2019年高考英语一轮复习 专题03 computers(教学案)

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1、1专题专题 0303 ComputersComputers【考纲解读】1. 通过本单元的学习,了解计算机的发展历程及其在当今社会的广泛应用。2. 用英语表达自己的观点并进行简单的理由阐述和做出决定。【高频单词】1calculate (vt.)计算calculation (n.) 计算2universal (adj.)普遍的;通用的;宇宙的universe (n.) 宇宙;天地万物3simplify (vt.)简化simple (adj.)简单的simply (adv.) 仅仅;只;不过4operator (n.) (电脑)操作员;接线员operate (v.) 运转;工作operation (

2、n.) 手术;运作5logical (adj.)合逻辑的;合情理的logically (adv.)逻辑上;合逻辑地;有条理地6intelligence (n.)智力;聪明;智能intelligent (adj.)智能的;聪明的7solve (vt.)解决;解答solution (n.)解决;解答8reality (n.)真实;事实;现实real (adj.)真正的;真实的really (adv.)真正地;确实地9personal (adj.)私人的;个人的;亲自的personally (adv.)就个人而言;亲自personality (n.)个性;人格;风云人物;名人10total (adj

3、.)总的;整个的(n.)总数;合计(vt.)共计;总计totally (adv.)完全地;整个地11application (n.)应用;用途;申请apply (v.)应用;涉及;申请applicant (n.)申请人;求职者applied (adj.)应用的;实用的12finance (n.)金融;财经financial (adj.) 金融的;财政的13explore (vt. as_a_result,_we had to put off our hiking. 天气不好,结果我们不得不推迟徒步旅行。She died as_a_result_of her injuries.她因伤死亡。I t

4、hink his illness resulted_from the overfull tiredness.我认为他是因为过度的劳累而得了病。The flood has_resulted_in many deaths.洪水已经造成了很多人死亡。2016北京高考Their wings can bridge the gap between lines, resulting_in electrocution (电死) if they touch two lines at once.它们的翅膀可以在两根线之间搭建桥梁。这就导致如果它们接触两根线时就会马上触电死亡。The meeting broke u

5、p without_result.会议没有结果就结束了。例 2、inin a a wayway 在某种程度上6InIn a a wayway our programmer is like our coach.(P23)在某种程度上,我们的程序员就像我们的教练。【归纳拓展】all the way 一路上;自始至终;完全by the way 顺便说by way of 经由;通过方法in this way 用这种方式;通过这种方式in no way 一点也不;决不in the way 挡道;碍事No way! 俚别想!没门!【名师点睛】1表达“在某种程度上”时,还可用 in a sense, to

6、a/some degree 及 to an/some extent 三个短语。2in no way 置于句首时,主句要用部分倒装。【语境助记】In_a_way,_he has made great progress this term.从某方面来说,这学期他已经取得了很大的进步。Her social life got in_the_way of her studies.她的社交活动妨碍了她的学习。He decided that he would drive all_the_way home instead of putting up at a hotel for the night.他决定一路

7、开车回家而不是在旅馆里过夜。By_the_way,_I found that book you were looking for.顺便提一下,我找到了你在寻找的那本书。All the goods were transported by_way_of the Netherlands.一切货物均需经荷兰运送。Only_in_this_way can we grow up to the independents and become truly successful.只有用这种方法,我们才能独立成长,真正成功。例 3、dealdeal withwith 处理;安排;对付;涉及;讨论This mean

8、s that it should clean the house, mop the floors, cook the dinner and dealdeal 7withwith telephone calls.(P24)这就意味着,我的机器人要打扫房间、擦地板、做饭和接听电话。【归纳拓展】do with sth.处理某事deal in sth.做生意;经营;买卖make a deal 达成协议;做成交易Its a deal! 成交/一言为定!【名师点睛】1deal with 意为“处理;对待;对付;涉及;与交易”等众多含义,其中的 deal 为不及物动词,常与疑问副词 howhow 连用;2在

9、 do with 短语中,do 为及物动词,表示“如何处理、对待”时,要与疑问代词 whatwhat 连用。【语境助记】2016全国卷For years I dealt_with my travel agent only by phone.多年以来我和我的旅行代办人仅靠电话联系来处理业务。Ive dealt_with this company for 20 years.我跟这家公司做生意已有二十年。I dont know how they will deal_with the problem.I dont know what they will do_with the problem.我不知道

10、他们将如何处理这个问题。If youll knock down the price by another 5 dollars, its a_deal.如果你把价格再降 5 美元,就成交了。写出下列句中 deal with 的含义aThere are too many difficulties for us to dealdeal withwith.处理bHe has learnt to dealdeal properly withwith all kinds of complicated situations.应付cIt is an attempt to dealdeal withwith a

11、 set of weighty topics.对付dThey have learnt to dealdeal withwith various persons.与打交道高频考点三、句型高频考点三、句型例 1、AsAs timetime wentwent by,by, I I waswas mademade smaller.smaller.(P18)随着时间的推移,我被做得更小了。【归纳拓展】8(1)as 是连词,引导时间状语从句。(2)with 是介词,后接名词或代词等构成 with 短语或 with 复合结构,如:with time going by “随着时间的流逝” 。 【语境助记】As

12、 we grow older, we get wiser.随着年龄的增长,我们变得越来越聪明。With winter coming on, it is getting colder and colder day by day.冬天来临了,天气越来越冷了。As time went_by,_I gradually adapted myself to the school life.With time going_by,_I gradually adapted myself to the school life.随着时间的推移,我逐渐适应了学校生活。例 2、I I developeddevelope

13、d veryvery slowlyslowly andand itit_ _tooktook_ _nearlynearly_ _twotwo_ _hundredhundred_ _ yearsyears_ _beforebefore I I waswas builtbuilt asas anan analyticalanalytical machinemachine byby CharlesCharles Babbage.Babbage.(P18)我发展缓慢,差不多到了两百年之后,查尔斯巴比奇才把我制成了一台分析机。【归纳拓展】本句型中,before 引导一个时间状语从句。before 的本意

14、为“在之前” ,但如果主句是肯定句,并且与时间段连用,意为“之后才” ,表示主句的动作发生得迟缓。It will not be long before.不久就会从句常用一般现在时It will be时间段before.要过多久才从句常用一般现在时【语境助记】If you miss this chance, it_may_be_years_before you get another one.如果你错过这次机会,可能要等几年才会有下一次机会。It_will_be_more_than_100_years_before the country begins once again to look as

15、 it did before.要过 100 多年以后,这个国家才能再一次恢复到以前的样子。It_wont_be_long_before they graduate from college.不久他们就要大学毕业了。Three_weeks_went_by_before she realized her mistakes.9三周过去了,她才意识到自己的错误。例 3、OverOver timetime mymy memorymemory hashas developeddeveloped soso muchmuch that,that,_ _ likelike anan elephant,elephant, I I nevernever forgetforget anythinganything I I havehave beenbeen toldtold!(P18)随着时间的推移,我的记忆能力发展得如此之快,就像一头大象一样,我从来不会忘记别人告诉我的任何事情!【归纳拓展】so/such.that.意为“如此以至于” ,引导结果状语从句。(1)so.that.句型的常见形式:Error!Error!(2)such.that.句型的基本结构:Error!Error!(3)当 so/such 及其后成分放在句首时,主句用部分倒装。【语境助记】Maybe it was so crowded



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