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1、Special English for polymer science,Zeng xiaoping,1.1 Saturated CnH2n+2(alkanes) ) Unbranched The first four members have semi-trivial names (俗名), Following the members of the series are given systematic names. In these names, the ending “ane” is combined with the Greek (Latin) numerical term for th

2、e number of C-atoms, in the chain. Methane CH4 Ethane C2H6 Propane C3H8 Butane C4H10,CnH2n+1 radicals (alkyls) CH4 methane; CH3methyl “ane”“yl” Butane butyl; propane propyl Pentane pentyl; hexane hexyl Heptaneheptyl; octane octyl Nonanenonyl; decanedecyl,CnH2n radicals (1) “ane” “ylidene” (叉,亚基) H3C

3、-CH= Ethylidene (乙叉,亚乙基) H3C-CH2-CH= Propylidene(亚丙基) (2) A divalent radical with two terminal yl(撑): “ane”“ylene” -CH2-: methylene; -CH2-CH2-: Ethylene (乙撑) (3) CnH2n-1 radicals CH(ylidyne,次基,“川”)methylidyne CH3 Cethylidyne(次乙基,乙川),b) Branched Saturated branched acyclic hydrocarbon is named by (1)

4、choosing the longest main chain; and (2) prefixing the designations of the side chains to the name of the main chain (in alphabetical order),取代基次序IUPAC规定依英文名第一字母次序排列。我国规定采用立体化学中“次序规则”:优先基团放在后面,如第一原子相同则比较下一原子。,Dimethylpentyl ethyl,3-ethyl-2,7-dimethyl-4-propyloctane,2,3,5-trimethylhexane,如何命名?,2-meth

5、yl-3-ethyl-5-butyloctane 3-ethyl-2 -methyl-5-butyloctane 3-ethyl-2 -methyl-5-propylnonane 2-methyl-3-ethyl-5-propylnonane,1.2 Unsaturated 1.2.1 CnH2nAlkenes CnH2n-2Alkynes Alkanealkene(alkadiene) : “ane”“ene”(adiene) Alkanealkyne(alkadiyne) : “ane”“yne”(adiyne),2-pentene,1,3-pentadiene,2-hexyne,Reta

6、ined trivial names H2C=CH2 Ethylene (ethene) HCCH Acetylene (ethyne),Isoprene (2-Methyl-1,3-butadiene),2-Butenyl,2-Butynyl,H2C=CH- Vinyl (Ethenyl) H2C=CH-CH2- Allyl(2-Propenyl),Cyclic hydrocarbons 在相同碳原子数的烷烃名称前面加“cyclo”(饱和单环化合物),Aromatic group,o-ortho, 邻位 m-meta, 间位 p-para, 对位,Phenyl,Ether (醚),Methy

7、l phenyl ether 茴香醚,甲基异丙醚 甲基丙醚 methyl i-propyl ether methyl n-propyl ether,Alcohol (phenol) (醇,苯酚),Suffix for principal group, OH: -ol,H3COH: methanol (methyl alcohol) H3C-CH2OH: Ethanol (Ethyl alcohol),Ketone(酮),Suffix : one,Aldehyde(醛),Suffixes: -al, aldehyde,The atom =O and the group OH on one and

8、 the same carbon atom are together denoted by a suffix “-oic” attached to the name of the parent aliphatic chain and the word “acid ”is added thereafter,Carboxylic Acids,“ane”“anoicacid”,Hexane Hexanoic acid,常见有机酸在英文中常用俗名,系统名称反而不被采用。,Systematic names Trivial Names Methanoic acid Formic acid (蚁酸) Eth

9、anoic acid Acetic acid (醋酸) Propanoic acid Propionicacid (初油酸) Butanoicacid Butyricacid (酪酸) 2-Methylpropanoic acid Isobutyricacid Pentanoicacid Valericacid (缬草酸) 3-Methylbutanoic acid Isovalericacid (异缬草酸) Hexanoicacid Caproicacid Dodecanoicacid Lauricacid (月桂酸) Tetradecanoicacid Myristicacid (肉豆蔻酸

10、) Hexadecanoicacid Palmiticacid (棕榈酸,软脂酸) Octadecanoicacid Stearicacid (硬脂酸),Systematic names Trivial Names Ethanedioic acid Oxalicacid (草酸) Propanedioic acid Malonicacid (胡萝卜酸) Butanedioic acid Succinicacid (琥珀酸) Hexanedioic acid Adipicacid (肥酸,凝脂酸) Propenoic acid Acrylic acid (丙烯酸) Propynoic acid

11、Propiolicacid (丙炔酸) cis-Butenedioic acid Maleicacid (马来酸) trans-Butenedioic acid Fumaricacid (富马酸) Benzenecarboxylic acid Benzoic acid (安息香酸) Benzenehexacarboxylic acid Melliticacid (蜜石酸) Furancarboxylic acid Furoicacid (糠酸),b.The group COOH is treated as a complete substituent, denoted by the endin

12、g, “carboxylic acid”, which includes the carbon atom of the carboxyl group. -COOH: “carboxylic acid”,Cyclohexanecarboxylic acid,Benzenecarboxylic acid; Benzoic acid,Di (tri)carboxylic acids,1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid; Phthalic acid lik,1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid; Terephthalic acid,1,3,5-Benzenet

13、ricarboxylic acid; Trimesic acid (苯均三酸),Acid anhydrides “acid”“anhydride” (CH3CO)2O : Acetic anhydride;,Propionicanhydride;,(C6H5CO)2O Benzoic anhydride (C6H11CO)2O Cyclohexanecarboxylic anhydride CH3CO-O-COCH2CH3 Ethanoicpropanoic anhydride,Ester (酯) The esters are named by the “yl/ate”method. Firs

14、t, the alcohol in the form of the hydrocarbon radical remaining after elimination of the OH-group is named, followed by the acid in its anion form. The procedure gives rise to a name of the form: radical + anion.,Alcohol (yl) + Acid (ate) (oicacid oate; icacid ate),CH3CH2CH2COOCH2CH3 Ethyl butanoate

15、,Phenyl acetate,Dimethyl 1,2-benzenedicarboxylate,Carboxylic acid amides (酰胺) “oicacid”“amide”; “icacid”“amide” “Carboxylic acid”“carboxamide”,Propanamide; propionamide,Formamide,Acetamide,聚合物的命名 (Nomenclature of Polymers) nomenclature 命名法,术语表 科技论文(尤其涉及公式推导较多的文章)中,所用代号,公式较多,常在文章最后附录(Appendix)中加上一节“N

16、omenclature”,即“术语表”;,聚合物的命名特点 (1) 不像无机或有机小分子有一套以其化学结构为基础的 系统命名方法; 目前:多种命名方法并存 a) 基于结构的命名方法(Structure-based); b) 基于其组成来源的命名方法(Source-based); c) 商品名及一些约定俗成的命名方法(Trade name and nonnames),SI单位制:发展趋势 聚合物命名:尽量避免使用商品名,以起到规范作用 (2)上述几种方法使用都有其局限性,任何一种方法都不能用于严格定义所有聚合物而不出现歧义 解决方法: 国际纯粹与应用化学协会IUPAC(International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry)提出一套命名原则(最早在1972年),



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