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1、Revision :,Sentences Completing,2015年市调考题,六、完成句子(共8小题;每小题1分,满分8分) 阅读下面各小题,根据汉语及句末括号内的单词提示,用相关的动词完成句子。 77.她经常和妈妈一起熬夜看电影。 She often _ with her mom to watch movies. (stay) 78.他练习钢琴已经有五年了。 He has _ the piano for five years. (practice) 79.黄冈市第四届运动会将于9月隆重举行,全市人民正在作准备。 The Fourth Huanggang City Games will

2、be held in September. The people throughout the city _ it carefully. (prepare) 80. 别对孩子们大声叫喊了,好吗? Could you please stop _ the children? (shout) 81. 初中毕业后每个学生都有很多东西可以期待。 Each student can _ many things after they leave junior high school. (look) 82. 由于昨晚外面太吵,我们发现很难入睡。 Because it was too noisy outside

3、last night, we all found it difficult _(fall). 83. 这个小镇周围许多旧窗户和房门被拆毁了。 Many old windows and doors around the town _ (pull). 84. 有一位从伦敦来的Jack Smith先生以前住在我们医院附近,但现在不了。 A Mr. Jack Smith from London _ near our hospital, but now he doesnt. (use),六、完成句子(共8小题;每小题1分,满分8分) 阅读下面各小题,根据汉语及句末括号内的单词提示,用相关的动词完成句子。

4、 77.她经常和妈妈一起熬夜看电影。 She often _ with her mom to watch movies. (stay) 78.他练习钢琴已经有五年了。 He has _ the piano for five years. (practice) 79.黄冈市第四届运动会将于9月隆重举行,全市人民正在作准备。 The Fourth Huanggang City Games will be held in September. The people throughout the city _ it carefully. (prepare) 80. 别对孩子们大声叫喊了,好吗? Cou

5、ld you please stop _ the children? (shout),2015年市调考题,stays up (late),practiced playing,are preparing for,shouting at,81. 初中毕业后每个学生都有很多东西可以期待。 Each student can _ many things after they leave junior high school. (look) 82. 由于昨晚外面太吵,我们发现很难入睡。 Because it was too noisy outside last night, we all found it

6、 difficult _ (fall). 83. 这个小镇周围许多旧窗户和房门被拆毁了。 Many old windows and doors around the town _ (pull). 84. 有一位从伦敦来的Jack Smith先生以前住在我们医院附近,但现在不了。 A Mr. Jack Smith from London _ near our hospital, but now he doesnt. (use),2015年市调考题,look forward to,to fall asleep,were pulled down,used to live,Class survey:I

7、s this kind of test difficult or not? If difficult, difficult in where?,Purpose:,1. To check whether students have learned the key sentence patterns and phrases, especially the phrasal verbs.,2. To Check whether students can use the correct structure to express the meaning of the sentence.,Exercise,

8、阅读时遇到生词,要尽量去猜测它的意义,不要总是依赖词典。When you meet a new word in reading, try to guess its meaning. Dont _ your dictionary all the time. (depend),depend on,当前每个人除了李明和王军都意识到了升学考试的压力,因为他俩已经提前获得了入学通知书。 Everyone except Li Ming and Wang Jun _ the pressure of the entrance exam at present, because they have got the

9、 admission notice in advance. (come),comes to realize,沃伦巴菲特说他会捐献99.9%的财富给慈善机构 Warren Buffett said he would _ 99.9% of his wealth to charity. (give),give away,give away 捐赠;赠送 give back 归还 give up 放弃 give out 分发;散发 give sb. a lift 捎某人一程,用了4小时完成这份报告,我是如此疲惫以致于在上学的路上我几乎睡着了 Spending 4 hours finishing the

10、report, I was so tired that I almost _ on my way to school.(fall),fall asleep 睡着 fall in love with 爱上 fall down 摔倒 fall behind 落后 fall ill 生病,fell asleep,毫无疑问,他最近是长胖了。你瞧,他的脸变圆了,腰也比以前粗了些。Surely, he _ recently. Look, his faces have become round and his waist has become wider than before. (put),put awa

11、y 收拾 put on 穿上 put up 举起 put off 推迟 put down 放下 put out 扑灭,has put on weight,我昨天发现我的妹妹翻看我的东西,我生气了。 I found my sister _ my things yesterday. I was angry.(look),looking through,look at 看 look for 寻找 look after 照顾 look like 看起来像 look out 当心,注意 look forward to 期待,look up 往上看;查找 look down 往下看;瞧不起 look ar

12、ound 到处看 look back 回想,回顾 look through 浏览;快速查看,我正期盼着很快收到你的来信。 Im looking forward to _ you soon. (hear),hearing from,当你陷入麻烦时,向老师和家长寻求帮助是有必要的 Its necessary for you to ask for help from your teachers and parents when you _. (get),get into trouble,get on 上车 get off 下车 get up 起床 get married 结婚 get into 陷入

13、 get back 回来,我相信,除非她同家的家人搞好关系,否则她在家不会感到愉快的。I am sure she wont feel happy at home unless she _her family members. (get),get out of 从出去 get on (well) with 与相处(得好) get mad 大动肝火;发狂 get in the way of 挡道;防碍 get used to 习惯于,gets on well with,小川,如果你用心的话,你的目标实现起来就很容易了。 Xiaochuan,youll find it very easy _ you

14、r goal if you put your heart into it. (achieve),to achieve,Sb. finds + it + adj. + to do sth.,当阿伦罗斯顿被压在一块巨石下时,他用刀切除自己的半个胳膊来拯救自己。 Aron Ralston used his knife _ half his right arm to save himself when his arm was caught under a huge rock.(cut),to cut off,cut off 切除 cut down 减少;砍倒 cut out 删除;删去 cut in

15、插入,由于张老师生病住院了,所以我们决定推迟我们那个 周末去月山的旅游。 Mr. Zhang was ill in hospital, so we decided _our trip to Mount Yue that weekend. (put),to put off,以下动词后接 to do: want 想要 ask问 decide决定 afford负担得起 agree同意 allow 允许 expect期望 fail不能 happen碰巧 hope希望 learn学习 manage设法 prepare准备 offer提供 plan计划 prefer宁愿 pretend假装 promise承诺,允许 refuse拒绝 volunteer志愿 regret抱歉,遗憾 try试图,


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