2018-2019版同步系列课堂讲义高中英语人教版必修一(通用)课件:unit 3 part ⅲ

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《2018-2019版同步系列课堂讲义高中英语人教版必修一(通用)课件:unit 3 part ⅲ 》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018-2019版同步系列课堂讲义高中英语人教版必修一(通用)课件:unit 3 part ⅲ (36页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Part Learning about Language & Using Language,.重点单词 1_ n&vt.预测;预报 2_ n小包;包裹 3_ n保险 4_ adj.顽固的;固执的 5_ n风景;视野;观点;见解 vt.观看;注视;考虑,forecast,parcel,insurance,stubborn,view,6_ n枕头;枕垫 7_ n午夜;子夜 8_ n火焰;光芒;热情 9_ prep.在下面 10_ n庙宇;寺庙 11_ n洞穴;地窖 12_ vi.(指液体)沸腾;(水)开boiling adj.沸腾的boiled adj.烧开的,13_ n羊毛;毛织品woolen

2、adj.羊毛(制)的;毛料的 14_ adj.可信赖的;可靠的rely vi.依赖;信赖,pillow,midnight,flame,beneath,temple,cave,boil,wool,reliable,.核心短语 1_ 屈服,投降 2_ 进展顺利 3_ 把切成两部分 4_ 把准备好 5_ 拿出 6fall off _ 7as usual _ 8put up _ 9at midnight _ 10for company _,give in,go like clockwork,cut.into two parts,get sth ready,take out,从降下,从跌落,照常,建造;

3、搭建,在午夜,陪伴,做伴,.经典句式 1A determined person always tries to finish the job,_.不管困难有多大,一个有决心的人总是尽力完成工作。 2Our legs were _they felt like blocks of ice.我们的腿又冷又沉,感觉就像大冰块。 3We _ them!我们迫不及待地想要见到他们!,no matter how hard it is,so heavy and cold that,can hardly wait to see,原文呈现,JOURNEY DOWN THE MEKONG PART 2 A NIGH

4、T IN THE MOUNTAINS Although it was autumn,the snow was already beginning to fall in Tibet.Our legs were so heavy and cold that they felt like blocks of ice.Have you ever seen snowmen ride bicycles?Thats what we looked like!Along the way children dressed in long wool coats stopped to look at us.In th

5、e late afternoon we found it was so cold that our water bottles froze.However,the lakes shone like glass in the setting sun and looked wonderful.Wang Wei,We will reach Dali in Yunnan Province soon,where our cousins Dao Wei and Yu Hang will join usWe can hardly wait to see them!,feel like感觉好像;想要 feel

6、 like (doing) sth想(做)某事 本句中so.that.“如此以至于”,引导结果状语从句。 see sb do sth看见某人做某事 see sb doing sth看见某人正在做某事,指动作正在进行。画线部分为“see宾语宾补”结构,其中宾语为snowmen,宾补为不带to的动词不定式短语。 此处为what引导的表语从句,what在从句中作宾语。,阅读清障,wool /wl/ n羊毛;毛织品 过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰children。 as usual照常 reliable /rIlaIbl/ adj.可信赖的;可靠的 encourage /InkrId/ vt.鼓励;支持

7、 view /vju/n.风景;视野;观点;见解 vt.观看;仔细察看 本句为but连接的并列句,前一分句中不定式短语作主语,谓语动词用单数was;后一分句中,as引导时间状语从句,表示“当时”。,find sb doing sth发现某人正在做某事 画线部分为“find宾语宾补”结构,宾语为ourselves,宾补为现在分词短语。 fun nU乐趣;享乐的事 for fun为了好玩 have fun玩得开心 yak /jk/ n牦牛 画线部分为“see宾语宾补”结构,其中宾语为many yaks and sheep,宾补为现在分词短语。 change.for.把换成,stop to do s

8、th停下来去做另一件事 stop doing sth停止正在做的事 put up搭建;竖立 pillow /pIl/ n枕头;枕垫 at midnight 在午夜 midnight /mIdnaIt/ n午夜;子夜 flame /fleIm/ n火焰;光芒;热情 for company 作为同伴 beneath /bIni/ prep.在下面 as引导时间状语从句,I thought.travelled为主句,其中how far引导的宾语从句作thought about的宾语。 此处where引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词Dali。,.True (T) or False (F) 1.When

9、 they arrived in Tibet,it was winter then. ( ) 2.Wang Wei was behind Wang Kun as usual. ( ) 3.When they reached a valley,it became warmer. ( ) 4.After supper,they started to make camp. ( ) 5.Wang Kun went to sleep and Wang Wei stayed awake. ( ),F,F,T,F,F,.Choose the best answer according to the text

10、. 1.The children dressed in long wool coats stopped to look at Wang Wei and Wang Kun because _,A.they were strangers B.they looked like snowmen C.they rode bicycles D.their legs were heavy and cold,答案 B,2By saying, “.we found ourselves cycling through clouds.” the writer meant _,A.they were at a ver

11、y high altitude B.the clouds were very low C.they could see clouds D.there were many clouds in Tibet,答案 A,3What did the writer and his sister NOT see along the Mekong River?,A.Colourful butterflies. B.Clouds cycling around them. C.Many yaks and sheep. D.Flowers on the green grass.,答案 D,4Where would

12、Wang Kun and Wang Wei meet Dao Wei and Yu Hang?,A.In Qinghai Province. B.In the Tibetan mountains. C.In Dali, Yunnan Province. D.In their college in Kunming.,答案 C,5Why did they change their clothes for T-shirts and shorts?,A.Because they were tired. B.Because the temperature in the valley was much h

13、igher. C.Because they wanted to sleep. D.Because they found it was not convenient (方便的) to ride a bike.,答案 B,1.boil vi.(指液体)沸腾;(水)开,This was even more exciting to see than the _ where the water seemed to boil.(教材P20) 比起沸水似的_,这(瀑布)看起来更令人兴奋。 boiled adj. 烧开的 boiling adj. 沸腾的,I stood in the kitchen,wait

14、ing for the water to boil. 我站在厨房,等着水烧开。 Id like to have some _ (boil) water. 我想喝点开水。 Dont have the _ (boil) water burn you. 不要让开水烫着你。,boiled,boiling,2.view n风景;视野;观点;见解 vt.观看;注视;考虑,To climb the mountains was hard work but as we looked around us,we were surprised by the view.(教材P22) 登山是辛苦的工作,但当我们环顾四周

15、时,却惊诧于周围的景色。 (1)in view of 考虑到;由于 come into view 看得见;进入视野 in ones view 在某人看来 (2)view.as. 把看作,_ the weather,the event will be held indoors. 由于天气的缘故,这项比赛将在室内进行。 He is helpful and honest and we all view him _ our friend. 他诚实且乐于助人,我们都把他看作是朋友。 A group of riders came _ view on the dirt road. 一群骑车的人出现在那条土路上。 名师点津 view常指从远处或高处或某个特定的角度看到的景象。,


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