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1、Food Characteristics of Ten Countries,French Food,The French food history can be traced back to medieval ages. French Food is as popular as the countrys poetry and art to the world. Dim sum is a very important part of French dishes.Cheese and Wine is the common collocation in food . 法国美食的历史可追溯至中世纪时期

2、。法国的美食就像该国的诗歌和艺术那样流行于全世界。点心是法国菜肴中非常重要的一部分,奶酪和葡萄酒更是该国食物中经常出现的搭配。,Italian Food,Italian food is one of the oldest food all over the world. There are often potatoes, tomatoes, chili , corn and other ingredients in Italian food. A Italian dinner is usually divided into four parts:antipasto, rice , meat c

3、ourse and sweet .意大利美食是全世界最古老的美食之一。意大利菜经常会有土豆、番茄、辣椒和玉米等食材。一顿意大利餐通常分为前菜、大米饭、肉菜和甜品4个部分。,Chinese Food,Chinese food is convenient, economical, and delicious. Normally, each person will have a bowl of steamed rice when he/she is eating , and other dishes are public dishes that everyone can eat together.

4、中国美食方便制作,经济实惠,且味道鲜美。通常情况下,吃饭时每个人前面都会有一碗米饭,而其他菜则是所有人都可以一起吃的公共菜肴。,Indian Food,Most of the Indian food are vegetarian,but many dishes will also have the lamb, goat meat, chicken and fish. Indian food is spicy. It seems that it is the only way to make people enjoy the delicious food. 多数印度美食都为素食,但许多菜肴中也会

5、有羔羊肉、山羊肉、鸡肉和鱼肉。印度食物一般比较辛辣,似乎只有这样才能使人享受食物的美味。,Thailander Food,There are fresh herbs usually in Thailander food. Sour orange Juice ,lemon grass and fresh coriander is very frequently used as seasoning. Like many Asian food, rice is a very important element in Thailander food. It is very common for peo

6、ple to eat fish sauce , shrimp sauce and noodles. 泰国食物中通常会出现清新的药草。酸橙汁、柠檬草和清新胡荽是很常用的调料品。与许多亚洲食物一样,大米是泰国食物中非常重要的元素。鱼酱油、虾酱和面条也是人们常吃的。,Mexican Food,Mexican food is famous for its rich flavor and spices. It is worth mentioning that strange names sometimes appear in Mexican restaurants menus, such as igua

7、nas, insects, rattlesnakes, deers and spider monkeys. 墨西哥以其丰富的味道和香料而闻名。值得一提的是,墨西哥餐馆的菜单中有时会出现非常奇异的菜名,如鬣蜥蜴、昆虫、响尾蛇、鹿和蜘蛛猿。,Japanese Food,Japanese cuisine with its exquisite appearance and flavor is known. White steamed rice and soybean will be seen in all Japanese cuisine ingredients. Sashimi and sushi

8、is very famous. 日本料理以其精致的外观和味道而闻名.白米饭和大豆是任何一道日本菜中都会见到的食材。生鱼片和寿司尤为出名。,Spanish Food,Meat, fish , vegetables and other ingredients often present to Spanish cuisine. Spains most popular and the best drink is Sangria .This drink is usually made of Wine and fruit. 西班牙菜系中经常出现肉类、鱼类和蔬菜等食材。西班牙最受欢迎且最好的饮品就是桑格里厄

9、汽酒,这种汽酒通常用葡萄酒和水果制成。,Greek Food,Greek food is different from Turkey dishes and Italian dishes. These dishes are very focused on mediterranean style ingredients,such as olive oil, vegetables and herbs. 希腊食物与土耳其和意大利菜不同,这种风格的菜肴非常注重具有地中海独特风格的食材。例如橄榄油、蔬菜和药草。,Lebanese Food,In general, Lebanese dish is a mediterranean style - vegetables, less meat, rich in flavor. The most famous dish may be the appetizer. It contains pickles, salad , Arabian bread and other elements. 黎巴嫩菜总体来说属地中海风格菜多肉少,味道丰富。黎巴嫩菜中最著名的一道也许就是开胃拼盘了。这种拼盘有咸菜、沙拉和阿拉伯面包等元素。,Thank you,



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