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1、千奇百怪的快递服务千奇百怪的快递服务.如今,随着生活愈加快捷方便,商品的快递服务(home deliveries)已经不是什么新鲜事了。但你听说过“朋友租赁”、 “超人宅急送”这些千奇百怪的上门服务吗?还等什么,让我们一起来见识一下吧!As the cold winds of winter creep in, people look to their homes for the comfort of warmth.冬季寒潮来临,人们都指望宅在温暖舒适的家中度过寒冬。creep in 悄悄混进creep in wood 木材蠕变I saw the strain creep in 我看见应变蠕变W

2、hile everyone knows that food, drink or shopping can be swiftly delivered to your home, the city is witnessing a growth in special services available direct to your door.如今,食品、饮料、物品快递上门已经不是什么新鲜事了。但城市如今却涌现出各式各样、千奇百怪的快递服务。Heres a look at some of the most delightful and despairing things available for

3、those who dont want to venture outdoors.下面让我们来看看这些针对“宅人一族”的,让人欢喜让人忧的上门服务。Rent-A-Friend朋友租赁朋友租赁Everyone gets a little lonely. Fortunately, in this modern age, the cure for loneliness can be delivered right to your door.每个人都有寂寞的时候。不过幸好在当今社会,治愈寂寞的良方是可以快递上门的。Claiming 283,000 friends worldwide, Rent-A-Fr

4、iend is a relatively new service that allows users to search by area and, for 175 yuan a month, can contact “friends“ to watch movies, go to the park, or just hang out with.相对而言, “朋友租赁”是一项新兴服务,据称在世界上已有 283000 名会员。会员们每月只需支付 175 元,就能按照地域搜索、联络“朋友”们一起看电影、逛公园,或者只是出去随便逛逛。Bear in mind though that when you

5、do find a friend, you will need to pay to keep them - company comes at a cost, roughly 70 yuan an hour. Who says you cant put a price on a friendship?不过要记得,当你真的找到朋友时,就需要付钱了获得“朋友”的陪伴是要付出代价的 8000 大约 1 小时 70 元。谁说友谊不能用钱来衡量?Bagpiper苏格兰风笛手There something undeniably soulful about the eerie whine of the hig

6、hland bagpipes.高原风笛神秘的哀鸣有着让人无法抗拒的深情。Soulful 深情的Soulful listening is a powerful way to let others know they are valued and cared about.倾注灵魂的倾听是最有影响力的沟通,他知道自己正受到珍爱和关怀。Since soulful connections require an investment of time and energy, youll want to choose the people you spend time with wisely.因为心灵接触需要

7、时间和精力的投入,所以你会希望明智地选择和你相处的人。Eerie 可怕的;怪异的In the eerie silence of the cavern, the only sound that could be heard was made by water洞里有一种可怕的寂静,唯一的可以听见的声响是水的嘀嗒声。But the eerie vista revealed by Snoop Dog on that 1995 expedition made Cameron hunger for more.但是,嗅犬在 1995 年这场探险所显示的迷人画面,却使科麦隆渴求得到更多发现。Beijinger

8、s now have the opportunity to enjoy the moving melodies of the highland instrument in their own living room thanks to award-winning bagpiper Duncan McKay.如今,风笛手邓肯麦凯的到来,让住在北京的人们能够足不出户,便有机会聆听这来自苏格兰高地的乐器演奏出的动人旋award-winning 应获奖的;优等的;备受赞誉的Alan Jackson, turned to award-winning bluegrass artist Alison Kra

9、uss to produce his latest album Like Red on a Rose艾伦杰克逊,请求获奖的蓝草音乐人艾莉森克劳斯为他制作最新一期的专辑-像玫瑰一样红。The Grammy award-winning composer writes and records his own albums, but he also enjoys writing music for movies. He says each song is a challenge这位获得格莱美奖的作曲家自己创作并录制专辑,但他也喜欢为电影写歌。他说每首歌都是一个挑战。For 1,050 yuan an

10、hour, the Australian bagpiper will fill your home with the serene scream of one of Scotlands most treasured instruments.只需支付 1050 元/小时的酬劳,这位来自澳大利亚的风笛手就能为您演奏苏格兰国粹之一风笛,让这清澈悠扬的笛音响彻您的房间。Serene 平静的;安详的;清澈的;晴朗的Serene Hill 寂静之丘Faineants does not means serene , souls hollowness just is its tortousome无所事事并非宁

11、静,心灵的空洞就是心灵的痛苦。Although I grew up in a big city, I prefer nature and serene setting these days.虽然我长大在一个大城市,我更喜欢自然和平静的设置那些日子。Ice Bar 冰吧冰吧Impress party guests with cocktail-making skills as you blend behind a bar carved from huge blocks of ice.派对上,你可以在巨型冰雕酒吧中,一展调酒技术来惊艳全场嘉宾。Blend vt. 混合 vi. 混合;协调This c

12、offee is a blend of Java and Brazil.这种咖啡是爪哇咖啡和巴西咖啡搀和制成的。He was comforted, knowing that he could blend in so easily.他感到了安慰,知道他也会很容易地融入进去。blend word 混合词blend together 匹配 协调Blend together the melt butter and sugar.把融化了的黄油与食糖调匀。Nothing says cool more than a white Russian served from a frosted counter to

13、p in your home.身在家中,便可在冰霜覆盖的吧台上为宾客们调制一杯“白俄罗斯”,没有什么能比这更酷的了。Crafted by experts, the bar comes custom-made costing 2,000 yuan for each one-meter-long block. That said, a 3-m-long, 2.5-m-wide bar will cost around 10,000 yuan before it melts away.这种为个人量身定制的酒吧经专家雕琢而成,每米售价 2000 元。也就是说,一个 3 米长 2.5 米宽的冰吧在融化前

14、的身价为 1 万左右。custom-made 定制的Seek out a good tailor. After a few nips and tucks, even inexpensive clothes can look custom-made.去找个好裁缝。就是算一件不贵的衣服在剪裁缝纫加工处理后也能看上去象是定做的。Our first idea for the project came from a self-protecting instinct; the desire to build a controlled environment, our custom-made world.我

15、们的第一个想法来自该项目的自我保护的本能的希望建立一个控制的环境,我们的定制的世界。Superman 超人宅急送超人宅急送Its a bird, its a plane - no its Mr Magic.他是一只鸟,他是一架飞机,不!他是魔术先生For just 1,000 yuan an hour, one of Beijings most enthusiastic entertainers will show up to your door dressed up as Superman.只需要 1000 元/小时,便可欣赏到京城最富激情的表演者之一装扮成超人上门表演。Its a chil

16、dhood dream come true. While he may not have the ability to take to the air, Mr Magic is about as fly as they come.这使得许多人的儿时梦想成真!魔术先生虽然没有腾云驾雾的本领,但却呼之即来。take to the air 腾云驾雾The bird flaps one wing in an apparent attempt to take to the air.这只鸟扇动着一只翅膀,明显是想飞起来。Sometimes the fish fly to escape fast-swimming predators like dolphins and tuna, but they may also take to the air because it is an efficient way to speed up their movement.有时,飞鱼是为了躲避诸如海豚及金枪鱼等游速快的掠食者,但他们跃出水面也可能是因为这能够有效提高他们的


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