2018-2019版同步系列课堂讲义高中英语北师大版(通用版)必修一课件:unit 1 part ⅴ

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《2018-2019版同步系列课堂讲义高中英语北师大版(通用版)必修一课件:unit 1 part ⅴ 》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018-2019版同步系列课堂讲义高中英语北师大版(通用版)必修一课件:unit 1 part ⅴ (31页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Part Communication Workshop,Culture Corner & Bulletin Board,.重点单词 1. n.调查 2. adj.正式的;合礼仪的 3. n.风格;作风 4. vt.招待,侍候;服务service n.服务;服务机构servant n.佣人,雇工 5. n.场合,时机occasional adj.偶尔的,偶然的 6. adj.古典的classic n.文学名著,经典作品 7. vi.骑自行车cyclist n.骑自行车的人,survey,formal,style,serve,occasion,classical,cycle,.核心短语 1. 此刻

2、,目前 2. 数年间 3. 结果 4. 想出(计划,主意等) 5.play a part (in) 6.make a difference 7.be popular with 8.look forward to,at the moment,over the years,as a result,come up with,(在中)起作用,产生差别;有影响,受的欢迎,盼望,.经典句式 1.Do you like collecting things? ,what?,你喜欢收集东西吗?如果喜欢,喜欢收集什么?,2.In order to ,fine china cups and plates,and.w

3、ere used.,为了使下午餐显得重要,漂亮的瓷器茶杯和盘子都被用上了。,3.Merchants and bankers went to coffeehouses to do their business, to drink coffee.,商人和银行家去咖啡馆边谈生意,边喝咖啡。,If so,make this afternoon meal important,as well as,词根词缀 1.form(形式)alformal (正式的;合礼仪的) 2.前缀:mini-(微型的,超短的) miniskirt(裙子)mini-skirt (迷你裙,超短裙),1.anyway adv.无论如

4、何,Anyway,how are you?(教材P16) 无论如何,你好吗? (1)(转换话题、结束谈话或回到原话题时说)不过,总之,反正,相当于anyhow。 Anyway,lets forget about that for the moment. 总之,咱们暂时忘记那件事吧。 Anyway,Id better go nowI will see you tomorrow. 不过,我最好现在走明天见。,(2)尽管,即使这样 The water was cold but I took a shower . 水很冷,不过我还是洗了个淋浴。 (3)而且,加之,反正 Its too expensiv

5、e and anyway the colour doesnt suit you. 这个太贵,而且颜色也不适合你。,anyway,名师点津 (1)anyway含义较多,常结合具体语境来翻译。 (2)anyway常用于口语中,比如表达“无论如何,还是谢谢你”时用thanks anyway。 Can I give you a lift? No, . 我能开车送你一程吗? 不用了,无论如何,还是谢谢你。,thanks anyway,2.serve v.提供(食物),端上(饭菜);服务;接待;服役;对有用,This meal included cakes and sandwiches,and tea w

6、as served to wash down the food.(教材P18) 这顿饭包括蛋糕和三明治,还要上茶冲冲吃的东西。 (1)serve sb with sth 向某人提供某物,用某物招待某人 serve sth to sb 用某物招待某人 serve as 可用作;担任;作为 (2)service n. 服务 at sbs service 愿为某人效劳,听候某人的吩咐,Breakfast is served between 7 and 10 am. 从7点到10点供应早餐。 They served a wonderful meal more than fifty delegates.

7、 他们招待五十多位代表吃了一餐美味佳肴。 Food a form of communication in two fundamental ways. 食物以两种基本形式充当一种交际方式。,to,serves as,1.at the moment 此刻,目前,At the moment Im studying medicine at a university.(教材P16) 目前,我在一个大学学习医学。 (1)in a moment 不久,立刻 for a moment 片刻,一会儿 for the moment 暂时,目前 (2)the moment 一就,I really must be g

8、etting home . 我真的必须立即回家。 Could I borrow your English dictionary ,please? 我能否借用一会儿你的英语词典? we are willing to watch and wait. 目前我们愿意观察和等待。 I found myself in an entirely new world I arrived in Beijing. 我一到北京就感到耳目一新。,in a moment,for a moment,For the moment,the moment,2.as a result 因此,结果,As a result,peopl

9、e often got very hungry during the long wait between these two meals.(教材P18) 因此,在早晚两顿饭之间的漫长等待过程中,人们时常感到饥饿。 (1)as a result of 由于 without result 毫无结果地,徒劳地 (2)result in 结果是,导致 result from 因为,源自,The traffic was very heavy and as a result I arrived late. 交通十分拥挤,结果我迟到了。 He was often late for work. ,he was

10、 fired. 他经常上班迟到。结果,他被解雇了。 his hard work,he got a pay rise. 由于他工作勤奋,所以他工资增加了。 Bobs failing to pass the exam resulted his laziness in study. Bobs laziness in study resulted his failing to pass the exam. 鲍勃没能通过考试起因于他在学习上的懒惰。,As a result,As a result of,from,in,辨析比较 as a result/as a result of,图形助记,e up w

11、ith 想出,提出(计划、办法),To solve this problem,the Duchess came up with the clever idea of inviting some friends to join her for an afternoon meal between four and five oclock.(教材P18) 为解决这个问题,公爵夫人想出了个好办法:在下午四点到五点之间,邀请一些朋友到她那里吃下午餐。 come up 上来;走上前;被提出 come up to 走向 come about 发生 come across (偶然)碰到 come out 出版

12、,发行,He of going first to the West Lake and then to Mount Huang. 他提出先去西湖,然后去黄山这个好主意。 The question of getting new uniforms came at the meeting. 制作新制服的问题在会上被提出来了。 My first novel came while I was at college. 上大学时我的第一本小说出版了。,came up with the good idea,up,out,名师点津 (1)come up with意为“提出”时,其同义词组为put forward,

13、两者的主语均为人,后跟提出的内容。但put forward可用于被动语态,come up with不可用于被动语态。 A suitable solution has already been put forward by the manager. The manager has already a suitable solution. 经理已经提出了一个合适的解决方法。 (2)come up意为“被提及”,其主语通常为物,即所提出的内容,不能用于被动语态。 The housing problems at the meeting once again. 住房问题又在会上被提了出来。,come u

14、p with,came up,1.In order to make this afternoon meal important,fine china cups and plates,and.were used.(教材P18),为了使下午餐显得重要,漂亮的瓷器茶杯和盘子都被用上了。 (1)make后跟复合宾语。宾语部分由名词或代词组成,宾语补足语部分可由名词、形容词、分词或不定式充当,表示“使某人/某物”。 (2)make后面接动词不定式作宾补时,表示“使某人做某事”,含有强制的意思;不定式不带to,但用于被动语态时,不定式前必须带to,即“sb be made to do sth”。,His

15、crazy ideas made him the target of their jokes. 他的古怪使他成为他们取笑的对象。 She said my smile just like the sunshine could expel the dark clouds and . 她说,我的笑容就像阳光可以驱赶乌云,并使她快乐。 She their hands before eating. 她要孩子们在吃东西前洗手。 His fathers death made him (leave) school. He was made (leave) school by his fathers death. 他父亲的去世使他不得不辍学。,



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