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1、高三英语 蒋老师工作室 天道酬勤天道酬勤相信自己相信自己1【奉贤】1.Many grammar schools (22)_ (establish) hundreds of years ago to teach the Latin language to children who were not from rich families.【虹口】2. There are always some people radiating negativity in the work place. For them, the temperature is never right, the boss is al

2、ways a fool, the canteen food is awful, and they (21) _ (treat) unfairly.3. “The real problem is that the whiners dont feel they are being taken seriously,” said Xu Jun, HR manager at Guangqi Honda Automobile Co., Ltd. “(30) _ (give) them advice or perspectives attentively and the problem will usual

3、ly disappear.”【黄浦】4. Nationally, Norway (23) _has experienced_ (experience) an 11% increase in tourism in the past decade.5. From just 1,000 tourists in the whole of 2010, Trolltunga, a piece of rock that stands horizontally out of the mountain, (24) _saw_ (see) 1,800 visitors in one 2017 day alone.

4、【金山】6. With often nothing more than a pencil in hand, the 47-year-old artist produces elaborate drawings that could easily _22_ (mistake) for the work of any modern digital camera.【闵行】7. I had just started working in geriatrics(老年病科). Mr. McMahon 21 (bring) in when his body was found very swollen(浮肿

5、的).【浦东】8. The Hollow Flashlight is made from Peltier tiles(珀耳贴贴片)that produce energy when one side _26_(heat)and the other side remains cool.【青浦】9. Kevin assumed the person on the boat (22) _ (jump) out of it. “Then I heard a warning signal with a loud sound,” says Kevin, now 42. “Thats (23) _I real

6、ized somebody was in trouble.”10. “I thought it was a life jacket,” he says. “When I caught up to it, I realized it (25) _ (attach) to a person.”第 3 讲 时态语态专题高三英语 蒋老师工作室 天道酬勤天道酬勤相信自己相信自己2【松江】11. We got up early to see the cows as they (23) _were milked_ (milk). I even tried my hand at milking one, an

7、d then joined the farmer as he released the cows into the field afterward.【徐汇】12. Conservators at the Nelson-Atkins museum of art in Kansas City said they discovered the dead insect in one of its star paintings, Vincent van Goghs Olive Trees, when it (22)_ (scan) as part of the research for a catalo

8、gue of its French painting collection.【杨浦】13. According to lifestyle website grapee.jp, slurping (发出“哧溜“声) when eating noodles (23) _ (encourage) in Japanese culture.【长宁嘉定】14. 21 (Create) a system that can routinely hire and prepare teachers effectively and can support successful teaching is the are

9、na (竞技场) in which the United States 22 (fall) behind the most.15. Even if they do, there is little guarantee that the quality of teaching 30 (improve). Although there are good reasons to argue for stringer evaluation practices for removing incapable teachers and for recognizing excellent ones, a the

10、ory that the major problems with teaching can be solved by carrots and sticks alone leaves the development of teaching abilities to chance.【静安】16. To business with garbage containers polluted with more than 10 recyclables, warning (27)_ (issue). If they fail to take action, fines are expected.【普陀】17

11、. The share prices of Thor Industries, the biggest RV-manufacturer in America, and Winnebago, the third-largest, (21) _ (rise) by 43% and 17%, respectively so far.18. The industry hopes that its poor record with foreign sales last year less than 1% of RVs produced domestically (27) (ship) to foreign

12、 markets may improve, too. 【宝山】19. The best beliefs are the ones that (22)_will be cherished/ are cherished_( cherish) throughout a lifetime. One belief I cherish above all others is the power and enjoyment of reading.20. Books (30)_helped_(help) me through difficult periods and applauded me in time

13、s of celebration. Books always make me smile. Thats the biggest reason I believe in reading, because it will make you happy.【崇明】21. People in Harpursville now hope the attention that April (28)_ (draw) will translate into an economic development for the area. Harpursville was once a manufacturing ba

14、se, but it has struggled financially in recent years.高三英语 蒋老师工作室 天道酬勤天道酬勤相信自己相信自己3动词的时态与语态是两个非常重要的语法范畴,构成了英语语法的基本框架,几乎所有动词的考查都必须借助于时态和语态来完成。高考试题在考查时态和语态的同时,还兼顾其他语法内容的测试,比如各种从句、强调句、倒装句等,其交叉式和复合式的特点尤为明显。其考点主要包括: 1注重在语境中考查常见时态的区别,如一般过去时与现在完成时、一般现在时(过去时)与现在(过去)进行时的区别等。要求准确判断动作和时间的关系,正确理解时间概念,如是现在、过去还是将来

15、,是时间段、时间点还是时间瞬间。2遵循“情景立意”和“能力立意”的原则,考查在状语从句等特定语言环境中时态的代替。要求吃透语境,摸清命题人的意图,善于捕捉句子中所隐含的时间信息,克服汉语式的惯性思维。3把语态与时态结合在一起,进行综合考查。各种常用时态的被动语态的构成,仍是高考命题的热点之一,而且题干中有效信息越来越隐蔽,试题难度呈现加大的趋势。要求明确谓语动词与主语的关系,分清是主动还是被动。4考查主动形式表示被动意义。对语境理解能力的要求逐步提高,且要重视有特殊用法的动词的运用。一、高考常考的几种易混时态的辨析一、高考常考的几种易混时态的辨析1一般现在时与现在进行时(1)一般现在时主要用于习惯性或经常性动作,常伴随使用 usually,o



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