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1、慢性前列腺炎(CP/CPPS) 与性功能障碍(SD),前列腺炎分类,I. Acute bacterial prostatitis II. Chronic bacterial prostatitis III. Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndromeA. InflammatoryB. Noninflammatory IV. Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis,acute bacterial prostatitis,Acute symptoms of a urinary tract infection,

2、 characteristically including urinary frequency and dysuria. Some patients have symptoms suggestive of systemic infection, such as malaise, fever, and myalgias,chronic bacterial prostatitis,Recurrent episodes of bacterial urinary tract infection caused by the same organism lower urinary tract cultur

3、es can be used to document an infected prostate gland Acute and chronic bacterial prostatitis represent the best understood, but least common, prostatitis syndromes.,CP/CPPS,1、发病率高:前列腺炎样症状(2%,8.2%)50的男性有过前列腺炎 2、症状复杂:前列腺痛症状排尿症状性功能障碍症状(包括性欲 减退、勃起功能障碍和早泄) 3、处理棘手(病人不满意)Prostatitis in chinese men,Chao-Zh

4、ao Liang,Hong-jun Li, et al.Asian J Adrology 2009,153-156,CP/CPPS的诊断,1、慢性前列腺炎症状指数(chronic prostatitis symptom index,CPSI),可以用来研究前列腺炎的三个重要症状 疼痛(部位、严重性和频度)、排尿异常(排尿刺激症状和阻塞症状)和对生活质量的影响 2、总分43分,大于12分有诊断意义。,CP/CPPS临床判断,WBC不能作为依据WBC 与症状不平行严重程度不平行不能作为疗效评价的依据CPSI改善超过4分表示有效,IV型前列腺炎,无症状前列腺炎(偶然发现) 多数无须治疗 影响到生育时

5、需要治疗,CP/CPPS与性功能障碍(SD),CP/CPPS患者SD发病率高 射精痛为56,性欲减退为66 勃起障碍17-48%早泄14-50,CP/CPPS与SD的关系,方法:用NIH-CPSI和IIEF-5评价296例CP/CPPS 结果:72.3% ( 214) 有SD其中ED占 25.0% (54例) ,射精障碍33.4% (71例) , ED+射精障碍占41.6% ( 89例) 伴有SD者,其症状更重,生活质量更差 结论:SD可作为评价CP/CPPS的一个重要指标 Adverse Impact of Sexual Dysfunction in Chronic Prostatitis/

6、Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome Shaun Wen Huey Lee, Men Long Liong, Kah Hay Yuen, Wing Seng Leong, Phaik Yeong Cheah, Nurzalina Abdul Karim Khan, and John N. Krieger UROLOGY 71: 7984, 2008.,CP/CPPS与SD的关系,目的:评价CP/CPPS的性功能(自我评价量表) 方法:72 CP/CPPS和98例正常对照 结果:CP患者性欲望、性唤起和性交频度明显下降 勃起功能下降,高潮次数减少性交时生殖道疼 痛的比率显著升

7、高 结论:疼痛、抑郁和紧张的程度增加与性活动的频度、 性唤起和勃起功能以及获得高潮的能力成反比The association between sexual function, pain, and psychological adaptation of men diagnosed with chronic pelvic pain syndrome type III.Aubin S, Berger RE, Herman JR, and Ciol MA. J Sex Med 2008;5:657667.,CP/CPPS与SD的关系,目的:CP/CPPS中ED发生的频率 方法:285例填写NIH-CP

8、SI和 IPSS 结果:ED频率随NIH-CPSI和 IPSS评分增高而增加II型和III型CP之间,ED发生率无明显差异出现血精和早泄时,ED的风险增加4倍结论:ED和CP之间可能受到器质性因素的调节Magri V,Perletti G,Montannari E, Marras E. Chronic prostatitis and erectile dysfunction: result from a cross-sectional study. Arch Ital Urol Androl.2008.Dec;80(4):172-5.,早泄(PE)者CP发病率高,目的:评价PE患者CP发病率

9、方法:153例PE,100例对照 结果:64%为CP(WBC10)52%为细菌性 结论:PE中CP发病率高,PE者应行前列腺 的排查Rany Shangloul,et al. Chronic Prostatitis In Premature Ejaculation:A Cohort Study Of 153 Men. J sex med.153-157.,细菌性CP继发早泄(APE)的抗菌素治疗,方法:145例APE, 94例(64.8%)为细菌性前列腺炎74例抗菌素治疗4 周,20例对照74例抗菌素治疗后,全部培养阴性 结果: 83.9%(62例)射精潜伏期和控制射精的能力得到改善对照组两项

10、均无改善 结论:细菌性CP的抗菌素治疗,可以延长射精潜伏期,改善 患者对射精的控制Antibiotic treatment can delay ejaculation in patients with premature ejaculation and chronic bacterial prostatitis. El-Nashaar A, and Shamloul R. J Sex Med 2007;4:491496.,适度射精频度对CP有利,方法:34例单身男性CP,宗教信仰或个 人原因不手淫或性交,多烯环素无效鼓励每周手淫至少2次,共6周随访28例,其中18规律排精结果:症状完全改善2例

11、(11%),显著改善 6例(33%),部分改善6例,无效4(22%)3例手淫频度低者症状部分改善3例除梦遗以外没有射精者,无改善 结论:正常的性交可以降低NBP的发病率。Role of ejaculation in the treatment of chronic non-bacterial prostatitis. Yavascaoqlu I, Oktay B, Simsek U, Ozyurt M. Int J Urol.,过度性生活与CP,频繁射精(性生活过度)前列腺水肿乳酸和自由基产生增加、堆积前列腺炎Frequent ejaculation associated free radic

12、al and lactic acid accumulation cause noninfectious inflammation and muscle dysfunction: A potential mechanism for symptoms in Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome Hongying Peng a, Qi Chen b, Yi Tan.Medical Hypotheses.,结 论,1、CP者SD发病率高 2、SD患者其CP发病率较高3、治疗CP有助于SD改善 4、适度性生活可改善CP症状,前列腺炎与不育,谢谢,


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