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1、四级考试讲座,1,大学英语四、六级考试备考策略,河南大学大学外语教学部 黄 勇 昌 2009-05-16,四级考试讲座,2,大学英语四、六级考试(College English Test,简称CET)是由国家教育部高等教育司主持的全国性教学考试; 全国英语四级考试每年举行两次,具体时间是1月(12月)、6 月的第三个周六上午9:0011:20; 没有合格与不合格之说,425分以上者可报名参加六级考试(故可认为此为及格分数线),425分以下者可再参加一次考试,550分以上者可报名参加口语考试 ,603分以上为优秀; 现在大学英语等级考试不再发布合格证书,改为成绩单的形式,上有你的照片、准考证号、

2、身份证号、以及你的听力、阅读、综合、作文等的各项得分,可更方便的看出你英语各方面的能力。,四级考试讲座,3,大纲对四级考试词汇的要求是:“领会式掌握4200单词(其中复用式掌握的单词为2500),以及由这些词构成的常用词组1600条(中学所掌握的词和词组均包括在内),并且有按照基本构词法识别生词的能力。”,四级考试讲座,4,前缀(prefix-) co- Co-existence Anti- Anti-war 拼缀法(blending) Smog= Smoke+fog,四级考试讲座,5,四、六级考试各部分测试内容、题型、时间和所占比例,四级考试讲座,6,四级考试单项分的报道共分为四个部分: 1

3、.听力(35%):249分 2.阅读(35%):249分 3.完型填空或改错(10%):70分 4.作文和翻译(20%):142分 各单项分相加之和等于总分(710分) 及格分:425分,四级考试讲座,7,一、写作,(一)评分原则 1. 总体评分法 2. 兼顾内容与语言 3. 定档给分(2, 5, 8, 10, 11, 14) (二)答题启示 1. 注意文章给读者的第一印象 2. 注重文章内容的丰富性 3. 注重文章中语言的准确性和连贯性,四级考试讲座,8,It pays to be honest With the development of modern economic and indu

4、stry, competitive is becoming more and more obvious. At the same time, the performance of dishonest is becoming more and more clearly. Nowadays, there are many examples around us show many people are cheated. For examples, some people found that he saled goods had past the preservation date. Not thr

5、ow them away, they revised the preservation date, and saled them again. However, in order to sale at a high price, the salers would say they were made from cow.,四级考试讲座,9,From the above, we can see that dishonest does not only harm to yourselves but also harm to others. And it no use only realize tha

6、t the harmness of dishonest.,四级考试讲座,10,(三)命题趋势: 2001年1月以前: 说明文、论说文为主,少有应用文 2001年6月-2007年6月: 应用文为主(书信、演讲词、海报告示) 说明文、论说文、记叙文为辅 2007年12月以来及未来趋势: 时效性强的论说文、 与学生生活及未来就业有关的应用文(如 求职函、投诉函及对投诉函的回信等),四级考试讲座,11,(四) 写作策略: 1) 认真审题 审请题目、关键词、段首句、题纲、提示、图表; 确定主题、明确范围、选定素材、抓住重点; 2) 列出提纲、深刻思考、打好腹稿、抓住要点、准备例证 3) 正确表达 选择正

7、确的文体与格式 选择准确地道的表达方式:句型多样化;上下文逻辑连 贯;语法、拼写、措辞准确多变; 4) 修改校对:语法、拼写、标点、措辞 5) 把握时间: 1)、2)步:3-5分钟; 3)步: 20-25分钟; 4)步: 3-5分钟,四级考试讲座,12,It Pays to Be Honest (2003.1 四、六级作文题),四级考试讲座,13,1.当前社会上存在许多不诚实的现象。 2.诚实利人利己,做人应该诚实。,四级考试讲座,14,1.审题 在写作之前,考生首先要正确理解 It Pays to Be Honest 的含义,“即诚实有益”。 2.列出提纲 这是一篇典型的观点论证型文章,可根

8、据提纲将文章分为三个部分: 1)(第一段)阐述观点及存在的问题; 2)(第二段)针对这一观点从正反两方面列出论据、举出具体例子来论证这一观点; 3)(第三段)重申诚实利人利己,做人应该诚实。,四级考试讲座,15,People share a firm belief that it pays to be honest. However, it is nothing new for us to find dishonesty in our society. For example, some students cheat in the exams and some businessmen sell

9、 fake product to their consumers. There is no doubt that honesty benefits both person and others. For one thing, being honest is an essential requirement to be an upright man. For another, only with honesty can we win the respects and friendship. Many examples can be found to prove the benefits. For

10、 example, George Washington,四级考试讲座,16,was forgiven and praised by his father after his admission of cutting the cherry tree, With the virtue and others, he was later elected President of the U.S. On the contrary, the deviation from honesty would be harmful. People who always tell lies would be disca

11、rded by others some day. Those who sell fake products may make money at first, but once consumers find the truth, they will not buy their products any more. As a result, they will lose their fortune or even be sent to prison.,四级考试讲座,17,All mentioned above tells us honesty is always seen as an import

12、ant virtue of the human character. Those honest people will be rewarded in the long run. So as the saying goes,“ Honesty is the best policy. ”,四级考试讲座,18,需要注意的问题如下:,四级考试讲座,19,一、常见错误: 1. 搭配错误: What is your attitude for the proposal? Mary is strong at English but weak at chemistry. He has neither an ea

13、r of music nor an eye of paintings. The teacher was annoyed at him when he made the same mistake again. The bell rang, but nobody received the phone. The boss opened a check and asked me to cash it.,四级考试讲座,20,2.避免不必要的重复: 1)School resumed again on September 15. 2) We must cooperate together if we wis

14、h to succeed. 3) I shall tell him the news when he returns back. 3. 句子的统一性:指的是每个句子,无论长短,只能有一个中心思想或语义核心,这样才能清楚地表达思想. I was walking in the park yesterday morning and saw a snake. =(1) I was walking in the park yesterday morning when I saw a snake. =(2) When I was walking , I saw a snake.,四级考试讲座,21,4.句

15、子的连贯性: 指的是句中各部分之间关系应该既清楚又正确。 1) A man is not only judged by what he says but also by his deeds. 2) She told my sister that she was excellent. 5.句子的简洁性: In my opinion, I think your plan is not feasible. 6.避免中式英语: 1)His body is very healthy. 2) Were difficult to finish all the work tonight. 3) He is m

16、uch better after the operation. He is no longer dangerous.,四级考试讲座,22,4) Recently she doesnt study hard. All day she talks love. 7. 避免残缺句: 1)How to work the machine? 2) He staggered along the trail. Without taking a rest or eating anything. 8.避免逗号错接句: 1)She cleaned the room, he prepared the lunch. 2)

17、 Some people have a lot money, however, they are not happy.,四级考试讲座,23,9. 避免非逻辑句子: 1) Parents always have confidence and ambition for their children. 2) The government has already and will continue to make every effort to solve the problem. 10.避免修饰语错位: He wanted a cold glass of water. 11.平行结构错误 1)When I was young, I liked to swim, playing tennis, and riding.,



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