look at the questions again 4.Read the passage again to find

13、 out the answers,Reading My hobby A hobby can be almost anything a person likes to do in his spare time.Hobbies raise pets, build model ships, weave(编织) baskets, or carve soap figures(刻肥皂数字)and so on. In a word, hobbies offer enjoyment, friendship, and relaxation.Then, what is my hobby? Well, what I

14、 like most is singing. I began to sing songs when I was very young. My uncle was studying in a college then, so he could sing lots of songs, and he taught me several songs. I showed great interests in the music then, for they were pleasing to ears and easy to sing. My uncle told me they were called

15、pop songs.When I grew up, my music teacher found that I had a good voice, so she sent me to the Childrens Palace to study vocal(民族) music. From then on, I began my vocal music training. And then I knew there were several kinds of songs, like folk songs, pop songs and so on. What I had learned most w

16、as the songs for children. They were all simple ones but our teacher trained us very strictly. We practiced how to produce sound and how to make our expression more natural and more pleasing. Those simple training didnt reduce my interest in singing at all and I won awards one after another in several kinds of competition. Actually I began to make up a dream of becoming a famous singer in the future. Questions: 1. Whats the writers hobby? 2.When did he start singing? 3. Where did his teacher send him when he grew up? 4. What was his dream actually?,


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