初中英语九年级下册module 5 《language points》课件

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1、外研新标准 初三下,Rules and suggestions,Module 5,Language Points课时是对Reading课时的补充。帮助学生巩固课文重点词汇、短语和句型的用法,进一步扎实基础知识。教师可根据学生预习情况选择性讲解。(词汇的释义和用法,建议引导学生自行查找字典等相关资料来学习,以培养其自主学习能力。)词汇讲解,建议采用归纳法,先尽可能多的呈现一些相关例句,或让学生从已学课文中查找相应例句,引导学生试着从所观察到的语言现象中总结出词汇的意思和用法。,Objective of Unit 1:,suggestion keep together need 其他情态动词 ke

2、ep 短语,To learn to use the expressions below.,Unit 1,Language points,1. Before we can enjoy ourselves on the Great Wall, there are a few rules and suggestions.在我们尽情游览长城之前,我要先讲几条纪律和建议。当表示“建议”时,suggestion常用作可数名词。advice也可表示“建议”,但它是不可数名词。如:Please give me some advice.,2. And you have to keep together. 你们必

3、须保持在一起。keep together意为“在一起; 协同一致”。如:The teacher told the students to keep together and not to be lost in the woods. 老师让同学们待在一起,不要在树林里迷了路。The eight girls kept together during the boat race. 赛船时,八个女孩协同一致。,3. I may need a rest very soon. 我可能很快就需要休息一下。句中的need为实义动词, 意为“需要”, 其后可跟名词、代词、带to的动词不定式等。它也可以用作情态动

4、词, 后面必须跟动词原形。如:I need to arrive at the bus stop before 6:00. 我需要在六点之前到达公共汽车站。You neednt bring your camera here. 你不必把相机带来。,4. 本文出现的情态动词有:can, cant, may, might, have to, must, mustnt, should, shouldnt 具体用法请参考本模块Unit 3。,Tips for teacher,Let the word fly 板块是帮助学生学 习一些一词多义、熟词生义的词汇。 通过此环节,学生可以对一些常见 词的用法、意思

5、有一个透彻的了解。,Let the word fly,1. keep to 沿着走 You must keep to the path. 你必须沿着小路走。 2. keep up with 跟上 They walked so fast that I could not keep up with them. 他们走得那么快, 我没法跟上。 3. keep in mind 记住; 牢记Keep in mind that youth is not eternal.记住,青春不是永久的。,4. keep in touch 保持联系 Please keep in touch with me. 请与我保持

6、联系。 5. keep ones head 保持镇静 You need to keep your head. 你应该保持镇静。 6. keep away (使)远离Would you keep your dog away from my boy, please? 请让狗离我孩子远点好吗?,1. 政府应时刻为人民利益着想。The government should always _ the peoples interest _ _. 2. 你不能通过看电视真正地跟上世界事务。 You cant _ _ _ world affairsby watching television.,keep,in

7、mind,keep up with,根据所给中文完成句子。,3. 手机不用时,将它放到远离身体的地方。 _ your phone _ from your body when you are not using it. 4. 怀特先生在任何情况下都能保持镇静,从不惊慌。Mr. White can _ _ _ in any emergency, he is never likely to panic.,Keep,keep his head,away,keep to keep in mind keep up with keep away keep ones head keep in touch,沿着

8、走 记住,放在心里 跟上,不落后于 (使)远离, 不接近 保持镇静 保持联系,试着翻译下面的英文,注意单词keep的用法。,Exercises,注: word 文档 点击此处链接,. 单项选择。Last year I _ drive. I used to take the bus. A. could B. couldnt C. should D. shouldnt 2. _ I try on those shoes in the window? _. They are just on show. A. Could; Yes, you can B. Can; Sorry, you couldnt

9、C. Could; Sorry, you cant D. Can; Yes, you could,3. Have you decided which senior high school to choose? Not yet. I _ go to Moonlight School. A. must B. may C. need D. should 4. Look! A book is on the floor. Whose is it? It _ be Ricks. It has his name on it. A. mustnt B. cant C. must D. need,. 根据汉语意

10、思完成句子(每空一词)。 1. 中午我们吃了野餐。_ we had our picnic. 2. 我对这里也不熟悉,找个向导领路吧。Im also a stranger here. Find a guide to _. 3. 攀岩是一项危险的运动。_ is a dangerous sport.,At noon,lead the way,Rock climbing,. 翻译句子。 1. 王叔叔告诉孩子们要团结一致。_ 2. 对于公园未来的规划我有很多提议。_ 3. 你能给我从冰箱里拿点饮料吗? _,Uncle Wang told the children to keep together.,I

11、have lots of suggestions on the parks future.,Can you get me something to drink from the fridge?,Objective of Unit 2:,watch out the three of us fall asleep tidy up 不定代词+adj./to do remember reach out go+adj. every time,To learn to use the expressions below.,Unit 2,Language points,Watch out! Bears abo

12、ut!当心!附近有熊!watch out意为“注意;当心;留神”,后接宾语时加介词for。如:Watch out for your steps when skating on the lake.,2. the three of us were tired after walking for about eight hours.我们三个人都累了,因为我们已经步行了约八个小时。,the 用在数词前, 表示特指。,the three of us 指的是“我们三个人” (一共就三个人); three of us指的是“我们中的三个人” (不止三个人),There are eight people in

13、 the team. The eight of them will have dinner together tonight. 队里有八个人。他们八个今晚一起吃饭。 There are 10 people in the library and eight of them are women.办公室有十个人,有八个是女的。,3. We soon fell asleep. 我们很快就睡着了。fall asleep: 入睡,睡着。同义词组辨析:go to bed; go to sleep;fall asleep; be asleep 1)与go to bed相对的是get up,强调从 脱去衣服至到

14、床上的这一动作,意为“去睡觉”。,2)go to sleep, fall asleep用法基本相同,指的都是“入睡;睡着”,强调从未睡着到睡着了这一状态的变化。go to sleep是自然入睡的动作;fall asleep是系表结构, 含有突然或偶然“入睡”的意义。He went to sleep / fell asleep as soon as he lay down. 他一躺下就睡着了。,3)与be asleep相对的是be awake(醒着的),是系表结构,表示延续性动作, 强调进入睡眠的状态。We should be quiet when the baby is asleep. 婴儿睡

15、觉时,我们应保持安静。,4. Lets tidy the site up, and move on.tidy . up 把打扫干净 move on 继续前进 5. we fell asleep listening to the sound of water. 听着潺潺的流水声,我们进入了梦想。 本句中的listening to the sound of water为现在分词短语,在句中作伴随状语,其特点是:它所表达的动作或状态是伴随着句子谓语动词的动作或状态而发生或存在的。,6. The next day we stopped at midday for something to eat 第二天中午我们停下来吃些东西。修饰不定代词something, nothing, anything, somebody, nobody 的形容词和动词不定式要放在代词后面。如:Can you give me something useful? 7. He looked so friendly and I remember thinking, 他看上去那么友好,当时我想,


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