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1、一、图表作文结构一、图表作文结构 第一段:描述图表第一段:描述图表1.1.引出图表引出图表2.2.描述图表大致内容描述图表大致内容3.3.具体描述图像具体描述图像 第二段:现象的原因产生第二段:现象的原因产生1.1.原因产生总起句原因产生总起句2.2.具体原因(原因具体原因(原因 1 1,原因,原因 2 2) 第三段:总结第三段:总结好的趋势好的趋势/ /坏的趋势坏的趋势二、万能模板二、万能模板 第一段:第一段:描述图表 1.引出图表:WhenWhen it it comescomes toto peoplespeoples concerningconcerning inin theirthe

2、ir leisureleisure time,ittime,it isis nothingnothing butbut anan interestinginteresting chartchart inin economists.economists. 2.描述图表的大致内容:TheThe graphgraph providesprovides somesome interestinginteresting datadata regardingregarding: . .(只能跟词语)ItIt isis quietquiet obviousobvious inin thethe chartch

3、art that:that: . .(只能跟句子)AsAs isis clearlyclearly shownshown inin thethe barbar chartchart : : . .(只能跟句子) 3.三句话具体描述图表:1.When1.When takingtaking a a closeclose looklook ,one,one cancan seesee thatthat : : . .2.To2.To bebe specific,specific, . .3.To3.To putput it it moremore precise,precise, . . *表示上升

4、和下降:例句:The proportion of the people who divorced went up from 2.5%in 1981 to 7.5% in 1991,rising further to 8% in 2001. 上升:上升:gogo upup , , increaseincrease , , soarsoar , , climbclimb , , surgesurge , , rocketrocket 下降:下降:gogo down,down, decrease,decrease, declinedecline ,drop,plunge,subside,drop,p


6、moderately,gradually,progressivelyadily,subtly,gently,moderately,gradually,progressively第二段:第二段:描述图片寓意:InIn effect,theeffect,the artistartist ofof cartooncartoon intendsintends toto drawdraw ourour attentionattention toto anan exceedinglyexceedingly prevalenceprevalence phenomenon:phenomenon: (句子或者短

7、语) ,whichwhich maybemaybe byby nono meansmeans soundsound strangestrange toto thethe majoritymajority ofof populationpopulation inin contemporarycontemporary society.society. WhatWhat accountaccount forfor thethe diaparity?diaparity?原因的铺垫:TheThe reasonreason areare tootoo numerousnumerous toto listl

8、ist oneone byby one,andone,and here,Ihere,I wouldwould likelike toto listlist thethe mostmost typicallytypically ones/ones/twotwo fundamentalfundamental factors,infactors,in mymy mind,couldmind,could accountaccount forfor thethe prevalenceprevalence ofof negativenegative socialsocial phenomenon.phen

9、omenon.具体原因的分析:InIn thethe firstfirst place,theplace,the socialsocial phenomenonphenomenon couldcould deemeddeemed asas a a consequenseconsequense ofof. .InIn thethe secondsecond place,theplace,the socialsocial phenomenonphenomenon mainlymainly stermssterms fromfrom ,which,which isis decisivedecisiv

10、e toto thethe prevalenceprevalence ofof thisthis negativenegative socialsocial phenomenon.phenomenon.第三段:第三段:解决措施If If wewe keepkeep turningturning a a blindblind eyeeye andand deafdeaf earear toto thisthis negetivenegetive socialsocial issue,itissue,it tendstends toto generategenerate severesevere consequences.consequences.It It isis imperativeimperative andand pressingpressing thatthat effectiveeffective measuresmeasures bebe adopted.adopted.


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