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1、新版仁爱版九年级上册 unit1topic3 的知识点(1 1)课文讲解课文讲解SectionSection A A知识点:知识点: 2.很长时间_5.过去常常是_6.改善很多_7.几年前_8.过去_10.事实上_11.来参观一下_14.照顾_15.一个热心人_【探究案探究案】 一、在文中划出下面的句子并分析一、在文中划出下面的句子并分析1. How do you like living there? 同义句:同义句:What _?练习:练习:你认为长城怎么样?a._b._2. But I heard that the traffic there was terrible and almost

2、 everyone drove too fast.点拨:点拨:hear-听见+宾语,听说+宾语从句 拓展:拓展:hear of-听说 hear from-收到的来信思考:思考:2 句中的 heard 在此意思是_, 后面是 that 引导的_巩固:巩固:a. I have never heard of the singer from Africa. 译:译:_c. We havent heard from him for a long time. 译:译:_2) fast 表示“快”,侧重指速度方面。 如:如:a.She ran as fast as she could. 译:译:_b.You

3、 are reading too fast for me to follow. 译:译:_注意:注意:询问速度或表示钟表走得快等,通常用 fast3. You will get used to it very soon if you come. 译:译:_点拨:点拨:get(be) used to-习惯于,to 在这里是介词 区别:区别:used to-过去常常, to 在这里是不定式符号练习:练习:a.我们将很快习惯北京的生活。We _ soon _ _ _ the life _ _.b.他已经习惯步行上班了。He _ already _ _ _ _ to work.c.他过去常常开车上班。

4、He _ _ _ by car.4. They used to be, but the city has improved a lot since I came here a few years ago.译:译:_思考:思考:since 在句子中做_词,后面只能使用_时态二、填写二、填写 1c 的空格,分析现在完成时中的空格,分析现在完成时中 since 和和 for 用法的不同用法的不同for + _的时间;since + _的时间IV. 用用 for 和和 since 填空。填空。1. He has been here _ two hours. 2. The old man has liv

5、ed in the town _ 1993. 3. My father has been away _ two days. 4. Kate hasnt heard from him _ he left China. 5. I have known him _ he came to the city. SectionSection B B知识点:知识点: 二、二、 在文中找到并划出下面的短语在文中找到并划出下面的短语2.无家可归的人_3.数百人_9.给他们提供住处_10.对自己有信心_11.change for the better_13.多亏了这个节目_15.因为腿伤_ 【探究案探究案】一、读

6、一、读 2b,用,用 for 和和 since 填空并总结非延续性动词(短暂性动词)和延续性动词之间的转换规填空并总结非延续性动词(短暂性动词)和延续性动词之间的转换规律律a.die - be dead b.leave-_ e to-_ d.join-_ e.buy-_f.borrow-_ 拓展:拓展:a.finish - be over b.begin/start-be on c.get to/reach/arrive in-be in/at d.become-be练习:练习:2.Once they find people in need, they decide on suitable w

7、ays to help them. 译:译:_点拨:点拨:once - 一旦就(连词),引导时间状语从句,从句中用一般现在时表示将来点拨:点拨:in need - 在困难时,在贫困中 链接:链接:in trouble_ in danger_点拨:点拨:decide on - 决定,选定某事 链接:链接:decide (not) to do sth.-_3.The program also provides them with houses. 译:译:_点拨:点拨:provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb.- 给某人提供某物同义句转换同义句转换:Th

8、e program also _.练习:练习:a. 超市应该为我们提供各种健康食品。Supermarket should _ us _ _ _ healthy food.b. 120 必须为病人提供及时的救助。120 must _ help _ the patients _ _. 4. It trains them so that they can find jobs again. 译:译:_思考:思考:so that意思是_,引导_从句,同义词组同义词组是_ 练习:练习:They started early so that they could get there on time. 译:译:

9、_同义句转换同义句转换: _链接:链接:sothat意思是_,引导_从句,同义词组同义词组是: tooto 反义词组反义词组是: enough to练习:练习:a.The boy is so young that he cant look after himself.-_b.The film is so interesting that it makes us laugh.-_5. I think it is important for these people to feel good about themselves.译:译:_6. He has been away from the army for nine years because of a leg wound.译:译:_点拨:点拨:be away from-离开,不在某地(延续性) 区别:区别:leave-离开(短暂性) 点拨:点拨:because of-因为 (后跟原因状语) 区别:区别:because-因为 (后跟原因状语从句)1.It is famous for its success in helping homeless pe



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