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1、高考英语全国卷 2 词汇积累阅读 A 暑期活动阅读 B 水果甜品1. indicate v. 表明;指出 2. finalise v. (把计划旅行等)最后定下来 3. approved adj. 认可的;核准的 4. canoe n./v 独木舟 5. overnight n./adv. 通宵 6. see v. 目睹,为.所发生的时间 7. crafty adj. 狡猾的; 灵巧的 8. textile n. 纺织品 9. cushion n. 垫子 10. location n. 外景拍摄地 11. head v. 朝.行进 12. comfort zone 舒适区 13. centre

2、 around 以.为中心;集中于1. berry n. 浆果 2. stone fruit 核果类水果 3. jewel 受珍视的人或物 4. squeeze v. 挤出 5. fruit shake n. 奶昔 6. juicer n. 榨汁机 7. brochure n. 小册子 8. powerhouse n. 精力充沛的人 9. in abundance 大量,充裕C 青少年阅读D 闲谈的益处1. decline v. 下降;拒绝 2. steep adj. 陡峭的;急剧的 3. respectively adv. 分别地;各自 4. session n. 会议;学年 5. prop

3、ortion n. 比例 6. counsel n./v. 法律顾问;建议 7. tablet n. 药片;平板电脑 8. loom v. 逼近 9. step in 介入;干涉 10. serve as 充当;担当 11. set aside 留出;腾出 12. when it comes to (doing) sth 当涉及(做)某事 时1. compromise v. 妥协;让步 2. dismiss v. 解雇; dismiss sth as 认为某物而不予考虑 3. well-being 幸福 4. a sense of belonging 归属感 5. bond 联系;纽带 6.

4、appropriate adj. 合适的 inappropriate 不合适的 7. reach out to sb 对某人感兴趣; 愿意提供援助 8. seek out 找出;物色 9. conversational intelligence 交谈能力七选五、语法填空完形填空1. productivity n. 效率;生产力 2. energize v. 使充满活力 3. additional 额外的;附加的 4. work out 锻炼身体; 解决 5. head start 领先;起步前的优势 6. switch n/v 开关; 转换 7. consumption n. 消费;消耗 8.

5、 reservoir n. 水库 9. recommendation 推荐 10. emission 排放 11. policymaker 政策制定者1.violently adv.剧烈地; 2.coincidence n.巧合 3.be bathed in sunshine 沐浴在阳光中 4.be supposed to 应该做某事 5.link arms with sb 与某人挽臂 6.meet up 见面 7.in advance 提前 8.in question 正被讨论的 9.happen to do sth 碰巧做某事 10. occur to (主意或想法)被想起 11. app

6、ly to 应用于 12. sort n. 种类 13. account for 解释; 占.比例 14. be willing to do sth 情愿做某事12. appeal to 呼吁;吸引 13. for sure 无疑;肯定书面表达 NoticeThere is a short English film this weekend. In order to learn more about the development of our school, all the students are welcome to watch the short film Growing Togeth

7、er, which is a documentary on the history of our school. Produced by our teachers and us senior students, it reflects years of hard work. If you are curious about the history of our school or concerned about its future, you mustnt miss this excellent opportunity! We encourage any kind of feedback on the film from our viewers.It will show in Room 1, First Teaching Building, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., June 10, Sunday.We are looking forward to your participation.Student Union


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